from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
from translate import Translator
import json
import re
def horoscope():your_birth_day = input("输入您的生日的日期> ")your_birth_month = input("输入你生日的月份> ")if (int(your_birth_month) == 12 and int(your_birth_day) >= 22) or (int(your_birth_month) == 1 and int(your_birth_day) <= 19):sign = 10elif (int(your_birth_month) == 1 and int(your_birth_day) >= 20) or (int(your_birth_month) == 2 and int(your_birth_day) <= 17):sign = 11elif (int(your_birth_month) == 2 and int(your_birth_day) >= 18) or (int(your_birth_month) == 3 and int(your_birth_day) <= 19):sign = 12elif (int(your_birth_month) == 3 and int(your_birth_day) >= 20) or (int(your_birth_month) == 4 and int(your_birth_day) <= 19):sign = 1elif (int(your_birth_month) == 4 and int(your_birth_day) >= 20) or (int(your_birth_month) == 5 and int(your_birth_day) <= 20):sign = 2elif (int(your_birth_month) == 5 and int(your_birth_day) >= 21) or (int(your_birth_month) == 6 and int(your_birth_day) <= 20):sign = 3elif (int(your_birth_month) == 6 and int(your_birth_day) >= 21) or (int(your_birth_month) == 7 and int(your_birth_day) <= 22):sign = 4elif (int(your_birth_month) == 7 and int(your_birth_day) >= 23) or (int(your_birth_month) == 8 and int(your_birth_day) <= 22):sign = 5elif (int(your_birth_month) == 8 and int(your_birth_day) >= 23) or (int(your_birth_month) == 9 and int(your_birth_day) <= 22):sign = 6elif (int(your_birth_month) == 9 and int(your_birth_day) >= 23) or (int(your_birth_month) == 10 and int(your_birth_day) <= 22):sign = 7elif (int(your_birth_month) == 10 and int(your_birth_day) >= 23) or (int(your_birth_month) == 11 and int(your_birth_day) <= 21):sign = 8elif (int(your_birth_month) == 11 and int(your_birth_day) >= 22) or (int(your_birth_month) == 12 and int(your_birth_day) <= 21):sign = 9day=input("如果想看今天就打today,明天就看tomorrow:")url = (""f"horoscope-general-daily-{day}.aspx?sign={sign}")  # 获取需要查询的星座的链接soup = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(url).content, "html.parser")a=soup.find("div", class_="main-horoscope").p.textreturn a
def translate(word):# 有道词典 apiurl = ''# 传输的参数,其中 i 为需要翻译的内容key = {'type': "AUTO",'i': word,"doctype": "json","version": "2.1","keyfrom": "fanyi.web","ue": "UTF-8","action": "FY_BY_CLICKBUTTON","typoResult": "true"}# key 这个字典为发送给有道词典服务器的内容response =, data=key)# 判断服务器是否相应成功if response.status_code == 200:# 然后相应的结果return response.textelse:print("有道词典调用失败")# 相应失败就返回空return None
def get_reuslt(repsonse):# 通过 json.loads 把返回的结果加载成 json 格式result = json.loads(repsonse)c=result['translateResult'][0][0]['tgt']return c
def main():a=horoscope()print(a)b = re.split('\.',a )s=[]for i in b:list_trans = translate(i)print(get_reuslt(list_trans))
if __name__ == '__main__':try:main()except:pass


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