word页眉页脚修改(Word header footer modification)

word页眉页脚修改(Word header footer modification)

1. question: how does WORD set different headers in each page? How do I make headers different from different chapters? Answer: in sections, each page can have different headers. File - page settings - Format - headers and footers - home pages are different

2. question: how do you make each chapter use different headers in word? How can I only use one page header now and change all?

Answer: in the insert break, choose to insert a section break, can choose a continuous one, then the next page header before the change, click "with" button, then do the changes do not affect the front. In short, the segmented characters make them independent. This toolbar "with" button is displayed in the industry

Out on the field, but is in the form of icons, move the cursor to the top show "with" two words

3. question: how to merge two WORD documents, different headers need to first write two files, and then merge, how to do?

Answer: in the header settings, select the odd page different / different from the previous options

4. question: WORD edit header settings, how to achieve parity pages different, such as: single page, Zhejiang University degree thesis, this easy to set; double page: (each chapter title), this one what skills ah?

Answer: insert the section separator, the same as the previous section, remove, and then set the parity page different

5. question: how do you make the WORD document only on the first page without headers and footers?

Answer: the set of pages - header and footer, selected home, and then select the small arrow in the header of the first page, format - borders and shading, no choice, as long as the "view" -- the "header and footer", which set of pages, not the whole document, you can see a "with" sign. Don't choose, before and after setting the situation is different.

6. question: how do I set the header from page third?

Answer: in the second page insert a section break, with section removed in the third page head

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