发现几段移动开发的"How Do I?" 视频,包括如何配置Merge Replication、改善数据访问性能和创建网络连接。简单看了一下觉得不错,推荐给大家!

"How Do I?" Videos for Devices

Get videos designed for all .NET Compact Framework developers, from the novice to the professional. If you are new to the .NET Compact Framework, you can learn the basics of how to create applications for devices, using either Visual Basic or C#.

How Do I: Merge Replication for Windows Mobile Device Access? (Part 1)
In this video, Jim Wilson demonstrates how to set up Merge Replication for use with Windows Mobile Devices. In Part 1 of this two-part series, we will learn how to set up SQL Server publication.

Presented by Jim Wilson on June 26, 2007

How Do I: Merge Replication for Windows Mobile Device Access? (Part 2)

In this video, Jim Wilson demonstrates how to set up Merge Replication for use with Windows Mobile Devices. In Part 2 of this two-part series, we will learn how to take an existing merge replication publication and make it available for users to sync with their mobile devices over the Internet.

Presented by Jim Wilson on June 26, 2007
Length: 17 minute 37 seconds

How Do I: Improve Data Performance using Visual Studio 2005?
In this video, Jim Wilson demonstrates how to improve data performance in mobile devices using Visual Studio 2005.

Presented by Jim Wilson on June 19, 2007

How Do I: Do Data Connection Management?
In this video, Jim Wilson demonstrates how to use Connection Manager to establish a data connection from a Windows mobile application.

Presented by Jim Wilson on June 19, 2007
Duration: 13 minutes, 29 seconds

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