There are plenty of NZB Indexers out there such as NZB Matrix and NZBs(dot)ORG , but they only index SOME of Usenet. Here’s how to build your own indexer so you can index what you want.

那里有很多NZB索引器,例如NZB Matrix和NZBs(dot)ORG,但它们仅对Usenet的某些内容进行索引。 这是构建自己的索引器的方法,以便您可以索引所需的内容。

您需要的东西: (Things You Will Need:)

  • A computer running Ubuntu.运行Ubuntu的计算机。
  • A Usenet account.Usenet帐户。
  • A basic understanding of the Linux terminal.对Linux终端有基本了解。
  • A decent internet connection.体面的互联网连接。

If you have all of the above you are good to go, let’s get started.


安装NewzNab (Installing NewzNab)

We are going to be doing pretty much the whole install from a terminal, so fire up terminal and execute the following:


sudo gnome-terminal


This is going to give us a terminal running under the root security context, this way we don’t have to keep typing sudo.


The first thing you are going to want to do is update your repositories:


apt-get update


Most website-related stuff on Ubuntu lives in /var/www,so lets make a directory for our install and set writable permissions on the folder:

Ubuntu上大多数与网站相关的内容都位于/ var / www,因此请为我们的安装创建目录并在该文件夹上设置可写权限:

mkdir –p /var/www/newznab

mkdir –p / var / www / newznab

chmod 777 /var/www/newznab

chmod 777 / var / www / newznab

Next we need to install PHP:


apt-get install –y php5 php5-dev php-pear

apt-get install –y php5 php5-dev php-pear

We need to install a few extra PHP extensions as well:


apt-get install –y php5-gd php5-mysql php5-curl

apt-get install –y php5-gd php5-mysql php5-curl

The next thing we need to do is edit the PHP configuration, we’ll be using nano for this:


nano /etc/php5/cli/php.ini


There are two settings that need to be changed,  firstly you will need to change:


max_execution_time = 120

max_execution_time = 120

You will also need to change the date.timezone setting, you can get a full list of possible values over here.


Next we need to install some kind of database, I opted to go for MySQL:


apt-get install mysql-server-5.5


apt-get install mysql-client-5.5


apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev


You will be prompted for a password during configuration, make sure to choose a strong password, especially if you plan on making it a publicly available indexer.


The last thing we need to install is Apache:


apt-get install –y apache2

apt-get install –y apache2

We will need to make the same changes that we made to the base PHP configuration, to the Apache configuration, there is also an additional setting that needs to be changed, again we will use nano:


nano /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini


These are the settings you will need to change:


  • memory_limit =  -1memory_limit = -1
  • max_execution_time = 120max_execution_time = 120
  • date.timezone =  Europe/Londondate.timezone =欧洲/伦敦

We now need to create the appropriate Apache configuration for our website, so run:


nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/newznab

纳米/ etc / apache2 / sites-available / newznab

When nano opens paste the following into the file:


<VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost ServerName localhost

<VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin webmaster @ localhost ServerName本地主机

DocumentRoot /var/www/newznab/www ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/error.log LogLevel warn </VirtualHost>

DocumentRoot / var / www / newznab / www ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/error.log LogLevel警告</ VirtualHost>

The go ahead and commit the changes to the file.


Now that all the pre-requisites are installed we can install NewzNab, so head over to the download page and grab a copy of NewzNab Classic.

现在已经安装了所有必备软件,我们可以安装NewzNab,因此请转到下载页面并获取NewzNab Classic的副本。

Once it has downloaded extract it.


Now copy all the extracted files.


Paste them in:



/ var / www / newznab

Now open a new terminal and run the following commands to register NewzNab as the default website, as well as enable mod-rewrite.


sudo a2dissite default sudo a2ensite newznab sudo a2enmod rewrite sudo service apache2 restart

sudo a2dissite默认sudo a2ensite newznab sudo a2enmod重写sudo服务apache2重新启动

You may notice an error when you execute the restart command, this is because we used localhost in our config file, just ignore it and continue.


Finally to sort out some permission issues run the following:


sudo chmod 777 /var/www/newznab/www/lib/smarty/templates_c sudo chmod 777 /var/www/newznab/www/covers/movies sudo chmod 777 /var/www/newznab/www/covers/music sudo chmod 777 /var/www/newznab/www sudo chmod 777 /var/www/newznab/www/install sudo chmod 777 /var/www/newznab/nzbfiles/

sudo chmod 777 / var / www / newznab / www / lib / smarty / templates_c sudo chmod 777 / var / www / newznab / www / covers / movies sudo chmod 777 / var / www / newznab / www / covers / music sudo chmod 777 / var / www / newznab / www sudo chmod 777 / var / www / newznab / www / install sudo chmod 777 / var / www / newznab / nzbfiles /

组态 (Configuration)

Now that we have NewzNab installed we need to configure it, after all there wouldn’t be any point in running your own indexer if you didn’t customize it. So open up your browser of choice and head over to http://localhost/install. Once the page has loaded click on the button to check the status of your pre-requisites.

现在我们已经安装了NewzNab,我们需要对其进行配置,毕竟,如果不自定义它,运行您自己的索引器将毫无意义。 因此,打开您选择的浏览器,然后转到http:// localhost / install。 页面加载完成后,单击按钮以检查先决条件的状态。

Note: You will get two settings that have a warning status, those are the date.timezone and the memory_limit settings. Just ignore these and continue.

注意:您将获得两个具有警告状态的设置,分别是date.timezone和memory_limit设置。 只需忽略这些并继续。

Once you move on you will need to put in the credentials to access your MySQL database.


You will also need the details to your Usenet account.


Then go ahead and choose a username and password for yourself, these are the credentials you will use to log into your website with.


You might get an error when it asks you where you want to store the nzb files, just run the provided chmod command from a terminal as a quick fix.


Congratulations you have made it to the admin hangout.


One thing you will need to do before I send you on your way is change the  way the nzb categories work, to do this click on your name in the top right hand corner.


Then click on the Edit link.


Now uncheck the boxes for Movies, Music and Console.


Once you have that done, head back over to http://localhost/admin and go through the steps to finish configuring your indexer.

完成此操作后,请返回至http:// localhost / admin并执行以下步骤以完成对索引器的配置。

That’s all there is to it. Be sure to follow me on Twitter: @taybgibb

这里的所有都是它的。 一定要在Twitter上关注我: @taybgibb



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