
  • 文件打开关闭
  • 文件输出
  • 文件读入
    • load memory
  • 格式化


integer file_descriptor = $("file_name", type);

type 类型
“r” or “rb” - open for reading(读)
“w” or “wb” - truncate to zero length or create for writing (覆盖写)
“a” or “ab” - append, open for writing at the end of file, or create for writing(续写)


file_output_task_name(file_descriptor, list_of_arguments);
file_output_task_name includes
$fdisplay | $fdisplayb | $fdisplayh | $fdisplayo
| $fwrite | $fwriteb | $fwriteh | $fwriteo
| $fstrobe | $fstrobeb | $fstrobeh | $fstrobeo
| $fmonitor | $fmonitorb | $fmonitorh | $fmonitoro

list_arguments can be a quoted string, an expression that returns a value, or a null argument

$fdisplay 与 $fwrite 函数的区别在于 $display 函数会自动换行, $fwrite不会。


integer code = $fscanf (file_descriptor, format, args);
integer code = $fread( myreg, fd);
integer code = $fread( mem, fd);
integer code = $fread( mem, fd, start);
integer code = $fread( mem, fd, start, count);
integer code = $fread( mem, fd, , count);

%b - matches a binary number
%o - matches a octal number
%d - matches a decimal number
%h -matches a hexadecimal number
%s - matches a string, which is a sequence of non white space characters

load memory

$readmemb ("file_name", memory_name, start_addr, end_addr);
initial $readmemh("mem.data", mem);
initial $readmemh("mem.data", mem, 16);
initial $readmemh("mem.data", mem, 128, 1);


$sformat (str, format, args)
integer code = $sformatf(format, args)

$sformatf 和 $sformat 的不同在于 $sformat 没有返回值,而 $sformatf有返回值,返回值就相当于 $sformat的str参数。


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