





Mesh Createmeshp(float radius, float Height){//vertices:int p_vertices_count = 4;Vector3[] p_vertices = new Vector3[p_vertices_count];p_vertices[0] = new Vector3(-radius, -Height / 2, radius);p_vertices[1] = new Vector3(-radius, Height / 2, radius);p_vertices[2] = new Vector3(radius, -Height / 2, radius);p_vertices[3] = new Vector3(radius, Height / 2, radius);//trianglesint[] p_triangles = new int[6];p_triangles[0] = 0;p_triangles[1] = 1;p_triangles[2] = 2;p_triangles[3] = 3;p_triangles[4] = 2;p_triangles[5] = 1;//uv:Vector2[] p_uvs = new Vector2[4];float p_uvSetup = 1.0f ;p_uvs[0] = new Vector2(p_uvSetup * 0, 1);p_uvs[1] = new Vector2(p_uvSetup * 0, 0);p_uvs[2] = new Vector2(p_uvSetup * 1, 1);p_uvs[3] = new Vector2(p_uvSetup * 1, 0);//负载属性与meshMesh mesh = new Mesh();mesh.vertices = p_vertices;mesh.triangles = p_triangles;mesh.uv = p_uvs;return mesh;}



 Mesh Createmesh(float radius, float Height){int s_vertices_count = 8;Vector3[] s_vertices = new Vector3[s_vertices_count];s_vertices[0] = new Vector3(-radius, -Height / 2, -radius);s_vertices[1] = new Vector3(-radius, Height / 2, -radius);s_vertices[2] = new Vector3(-radius, -Height / 2, radius);s_vertices[3] = new Vector3(-radius, Height / 2, radius);s_vertices[4] = new Vector3(radius, -Height / 2, radius);s_vertices[5] = new Vector3(radius, Height / 2, radius);s_vertices[6] = new Vector3(radius, -Height / 2, -radius);s_vertices[7] = new Vector3(radius, Height / 2, -radius);//trianglesint tri_num = 8;int tri_cout = tri_num * 3;int[] s_triangles = new int[tri_cout];for (int i = 0, vi = 0; i < tri_cout - 6; i += 6, vi += 2){s_triangles[i] = vi;s_triangles[i + 1] = vi + 1;s_triangles[i + 2] = vi + 2;s_triangles[i + 3] = vi + 3;s_triangles[i + 4] = vi + 2;s_triangles[i + 5] = vi + 1;}s_triangles[tri_cout - 6] = 6;s_triangles[tri_cout - 5] = 7;s_triangles[tri_cout - 4] = 0;s_triangles[tri_cout - 3] = 1;s_triangles[tri_cout - 2] = 0;s_triangles[tri_cout - 1] = 7;//uv:Vector2[] s_uvs = new Vector2[s_vertices_count];float s_uvSetup = 1.0f / 4;int iduv = 0;for (int i = 0; i < s_vertices_count; i = i + 2){s_uvs[i] = new Vector2(s_uvSetup * iduv, 1);s_uvs[i + 1] = new Vector2(s_uvSetup * iduv, 0);iduv++;}//负载属性与meshMesh mesh = new Mesh();mesh.vertices = s_vertices;mesh.triangles = s_triangles;mesh.uv = s_uvs;return mesh;}



 Mesh CreateMesh(float radius, int segments, float Height){//vertices:int vertices_count = Segments * 2;Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[vertices_count];//vertices[0] = Vector3.zero;float angledegree = 360.0f;float angleRad = Mathf.Deg2Rad * angledegree;float angleCur = angleRad;float angledelta = angleRad / Segments;for (int i = 0; i < vertices_count; i++){float cosA = Mathf.Cos(angleCur);float sinA = Mathf.Sin(angleCur);vertices[i] = new Vector3(Radius * cosA, Height / 2, Radius * sinA);i++;vertices[i] = new Vector3(Radius * cosA, -Height / 2, Radius * sinA);angleCur -= angledelta;}//trianglesint triangle_count = segments * 3 * 2;int[] triangles = new int[triangle_count];int vert = 0;int idx = 0;for (int i = 0; i < segments - 1; i++)     //因为该案例分割了60个三角形,故最后一个索引顺序应该是:0 60 1;所以需要单独处理{triangles[idx++] = vert + 1;triangles[idx++] = vert;triangles[idx++] = vert + 3;triangles[idx++] = vert;triangles[idx++] = vert + 2;triangles[idx++] = vert + 3;vert += 2;}triangles[triangle_count - 6] = vertices_count - 1;triangles[triangle_count - 5] = vertices_count - 2;triangles[triangle_count - 4] = 1;triangles[triangle_count - 3] = vertices_count - 2;triangles[triangle_count - 2] = 0;triangles[triangle_count - 1] = 1;                           //为了完成闭环,将最后一个三角形单独拎出来//uv:Vector2[] uvs = new Vector2[vertices_count];float uvSetup = 1.0f / Segments;int iduv = 0;for (int i = 0; i < vertices_count; i = i + 2){uvs[i] = new Vector2(uvSetup * iduv, 1);uvs[i + 1] = new Vector2(uvSetup * iduv, 0);iduv++;}//负载属性与meshMesh mesh = new Mesh();mesh.vertices = vertices;mesh.triangles = triangles;mesh.uv = uvs;return mesh;}





using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;public class NewBehaviourScript : MonoBehaviour
{public float Radius = 10f;    //半径  public int Segments = 600;   //分割数  public float Height = 2;           ///3.1415926f;private MeshFilter meshFilter;void Start(){//Debug.Log("hello unity: ");meshFilter = GetComponent<MeshFilter>();//圆柱,长方体,平面meshFilter.mesh = CreateMesh(Radius, Segments,Height);//meshFilter.mesh = Createmesh(Radius,  Height);//meshFilter.mesh = Createmeshp(Radius, Height);}Mesh CreateMesh(float radius, int segments, float Height){//vertices:int vertices_count = Segments * 2;Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[vertices_count];//vertices[0] = Vector3.zero;float angledegree = 360.0f;float angleRad = Mathf.Deg2Rad * angledegree;float angleCur = angleRad;float angledelta = angleRad / Segments;for (int i = 0; i < vertices_count; i++){float cosA = Mathf.Cos(angleCur);float sinA = Mathf.Sin(angleCur);vertices[i] = new Vector3(Radius * cosA, Height / 2, Radius * sinA);i++;vertices[i] = new Vector3(Radius * cosA, -Height / 2, Radius * sinA);angleCur -= angledelta;}//trianglesint triangle_count = segments * 3 * 2;int[] triangles = new int[triangle_count];int vert = 0;int idx = 0;for (int i = 0; i < segments - 1; i++)     //因为该案例分割了60个三角形,故最后一个索引顺序应该是:0 60 1;所以需要单独处理{triangles[idx++] = vert + 1;triangles[idx++] = vert;triangles[idx++] = vert + 3;triangles[idx++] = vert;triangles[idx++] = vert + 2;triangles[idx++] = vert + 3;vert += 2;}triangles[triangle_count - 6] = vertices_count - 1;triangles[triangle_count - 5] = vertices_count - 2;triangles[triangle_count - 4] = 1;triangles[triangle_count - 3] = vertices_count - 2;triangles[triangle_count - 2] = 0;triangles[triangle_count - 1] = 1;                           //为了完成闭环,将最后一个三角形单独拎出来//uv:Vector2[] uvs = new Vector2[vertices_count];float uvSetup = 1.0f / Segments;int iduv = 0;for (int i = 0; i < vertices_count; i = i + 2){uvs[i] = new Vector2(uvSetup * iduv, 1);uvs[i + 1] = new Vector2(uvSetup * iduv, 0);iduv++;}//负载属性与meshMesh mesh = new Mesh();mesh.vertices = vertices;mesh.triangles = triangles;mesh.uv = uvs;return mesh;}Mesh Createmesh(float radius, float Height){int s_vertices_count = 8;Vector3[] s_vertices = new Vector3[s_vertices_count];s_vertices[0] = new Vector3(-radius, -Height / 2, -radius);s_vertices[1] = new Vector3(-radius, Height / 2, -radius);s_vertices[2] = new Vector3(-radius, -Height / 2, radius);s_vertices[3] = new Vector3(-radius, Height / 2, radius);s_vertices[4] = new Vector3(radius, -Height / 2, radius);s_vertices[5] = new Vector3(radius, Height / 2, radius);s_vertices[6] = new Vector3(radius, -Height / 2, -radius);s_vertices[7] = new Vector3(radius, Height / 2, -radius);//trianglesint tri_num = 8;int tri_cout = tri_num * 3;int[] s_triangles = new int[tri_cout];for (int i = 0, vi = 0; i < tri_cout - 6; i += 6, vi += 2){s_triangles[i] = vi;s_triangles[i + 1] = vi + 1;s_triangles[i + 2] = vi + 2;s_triangles[i + 3] = vi + 3;s_triangles[i + 4] = vi + 2;s_triangles[i + 5] = vi + 1;}s_triangles[tri_cout - 6] = 6;s_triangles[tri_cout - 5] = 7;s_triangles[tri_cout - 4] = 0;s_triangles[tri_cout - 3] = 1;s_triangles[tri_cout - 2] = 0;s_triangles[tri_cout - 1] = 7;//uv:Vector2[] s_uvs = new Vector2[s_vertices_count];float s_uvSetup = 1.0f / 4;int iduv = 0;for (int i = 0; i < s_vertices_count; i = i + 2){s_uvs[i] = new Vector2(s_uvSetup * iduv, 1);s_uvs[i + 1] = new Vector2(s_uvSetup * iduv, 0);iduv++;}//负载属性与meshMesh mesh = new Mesh();mesh.vertices = s_vertices;mesh.triangles = s_triangles;mesh.uv = s_uvs;return mesh;}Mesh Createmeshp(float radius, float Height){int p_vertices_count = 4;Vector3[] p_vertices = new Vector3[p_vertices_count];p_vertices[0] = new Vector3(-radius, -Height / 2, radius);p_vertices[1] = new Vector3(-radius, Height / 2, radius);p_vertices[2] = new Vector3(radius, -Height / 2, radius);p_vertices[3] = new Vector3(radius, Height / 2, radius);//trianglesint[] p_triangles = new int[6];p_triangles[0] = 0;p_triangles[1] = 1;p_triangles[2] = 2;p_triangles[3] = 3;p_triangles[4] = 2;p_triangles[5] = 1;//uv:Vector2[] p_uvs = new Vector2[4];float p_uvSetup = 1.0f ;p_uvs[0] = new Vector2(p_uvSetup * 0, 1);p_uvs[1] = new Vector2(p_uvSetup * 0, 0);p_uvs[2] = new Vector2(p_uvSetup * 1, 1);p_uvs[3] = new Vector2(p_uvSetup * 1, 0);//负载属性与meshMesh mesh = new Mesh();mesh.vertices = p_vertices;mesh.triangles = p_triangles;mesh.uv = p_uvs;return mesh;}// Update is called once per framevoid Update(){}


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