1. Once you have created a watermark profile, save and close it.


2. save profile的解释

2. The lesson here is that writing a truthful dating profile can save you time and embarrassment.


3. This mode is for evaluation purposes only, so you will not be able to save a profile.


4. You must be signed in to a gamer profile to save progress.


5. Offer abundant profiles in category, support advanced settings for you to personalize, and enable you to save and name the profile which you can also rename and delete in future.


6. For almost calculating by computer, it can economize the quantity of profile optimization and save a mass of manpower and resource.


7. In this paper, we proposed a planar monopole antenna with simple structure, planar design, at high frequency has good impedance bandwidth, and low profile (antenna height less than 0.04 times the operating wavelength in the free space) for research and the discussion. Especially, the low profiled design can save the space of the antenna occupies in the mobile handset.


8. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

8. Customize the way of search and recognition of duplicates and save it into the profile that can be processed in one click, available from the Outlook toolbar.


9. If you find a business, restaurant you like, or whatever else, you can click the Save For Later button to store it in your profile.


10. But the high-profile auctions of the boom era are over, and firms are instead plumping for stealth sales to save their blushes if there are no reasonable offers.


11. To ensure that the settings in the Server Profile will take affect when you intend to use it for deployment, always remember to save the changes you make in the Server Profile editor.


12. You can choose your desired output Colour Profile in the Cinema4D Render Settings – Save options.


13. % 9 could not save'% 1'as the default profile for Snapshot Agents.


14. If the profile is dirty, then it will first create a non-released version, then save it and keep both the version it created and the last non-released version before that one.


15. You then have to save the certificate from the e-mail client and complete the user profile creation process.


16. Save these settings for the current user profile only.


17. If you take a moment and read my profile you may save some time and not write to me.


18. You can't save a publication profile to an empty name.


19. An error occurred while trying to save the changes to the profile. The total size of the attributes is more than the maximum of 4096 bytes.


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