VMware Cloud Director Availability™ 4.0 | 2 JUN 2020 | Build 16295568



VMware Cloud Director Availability 是一款功能强大的解决方案,旨在“向”多租户 VMware 云环境或在这些云环境“之间”提供简单、安全且经济高效的纳管迁移灾难恢复服务




实现基于熟悉工具而构建的一致管理功能,该管理方式综合了以前三个解决方案的功能:vCloud Availability for VMware Cloud Director 2.0、vCloud Availability Cloud-to-Cloud DR 1.5 和 VMware Cloud Director Extender 1.1。简单性则得益于现代化的 HTML-5 界面、与 VMware Cloud Director 的原生集成、新的快速设备部署模式以及面向租户和服务提供商的单个基于角色的访问控制 (RBAC) 门户。


从基于订阅且价格具有竞争力的解决方案中受益,该解决方案设计的核心功能可最大限度降低成本,而紧密集成则可降低运维开销。通过源自 VMware vSphere Replication 的存储独立性、租户自助式保护、故障转移和故障恢复工作流以及基于虚拟机或 vApp 的精细控制,可提高灵活性并提供更具吸引力的经济效益。


作为 VMware Cloud Provider 平台的一部分,VMware vCloud Availability 经过全新设计,极大地简化了云环境的纳管,实现了经济高效的可用性和恢复能力,并为云服务提供商及其终端客户提供安全运维。该解决方案与 VMware Cloud Director 紧密集成,可为基于 VMware Cloud Director 的云环境提供灾难恢复、纳管和迁移功能。


由于具备 VMware 软件体系的内置安全性,包括对静态数据和动态数据的加密,因此用户可以自信地部署安全解决方案。此外,该解决方案还提供对复制流量的内置压缩以及端到端 TLS 加密。


VMware Cloud Director Availability 4.0 introduces the following new features:

  • Storage reporting: VMware Cloud Director Availability now shows the disk space used by each virtual machine replication and aggregates the disk usage information per organization. You can monitor the disk usage for every replication in all directions. You can also monitor the disk usage for every organization.
  • Event notifications: You can now monitor the event notifications that VMware Cloud Director Availability generates either by using a syslog server or in VMware Cloud Director by monitoring the VMware Cloud Director Availability events.
  • Bandwidth throttling: You can now configure a limit for the replication data traffic from the on-premises to cloud sites. You can also set a global limit in VMware Cloud Director Availability for the total incoming replication traffic from all cloud sites.
  • Public API enhancements for tenant onboarding, storage, network, and usage reporting: VMware Cloud Director Availability now provides public APIs that help to onboard tenants, see the storage usage, the network settings, and the compute resource usage of the replications.
  • Multi-NIC support: After completing a VMware Cloud Director Availability appliance deployment, you can now modify the network settings of the appliance by using the appliance management interface that now supports multiple Network Interface Cards (NICs).
  • SLA profiles: You can now define and control the following Service Level Agreement (SLA) replications settings: Recovery Point Objective (RPO), retention policy for the point-in-time instances, quiescing, compression, and initial synchronization time by using SLA profiles that can be assigned to organizations.
  • Improved user interface for a better usability and efficiency: VMware Cloud Director Availability now provides easier replication management and overview of the tasks by simplifying the management interface.
  • Resource requirements: VMware Cloud Director Availability now shows the compute resource requirements of the replications that are required on a failover. This information provides the required destination capacity, the virtual CPU, and memory resources to fail over the protected workloads successfully to the destination site.
  • Live disk resizing in vSphere 7.0: In the source site with vCenter Server 7.0 and ESXi 7.0, when resizing the disk of the source virtual machine, VMware Cloud Director Availability now automatically resizes the protected virtual machine disk in the destination site, running any supported vSphere version. The existing replication instances are retained. Failover and Test Failover are supported from any instance, before and after the disk resizing. Until the replication instances before the resizing expire, the replica files continue to take the additional storage space. To save the storage space, you can remove the old replication instances or change the retention policy.
  • Stored instances: To restore a workload to a previous state, you can use point-in-time or stored instances. To avoid the automatic retention of point-in-time instances, now you can store particular point-in-time instances. The stored instances do not change and you can use them to recover the workload to the stored instance, regardless of the overall retention period of the point-in-time instances.
  • VMware Cloud Director context-menu integration: Protected vApps and virtual machines now have a protection indicator badge in the interface of VMware Cloud Director. The protection badge is visible to providers in VMware Cloud Director with VMware Cloud Director Availability 4.0 in the source and in the destination cloud site. Also, you can now use a VMware Cloud Director Availability context menu for the vApps and virtual machines directly from the VMware Cloud Director interface. The context menu allows you to start a new replication quickly. Tenants with policy that does not allow replications now see a VMware Cloud Director Availability plug-in with steps to enable the service. The steps are similar to the steps in the VMware Cloud Director Availability vSphere plug-in, without showing the service providers list.
  • Interoperability with NSX-T: In on-premises sites and in cloud sites, you can now replicate workloads that use NSX-T 2.5.0 and NSX-T 2.5.1 networks. You can also use environments with mixed NSX-V and NSX-T networks, and you can replicate workloads from NSX-V to NSX-T and from NSX-T to NSX-V. VMware Cloud Director Availability does not apply or translate the networking features that the latest VMware Cloud Director 10.1.1 and NSX-T 2.5.1 do not support. VMware Cloud Director Availability replicates the source site NSX-V to NSX-T NAT-routed vApp networks as bridged vApp networks, and does not replicate the DHCP service.
  • VMware vCloud Usage Meter integration: There is an indication in the management interface that vCloud Usage Meter meters the Cloud Service instance. When vCloud Usage Meter has not requested metering information for more than three days, you now see a warning message in the management interface. To collect product consumption data and generate reports for the VMware Cloud Provider Program, see How do I add VMware Cloud Director Availability for metering in the vCloud Usage Meter documentation.


Since June 2020, vCloud Availability changed its product name to VMware Cloud Director Availability. In the following table you can see the new appliances names and the new services names:

VMware vCloud Availability VMware Cloud Director Availability
Previous Appliance Name Previous Service Name New Appliance Name New Service Name
vCloud Availability Replication Management Appliance vCloud Availability vApp Replication Manager Cloud Replication Management Appliance Cloud Service
vCloud Availability Replication Manager Manager Service
vCloud Availability Cloud Replicator Appliance vCloud Availability Replicator Cloud Replicator Appliance Replicator Service
vCloud Availability Cloud Tunnel Appliance vCloud Availability Tunnel Cloud Tunnel Appliance Tunnel Service
vCloud Availability On-Premises Appliance VMware Cloud Director Availability On-Premises Appliance



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