





  1. 用链表来存储数据;Emp
  2. 用数组来存放一个一个的链表;EmpLinkedList
  3. 再用一个类来管理数组。HashTab




class Emp {private int id;private String name;public Emp next;public Emp() {}public Emp(int id, String name) {this.id = id;this.name = name;}public int getId() {return id;}public String getName() {return name;}@Overridepublic String toString() {return "=>" +"id=" + id +", name='" + name + '\'';}


class EmpLinkedList {private Emp head;public EmpLinkedList() {}/*** 增加链表** @param emp 新增加的元素*/public void add(Emp emp) {if (this.head == null) {head = emp;return;} else {Emp temp = head;while (temp.next != null) {temp = temp.next;}temp.next = emp;}}//展示链表信息public void list() {if (this.head == null) {System.out.println("空");return;}Emp temp = this.head;while (temp != null) {System.out.print(temp);temp = temp.next;}System.out.println();}//public Emp findEmpById(int id) {if (head == null) {return null;}Emp temp = this.head;while (temp != null) {if (temp.getId() == id) {return temp;} else {temp = temp.next;}}return null;}}


/*** 哈希表,里面存储的是EmpLinkedList类型的链表,是用数组实现的。*/
class HashTab {private EmpLinkedList[] empLinkedListArray;private int size;public HashTab(int size) {this.empLinkedListArray = new EmpLinkedList[size];for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {this.empLinkedListArray[i] = new EmpLinkedList();}this.size = size;}/*** 添加元素** @param emp*/public void add(Emp emp) {int id = emp.getId();int index = id % size;//添加this.empLinkedListArray[index].add(emp);}/*** 展示链表*/public void list() {if (this.size == 0) {System.out.println("为空");} else {for (int i = 0; i < this.size; i++) {System.out.print("第" + i + "条链表为:");this.empLinkedListArray[i].list();}}}public void findEmpById(int id) {if (this.size == 0) {System.out.println("链表为空");return;}Emp res = new Emp();int index = id % size;res = this.empLinkedListArray[index].findEmpById(id);if (res == null) {System.out.println("没有找到id为"+id+"的元素");}else {System.out.println("在第"+index+"条表中找到该雇员,id为"+id);}}}


package DataStructures.HashTable;/*** @author :ALi* @date :Created in 2021/11/21 14:28* @description:手写哈希表* @modified By:* @version: $*/
public class HashTable {public static void main(String[] args) {Emp emp1 = new Emp(1, "tom1");Emp emp2 = new Emp(2, "tom2");Emp emp3 = new Emp(7, "tom2");HashTab ht = new HashTab(6);ht.add(emp1);ht.add(emp2);ht.add(emp3);ht.list();ht.findEmpById(22);}}//节点链表,只用来存储节点元素
class Emp {private int id;private String name;public Emp next;public Emp() {}public Emp(int id, String name) {this.id = id;this.name = name;}public int getId() {return id;}public String getName() {return name;}@Overridepublic String toString() {return "=>" +"id=" + id +", name='" + name + '\'';}
class EmpLinkedList {private Emp head;public EmpLinkedList() {}/*** 增加链表** @param emp 新增加的元素*/public void add(Emp emp) {if (this.head == null) {head = emp;return;} else {Emp temp = head;while (temp.next != null) {temp = temp.next;}temp.next = emp;}}//展示链表信息public void list() {if (this.head == null) {System.out.println("空");return;}Emp temp = this.head;while (temp != null) {System.out.print(temp);temp = temp.next;}System.out.println();}//public Emp findEmpById(int id) {if (head == null) {return null;}Emp temp = this.head;while (temp != null) {if (temp.getId() == id) {return temp;} else {temp = temp.next;}}return null;}}/*** 哈希表,里面存储的是EmpLinkedList类型的链表,是用数组实现的。*/
class HashTab {private EmpLinkedList[] empLinkedListArray;private int size;public HashTab(int size) {this.empLinkedListArray = new EmpLinkedList[size];for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {this.empLinkedListArray[i] = new EmpLinkedList();}this.size = size;}/*** 添加元素** @param emp*/public void add(Emp emp) {int id = emp.getId();int index = id % size;//添加this.empLinkedListArray[index].add(emp);}/*** 展示链表*/public void list() {if (this.size == 0) {System.out.println("为空");} else {for (int i = 0; i < this.size; i++) {System.out.print("第" + i + "条链表为:");this.empLinkedListArray[i].list();}}}public void findEmpById(int id) {if (this.size == 0) {System.out.println("链表为空");return;}Emp res = new Emp();int index = id % size;res = this.empLinkedListArray[index].findEmpById(id);if (res == null) {System.out.println("没有找到id为"+id+"的元素");}else {System.out.println("在第"+index+"条表中找到该雇员,id为"+id);}}}


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