内置 fixtures 之 tmpdir:

tmpdir 的作用是:在本地生成临时文件夹,并返回文件对象;


先写个测试用例,调用 tmpdir,执行一下看看:

class TestDemoA:    def test_A_001(self, tmpdir):time.sleep(2)print('\n',tmpdir)if __name__ == '__main__':pytest.main(['-s'])
# 执行结果:
============================= test session starts =============================
test_Z.py::TestDemoA::test_A_001 C:\Users\MyPC\AppData\Local\Temp\pytest-of-MyPC\pytest-0\test_A_0010
PASSED============================== 2 passed in 3.04s ==============================Process finished with exit code 0



class TestDemoA:    def test_A_001(self, tmpdir):time.sleep(2)print('\n',tmpdir)def test_A_002(self, tmpdir):time.sleep(2)print('\n',tmpdir)if __name__ == '__main__':pytest.main(['-s'])
# 执行结果:
============================= test session starts =============================
test_Z.py::TestDemoA::test_A_001 C:\Users\MyPC\AppData\Local\Temp\pytest-of-MyPC\pytest-8\test_A_0010
test_Z.py::TestDemoA::test_A_002 C:\Users\MyPC\AppData\Local\Temp\pytest-of-MyPC\pytest-8\test_A_0020
PASSED============================== 2 passed in 4.04s ==============================Process finished with exit code 0


通过几次执行我们可以看到,每一次完成的测试活动 tmpdir 会创建一个 pytest-x 的临时目录,并且这个临时目录最多保存3个,超过3个后会删除最老的临时目录,然后在这个测试活动中, tmpdir 每被调用1次就会在 pytest-x 下面生成1个子目录,子目录的文件名是根据测试用例的名称决定;

tmpdir 提供的方法:

    def mkdir(self, *args):""" 创建并返回与给定参数拼接的目录;"""    def samefile(self, other):""" 对比tmpdir的目录和给定的目录是否相同,相同返回 True,否则返回 False;"""def remove(self, rec=1, ignore_errors=False):""" 删除文件或目录(如果rec=1,则删除目录树)。如果ignore_errors为真,则删除目录时的错误将被忽略;"""def computehash(self, hashtype="md5", chunksize=524288):""" 返回此文件的哈希值的十六进制摘要。 """def dirpath(self, *args, **kwargs):""" 返回与所有给定参数拼接的目录路径;"""def join(self, *args, **kwargs):""" 返回与所有给定参数拼接的目录路径; 和上面的略有区别,详见源码;"""def open(self, mode='r', ensure=False, encoding=None):""" 以给定模式返回打开的文件,如果ensure为True,则在需要时创建父目录;"""def listdir(self, fil=None, sort=None):""" 列出目录内容,可能由给定的过滤函数过滤并排序;"""def size(self):""" 返回基础文件对象的大小;"""def mtime(self):""" 返回路径的最后修改时间;"""def copy(self, target, mode=False, stat=False):""" 复制路径到目标;如果mode为True,则复制 “文件权限” 到目标;如果stat为True,则复制 “权限、上次修改时间、上次访问时间”到目标;"""def rename(self, target):""" 将此路径重命名为给定参数; """def write_binary(self, data, ensure=False):""" write binary data into path.   If ensure is True createmissing parent directories."""def write_text(self, data, encoding, ensure=False):""" write text data into path using the specified encoding.If ensure is True create missing parent directories."""def write(self, data, mode='w', ensure=False):""" write data into path.   If ensure is True createmissing parent directories."""def ensure(self, *args, **kwargs):""" ensure that an args-joined path exists (by default asa file). if you specify a keyword argument 'dir=True'then the path is forced to be a directory path."""def stat(self, raising=True):""" Return an os.stat() tuple. """def lstat(self):""" Return an os.lstat() tuple. """def setmtime(self, mtime=None):""" set modification time for the given path.  if 'mtime' is None(the default) then the file's mtime is set to current time.Note that the resolution for 'mtime' is platform dependent."""def chdir(self):""" change directory to self and return old current directory """def realpath(self):""" return a new path which contains no symbolic links."""def atime(self):""" return last access time of the path. """def chmod(self, mode, rec=0):""" change permissions to the given mode. If mode is aninteger it directly encodes the os-specific modes.if rec is True perform recursively."""def pypkgpath(self):""" return the Python package path by looking for the lastdirectory upwards which still contains an __init__.py.Return None if a pkgpath can not be determined."""def pyimport(self, modname=None, ensuresyspath=True):""" return path as an imported python module.If modname is None, look for the containing packageand construct an according module name.The module will be put/looked up in sys.modules.if ensuresyspath is True then the root dir for importingthe file (taking __init__.py files into account) willbe prepended to sys.path if it isn't there already.If ensuresyspath=="append" the root dir will be appendedif it isn't already contained in sys.path.if ensuresyspath is False no modification of syspath happens."""def sysexec(self, *argv, **popen_opts):""" return stdout text from executing a system child process,where the 'self' path points to executable.The process is directly invoked and not through a system shell."""def sysfind(cls, name, checker=None, paths=None):""" return a path object found by looking at the systemsunderlying PATH specification. If the checker is not Noneit will be invoked to filter matching paths.  If a binarycannot be found, None is returnedNote: This is probably not working on plain win32 systemsbut may work on cygwin."""def get_temproot(cls):""" return the system's temporary directory(where tempfiles are usually created in)"""def mkdtemp(cls, rootdir=None):""" return a Path object pointing to a fresh new temporary directory(which we created ourself)."""def make_numbered_dir(cls, prefix='session-', rootdir=None, keep=3,lock_timeout = 172800):   # two days""" return unique directory with a number greater than the currentmaximum one.  The number is assumed to start directly after prefix.if keep is true directories with a number less than (maxnum-keep)will be removed."""

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