





/**************************************************************************  FileName: DrawTriangle.cs*  Author: LaiZhangYin(Eagle)   Version: 1.0   Date: 6/21/2017* if you have some question, please call *  QQ/Wechat : 782966734*************************************************************************/using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;[RequireComponent(typeof(MeshRenderer), typeof(MeshFilter))]
public class DrawTriangle : BaseMonoBehaviour
{public float length = 6;public float width = 6;public float height = 6;private MeshFilter meshFilter;void Start(){meshFilter = GetComponent<MeshFilter>();meshFilter.mesh = CreateTriangle(length, width, height);if (this.gameObject.AddComponent<MeshCollider>() == null)this.gameObject.AddComponent<MeshCollider>();this.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().enabled = false;}private Mesh CreateTriangle(float length, float width, float height){int verticesCount = 4 * 6;//3* 4;Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[verticesCount];vertices[0] = Vector3.zero;                 //前面左下角的点vertices[1] = new Vector3(0, height, 0);    //前面左上角的点vertices[2] = new Vector3(length, 0, 0);   // 前面右下角的点    vertices[3] = new Vector3(length, height, 0);//前面右上角的点vertices[4] = Vector3.zero;//new Vector3(length, 0, width);        //后面右下角的点vertices[5] = Vector3.zero;//new Vector3(length, height, width);    //后面右上角的点vertices[6] = new Vector3(0, 0, width);             //后面左下角的点vertices[7] = new Vector3(0, height, width);        //后面左上角的点vertices[8] = vertices[6];                              //左vertices[9] = vertices[7];vertices[10] = vertices[0];vertices[11] = vertices[1];vertices[12] = vertices[2];                              //右vertices[13] = vertices[3];vertices[14] = vertices[6];vertices[15] = vertices[7];vertices[16] = vertices[1];                              //上vertices[17] = vertices[7];vertices[18] = vertices[3];vertices[19] = vertices[7];vertices[20] = vertices[2];                              //下vertices[21] = vertices[6];vertices[22] = vertices[0];vertices[23] = vertices[6];int triangleCount = 6 * 2 * 3;int[] triangles = new int[triangleCount];for (int i = 0, v = 0; i < triangleCount; i += 6, v += 4){triangles[i] = v;triangles[i + 1] = v + 1;triangles[i + 2] = v + 2;triangles[i + 3] = v + 3;triangles[i + 4] = v + 2;triangles[i + 5] = v + 1;}Mesh mesh = new Mesh();mesh.vertices = vertices;mesh.triangles = triangles;return mesh;}#if UNITY_EDITOR//用于在编辑状态设置大小void OnDrawGizmos(){meshFilter = GetComponent<MeshFilter>();meshFilter.mesh = CreateTriangle(length, width, height);}





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