各种符号的英文读法 https://blog.csdn.net/tianxudong2004/article/details/2051302

2008年01月18日 14:04:00 tianxudong2004 阅读数:1025

  tilde (sounds like til-da); be prepared to explain to computer-illiterate people saying "you know, the wave-shaped thingy"
惊叹号 exclamation; commonly read as bang in case of #!/bin/sh
单价 at 
  pound; but commonly read as shee in case of #!/bin/sh, not sure why
  caret; not many people know this word so be prepared to say "no, not carrot; it's the character above 6, an arrow pointing up"
and ampersand
  star; some read asterisk
圆括号 opening parenthesis (some may shorten it saying paren)
圆括号 closing parenthesis
  underscore; once I heard people say underbar
加号;正号 plus
减号;负号 minus; as symbol before arguments in commands, some people including me read dash, easier to say one syllable
  backtick or backquote
  opening brace
  closing brace
方括号 opening bracket
方括号 closing bracket
  pipe or vertical bar
  backslash; be prepared to explain to some computer-illiterate people
冒号 colon
分号 semicolon
" ”  双引号 double quote
‘ ’ 单引号 single quote
  less than; some may read left angle bracket
  greater than
逗号 comma
句号 dot; period if in English text
问号 question mark
  slash or forward slash; some computer-illiterate people may be confused about / and /
(), [] and {}    may also be called brackets in general. In that case, they specifically call [] square brackets and {} curly brackets. I never like this. Open and Closing may also be called left and right.
连字符 hyphen
省略号;所有格符号 apostrophe
《 》 法文引号;书名号 French quotes
... 省略号 ellipsis
¨ 双点号 tandem colon
" 同上 ditto
双线号 parallel 
斜线号 virgule
代字号 swung dash
± 正负号 plus or minus
摄氏度 Celsius system 
…号 number 
 秒 second
°  度 degree
总和 (sigma) summation of 
…的积分 the integral of 
 交,通集 intersection of
并,合集 union of 
垂直于 perpendicular to 
三角形 triangle 
π 圆周率 pi 
圆周 circumference 
半圆 semicircle 
等于,成比例 equals, as (proportion) 
所以 hence 
因为 since; because 
平方根 (square) root 
与…成比例 varies as
无限大号  infinity
千分之… per mill
百分之… per cent
大于或等于号 is more than or equal to 
小于或等于号 is less than or equal to 
不大于号 is not more than 
不小于号 is not less than 
大于号 is more than 
小于号 is less than 
约等于号 is approximately equal to 
等于或约等于号 is equal to or approximately equal to 
全等于号 is equivalent to 
不等于号 is not equal to 
等于号 is equal to
÷ 除号 is divided by 
× 乘号 is multiplied by 
箭号;参见号 arrow 
§ 分节号 section; division 


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