
  • 前言
  • 一、Java中的国际化原理分析
  • 二、一些痛点以及解决方案
    • 1.编码问题
    • 2.占位符问题
  • 三、行业内优秀的解决方案
  • 总结


国际化这个词听起来很高大上,其实所谓的国际化就是针对不同的语言、地区采用不同的提示,比如遇见中国人就是“你好”,如果是美国人就是“Hello”,因为这两个国家的母语不一样,然后即使是同一个国家的不同地区,语言也有可能不一样,比如在中国大陆地区,使用的是简体,而在台湾地区,使用的就是繁体。在Java中处理国际化的主要类是java.util.ResourceBundle 这个类,下面我们针对这个类的用法以及一些问题进行分析




/*** Creates a new StringManager for a given package. This is a* private method and all access to it is arbitrated by the* static getManager method call so that only one StringManager* per package will be created.** @param packageName Name of package to create StringManager for.*/
private StringManager(String packageName) {String bundleName = packageName + ".LocalStrings";ResourceBundle tempBundle = null;try {tempBundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(bundleName, Locale.getDefault());} catch( MissingResourceException ex ) {// Try from the current loader (that's the case for trusted apps)// Should only be required if using a TC5 style classloader structure// where common != shared != serverClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();if( cl != null ) {try {tempBundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(bundleName, Locale.getDefault(), cl);} catch(MissingResourceException ex2) {// Ignore}}}// Get the actual locale, which may be different from the requested oneif (tempBundle != null) {locale = tempBundle.getLocale();} else {locale = null;}bundle = tempBundle;




first=Congratulations and best wishes for a prosperous New Year!
second=Congratulations and best wishes for a prosperous New Year!


public void testSimple() {// 资源名称String baseName = "rb";// 读取文件ResourceBundle resourceBundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(baseName);// 获取所有的key值Enumeration<String> bundleKeys = resourceBundle.getKeys();while (bundleKeys.hasMoreElements()) {// 遍历String nextElement = bundleKeys.nextElement();// 根据key值获取目标值System.out.println("key = " + nextElement + " ,value = " + resourceBundle.getString(nextElement));}


key = third ,value = welcome!{0}
key = first ,value = Congratulations and best wishes for a prosperous New Year!
key = second ,value = Congratulations and best wishes for a prosperous New Year!






key = third ,value = æ¬¢è¿Žä½ ï¼{0}!
key = first ,value = 恭喜发财
key = second ,value = 恭喜发财



public void testResourceBundle() {// 不能带后缀String baseName = "rb";Locale locale = Locale.getDefault();System.out.println("locale = " + locale);System.out.println("language = " + locale.getLanguage());System.out.println("country = " + locale.getCountry());// 根据Locale加载文件ResourceBundle resourceBundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(baseName, locale);String baseBundleName = resourceBundle.getBaseBundleName();String displayName = resourceBundle.getLocale().getDisplayName();System.out.println("baseBundleName = " + baseBundleName);System.out.println("locale displayName = " + displayName);Enumeration<String> bundleKeys = resourceBundle.getKeys();while (bundleKeys.hasMoreElements()) {String nextElement = bundleKeys.nextElement();System.out.println("key = " + nextElement + " ,value = " + resourceBundle.getString(nextElement));}



/** Useful constant for language.*/
static public final Locale CHINESE = createConstant("zh", "");/** Useful constant for language.*/
static public final Locale SIMPLIFIED_CHINESE = createConstant("zh", "CN");/** Useful constant for language.*/
static public final Locale TRADITIONAL_CHINESE = createConstant("zh", "TW");



  • 首先根据语言+地区读取配置文件,比如rb_zh_TW.properties,其中zh为语言,TW为地区
  • 如果以上步骤读取不到,然后再根据语言读取配置文件,比如rb_zh.properties
  • 如果以上步骤读取不到,就会读取默认的配置文件(不包含语言和地区),比如rb.properties。
  • 还读取不到,则会抛出异常,比如去加载baseName为rb1的配置信息


可以看到此时的异常为:java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find resource for bundle java.util.PropertyResourceBundle, key four






ResourceBundle baseBundle = null;
// 循环
for (Locale targetLocale = locale;targetLocale != null;targetLocale = control.getFallbackLocale(baseName, targetLocale)) {// 根据目标Locale获取可用的LocaleList<Locale> candidateLocales = control.getCandidateLocales(baseName, targetLocale);if (!isKnownControl && !checkList(candidateLocales)) {throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid Control: getCandidateLocales");}// 查找目标ResourceBundle 注意这里将candidateLocales传入了bundle = findBundle(cacheKey, candidateLocales, formats, 0, control, baseBundle);// If the loaded bundle is the base bundle and exactly for the// requested locale or the only candidate locale, then take the// bundle as the resulting one. If the loaded bundle is the base// bundle, it's put on hold until we finish processing all// fallback locales.if (isValidBundle(bundle)) {boolean isBaseBundle = Locale.ROOT.equals(bundle.locale);if (!isBaseBundle || bundle.locale.equals(locale)|| (candidateLocales.size() == 1&& bundle.locale.equals(candidateLocales.get(0)))) {break;}// If the base bundle has been loaded, keep the reference in// baseBundle so that we can avoid any redundant loading in case// the control specify not to cache bundles.if (isBaseBundle && baseBundle == null) {baseBundle = bundle;}}




private static ResourceBundle findBundle(CacheKey cacheKey,List<Locale> candidateLocales,List<String> formats,int index,Control control,ResourceBundle baseBundle) {Locale targetLocale = candidateLocales.get(index);ResourceBundle parent = null;if (index != candidateLocales.size() - 1) {// 递归查询parent,parent为获取高一级的parent = findBundle(cacheKey, candidateLocales, formats, index + 1,control, baseBundle);} else if (baseBundle != null && Locale.ROOT.equals(targetLocale)) {return baseBundle;}// Before we do the real loading work, see whether we need to// do some housekeeping: If references to class loaders or// resource bundles have been nulled out, remove all related// information from the cache.Object ref;while ((ref = referenceQueue.poll()) != null) {cacheList.remove(((CacheKeyReference)ref).getCacheKey());}// flag indicating the resource bundle has expired in the cacheboolean expiredBundle = false;// First, look up the cache to see if it's in the cache, without// attempting to load bundle.cacheKey.setLocale(targetLocale);ResourceBundle bundle = findBundleInCache(cacheKey, control);if (isValidBundle(bundle)) {expiredBundle = bundle.expired;if (!expiredBundle) {// If its parent is the one asked for by the candidate// locales (the runtime lookup path), we can take the cached// one. (If it's not identical, then we'd have to check the// parent's parents to be consistent with what's been// requested.)if (bundle.parent == parent) {return bundle;}// Otherwise, remove the cached one since we can't keep// the same bundles having different parents.BundleReference bundleRef = cacheList.get(cacheKey);if (bundleRef != null && bundleRef.get() == bundle) {cacheList.remove(cacheKey, bundleRef);}}}if (bundle != NONEXISTENT_BUNDLE) {CacheKey constKey = (CacheKey) cacheKey.clone();try {// 加载当前配置文件bundle = loadBundle(cacheKey, formats, control, expiredBundle);if (bundle != null) {if (bundle.parent == null) {// 设置父子关系bundle.setParent(parent);}// 设置对象的locale信息 bundle.locale = targetLocale;bundle = putBundleInCache(cacheKey, bundle, control);// 返回作为队列中前一个元素的parent 如果队列的第一个元素 则解析完成 return bundle;}// Put NONEXISTENT_BUNDLE in the cache as a mark that there's no bundle// instance for the locale.putBundleInCache(cacheKey, NONEXISTENT_BUNDLE, control);} finally {if (constKey.getCause() instanceof InterruptedException) {Thread.currentThread().interrupt();}}}return parent;










/*** Gets an object for the given key from this resource bundle or one of its parents.* This method first tries to obtain the object from this resource bundle using* {@link #handleGetObject(java.lang.String) handleGetObject}.* If not successful, and the parent resource bundle is not null,* it calls the parent's <code>getObject</code> method.* If still not successful, it throws a MissingResourceException.** @param key the key for the desired object* @exception NullPointerException if <code>key</code> is <code>null</code>* @exception MissingResourceException if no object for the given key can be found* @return the object for the given key*/
public final Object getObject(String key) {Object obj = handleGetObject(key);if (obj == null) {if (parent != null) {obj = parent.getObject(key);}if (obj == null) {throw new MissingResourceException("Can't find resource for bundle "+this.getClass().getName()+", key "+key,this.getClass().getName(),key);}}return obj;





/*** Creates a property resource bundle from an {@link java.io.InputStream* InputStream}.  The property file read with this constructor* must be encoded in ISO-8859-1.** @param stream an InputStream that represents a property file*        to read from.* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs* @throws NullPointerException if <code>stream</code> is null* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code stream} contains a*     malformed Unicode escape sequence.*/
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"})
public PropertyResourceBundle (InputStream stream) throws IOException {Properties properties = new Properties();properties.load(stream);lookup = new HashMap(properties);
}/*** Creates a property resource bundle from a {@link java.io.Reader* Reader}.  Unlike the constructor* {@link #PropertyResourceBundle(java.io.InputStream) PropertyResourceBundle(InputStream)},* there is no limitation as to the encoding of the input property file.** @param reader a Reader that represents a property file to*        read from.* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs* @throws NullPointerException if <code>reader</code> is null* @throws IllegalArgumentException if a malformed Unicode escape sequence appears*     from {@code reader}.* @since 1.6*/
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"})
public PropertyResourceBundle (Reader reader) throws IOException {Properties properties = new Properties();properties.load(reader);lookup = new HashMap(properties);

对于第一个构造方法(输入参数类型为InputStream的),看注解强制要求编码必须为ISO 8859-1````,因为在构造方法中通过java.util.Properties#load(java.io.InputStream)来加载流数据,如果不是ISO 8859-1````的编码就会抛出IllegalArgumentException异常。但是第二个构造方法给我们机会了。

public void testPropertiesResourceBundle() throws IOException {// 不能带后缀String baseName = "rb";String ext = ".properties";
//        // 设置Locale根据Locale查找Locale locale = Locale.TRADITIONAL_CHINESE;// 按照语言和地区查找InputStream asStream = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(baseName + "_" + locale + ext);PropertyResourceBundle resourceBundle = new PropertyResourceBundle(new InputStreamReader(asStream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));Enumeration<String> bundleKeys = resourceBundle.getKeys();while (bundleKeys.hasMoreElements()) {String nextElement = bundleKeys.nextElement();System.out.println("key = " + nextElement + " ,value = " + resourceBundle.getString(nextElement));}






key = third ,value = 欢迎你!{0}!


PropertyResourceBundle resourceBundle = new PropertyResourceBundle(new InputStreamReader(asStream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
String third = resourceBundle.getString("third");
MessageFormat messageFormat = new MessageFormat(third);
String jack = messageFormat.format(new Object[]{"jack"});



Strategy interface for resolving messages, with support for the parameterization and internationalization of such messages.



ResourceBundleMessageSource messageSource = new ResourceBundleMessageSource();
// 加载名称为rs的国际化资源文件
// 设置默认的编码为UTF-8
// 获取指定的key值 并传入占位符中的值 类型为数组 并指定Locale值
String message = messageSource.getMessage("message", new Object[]{"mark"}, Locale.SIMPLIFIED_CHINESE);



public final String getMessage(String code, @Nullable Object[] args, Locale locale) throws NoSuchMessageException {String msg = getMessageInternal(code, args, locale);if (msg != null) {return msg;}String fallback = getDefaultMessage(code);if (fallback != null) {return fallback;}throw new NoSuchMessageException(code, locale);



// Resolve arguments eagerly, for the case where the message
// is defined in a parent MessageSource but resolvable arguments
// are defined in the child MessageSource.
argsToUse = resolveArguments(args, locale);MessageFormat messageFormat = resolveCode(code, locale);
if (messageFormat != null) {synchronized (messageFormat) {return messageFormat.format(argsToUse);}



protected ResourceBundle doGetBundle(String basename, Locale locale) throws MissingResourceException {ClassLoader classLoader = getBundleClassLoader();Assert.state(classLoader != null, "No bundle ClassLoader set");MessageSourceControl control = this.control;if (control != null) {try {return ResourceBundle.getBundle(basename, locale, classLoader, control);}catch (UnsupportedOperationException ex) {// Probably in a Jigsaw environment on JDK 9+this.control = null;String encoding = getDefaultEncoding();if (encoding != null && logger.isInfoEnabled()) {logger.info("ResourceBundleMessageSource is configured to read resources with encoding '" +encoding + "' but ResourceBundle.Control not supported in current system environment: " +ex.getMessage() + " - falling back to plain ResourceBundle.getBundle retrieval with the " +"platform default encoding. Consider setting the 'defaultEncoding' property to 'null' " +"for participating in the platform default and therefore avoiding this log message.");}}}// Fallback: plain getBundle lookup without Control handlereturn ResourceBundle.getBundle(basename, locale, classLoader);




protected ResourceBundle loadBundle(Reader reader) throws IOException {return new PropertyResourceBundle(reader);



/*** Create a MessageFormat for the given message and Locale.* @param msg the message to create a MessageFormat for* @param locale the Locale to create a MessageFormat for* @return the MessageFormat instance*/
protected MessageFormat createMessageFormat(String msg, Locale locale) {return new MessageFormat(msg, locale);




messageSource.addBasenames("rb", "rb1", "rb2")


Resource bundles contain locale-specific objects. When your program needs a locale-specific
resource, a String for example, your program can load it from the resource bundle that is
appropriate for the current user's locale. In this way, you can write program code that is
largely independent of the user's locale isolating most, if not all, of the locale-specific
information in resource bundles.This allows you to write programs that can:
1. be easily localized, or translated, into different languages
2. handle multiple locales at once
3. be easily modified later to support even more localesResource bundles belong to families whose members share a common base name, but whose names
also have additional components that identify their locales. For example, the base name of
a family of resource bundles might be "MyResources". The family should have a default resource
bundle which simply has the same name as its family - "MyResources" - and will be used as the
bundle of last resort if a specific locale is not supported. The family can then provide as
many locale-specific members as needed, for example a German one named "MyResources_de".Each resource bundle in a family contains the same items, but the items have been translated for
the locale represented by that resource bundle. For example, both "MyResources" and
"MyResources_de" may have a String that's used on a button for canceling operations.
In "MyResources" the String may contain "Cancel" and in "MyResources_de" it may contain "Abbrechen".If there are different resources for different countries, you can make specializations:
for example, "MyResources_de_CH" contains objects for the German language (de) in Switzerland (CH).
If you want to only modify some of the resources in the specialization, you can do so.When your program needs a locale-specific object, it loads the ResourceBundle class using the
getBundle method:ResourceBundle myResources = ResourceBundle.getBundle("MyResources", currentLocale);Resource bundles contain key/value pairs. The keys uniquely identify a locale-specific object
in the bundle. Here's an example of a ListResourceBundle that contains two key/value pairs:
public class MyResources extends ListResourceBundle {protected Object[][] getContents() {return new Object[][] {// LOCALIZE THE SECOND STRING OF EACH ARRAY (e.g., "OK"){"OkKey", "OK"},{"CancelKey", "Cancel"},// END OF MATERIAL TO LOCALIZE};}
}Keys are always Strings. In this example, the keys are "OkKey" and "CancelKey". In the above
example, the values are also Strings--"OK" and "Cancel"--but they don't have to be. The values
can be any type of object.You retrieve an object from resource bundle using the appropriate getter method. Because "OkKey"
and "CancelKey" are both strings, you would use getString to retrieve them:
button1 = new Button(myResources.getString("OkKey"));
button2 = new Button(myResources.getString("CancelKey"));The getter methods all require the key as an argument and return the object if found. If the
object is not found, the getter method throws a MissingResourceException.Besides getString, ResourceBundle also provides a method for getting string arrays, getStringArray,
as well as a generic getObject method for any other type of object. When using getObject, you'll
have to cast the result to the appropriate type. For example:
int[] myIntegers = (int[]) myResources.getObject("intList");The Java Platform provides two subclasses of ResourceBundle, ListResourceBundle and
PropertyResourceBundle, that provide a fairly simple way to create resources. As you saw briefly
in a previous example, ListResourceBundle manages its resource as a list of key/value pairs.
PropertyResourceBundle uses a properties file to manage its resources.If ListResourceBundle or PropertyResourceBundle do not suit your needs, you can write your own
ResourceBundle subclass. Your subclasses must override two methods: handleGetObject and getKeys().The implementation of a ResourceBundle subclass must be thread-safe if it's simultaneously used by
multiple threads. The default implementations of the non-abstract methods in this class, and the
methods in the direct known concrete subclasses ListResourceBundle and PropertyResourceBundle are
thread-safe.ResourceBundle.ControlThe ResourceBundle.Control class provides information necessary to perform the bundle loading process
by the getBundle factory methods that take a ResourceBundle.Control instance. You can implement your
own subclass in order to enable non-standard resource bundle formats, change the search strategy,
or define caching parameters. Refer to the descriptions of the class and the getBundle factory method
for details.For the getBundle factory methods that take no ResourceBundle.Control instance, their default behavior
of resource bundle loading can be modified with installed ResourceBundleControlProvider implementations.
Any installed providers are detected at the ResourceBundle class loading time. If any of the providers
provides a ResourceBundle.Control for the given base name, that ResourceBundle.Control will be used
instead of the default ResourceBundle.Control. If there is more than one service provider installed for
supporting the same base name, the first one returned from ServiceLoader will be used.Cache ManagementResource bundle instances created by the getBundle factory methods are cached by default, and the factory
methods return the same resource bundle instance multiple times if it has been cached. getBundle clients
may clear the cache, manage the lifetime of cached resource bundle instances using time-to-live values,
or specify not to cache resource bundle instances. Refer to the descriptions of the getBundle factory method,
clearCache, ResourceBundle.Control.getTimeToLive, and ResourceBundle.Control.needsReload for details.
The following is a very simple example of a ResourceBundle subclass, MyResources, that manages two resources
(for a larger number of resources you would probably use a Map). Notice that you don't need to supply a value
if a "parent-level" ResourceBundle handles the same key with the same value (as for the okKey below).// default (English language, United States)public class MyResources extends ResourceBundle {public Object handleGetObject(String key) {if (key.equals("okKey")) return "Ok";if (key.equals("cancelKey")) return "Cancel";return null;}public Enumeration<String> getKeys() {return Collections.enumeration(keySet());}// Overrides handleKeySet() so that the getKeys() implementation// can rely on the keySet() value.protected Set<String> handleKeySet() {return new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("okKey", "cancelKey"));}}// German languagepublic class MyResources_de extends MyResources {public Object handleGetObject(String key) {// don't need okKey, since parent level handles it.if (key.equals("cancelKey")) return "Abbrechen";return null;}protected Set<String> handleKeySet() {return new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("cancelKey"));}}You do not have to restrict yourself to using a single family of ResourceBundles. For example, you could have
a set of bundles for exception messages, ExceptionResources (ExceptionResources_fr, ExceptionResources_de, ...),
and one for widgets, WidgetResource (WidgetResources_fr, WidgetResources_de, ...); breaking up the resources however
you like.


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