
  • 首先下载主题
  • 配置博客主题_config.yaml
    • 配置前须知
    • _config.yaml配置简单介绍
  • 如果参考我的脚手架,大家可以阅读readme和changelog文件,和蝴蝶主题官方文档。

tip: 由于butterfly主题升级至3.0.1,所提供的源码不在进行维护,请关注本butterfly3.0.1魔改文章










在你的博客路径打开终端,用git下载,如果下载太慢,可以在com后面追加.cnpm.org,这个是淘宝镜像源git clone -b master https://github.com/jerryc127/hexo-theme-butterfly.git themes/butterfly//这个是stylus,主题的依赖,必须安装
npm install hexo-renderer-pug hexo-renderer-stylus

然后在hexo的_config.yaml(记住是你博客的配置文件,不是刚下载的主题配置文件)更改theme:butterfly,保存,重启***hexo server***,就可以看到效果。



tip: yaml配置时一定要注意空格,和缩进,否则会有语法错误

Valine需要获取APP ID 和 APP Key
请先登录或注册 LeanCloud, 进入控制台后点击左下角创建应用:

应用创建好以后,进入刚刚创建的应用,选择左下角的设置>应用Key,然后就能看到你的APP ID和APP Key了:


# Main menu navigation (導航目錄)
# --------------------------------------# format: name: link || icon
# sub-menu
# name || icon:
#   name || link || iconmenu:       //按照上面给的格式配置你想设计的导航栏内容Home: / || fas fa-homeArchives: /archives/ || fas fa-archiveTags: /tags/ || fas fa-tagsCategories: /categories/ || fas fa-folder-openList||fas fa-list:- Music || /music/ || fas fa-music- Movie || /movies/ || fas fa-videoLink: /link/ || fas fa-linkAbout: /about/ || fas fa-heart# Code Blocks (代碼相關)
# --------------------------------------  //代码高亮配置 我喜欢mac light样式,可以自行选择highlight_theme: light # default / darker / pale night / light / ocean / mac / false
highlight_copy: true # copy button
highlight_lang: true # show the code language
highlight_shrink: false # true: shrink the code blocks / false: expand the code blocks | none: expand code blocks and hide the button
code_word_wrap: false# copy settings
# copyright: Add the copyright information after copied content (複製的內容後面加上版權信息)
copy:enable: truecopyright: false  //这里改成true就可以看到你的版权协议# social settings (社交圖標設置)  //此主题图标引用的是fontsomev5,,不过你也可以引入阿里图标,没有css经验就不要贸然尝试了,容易翻车,最好备份一下
# formal:
#   icon: link || the description
social:fab fa-github: https://github.com/xxxxx || Githubfas fa-envelope: mailto:xxxxxx@gmail.com || Email# search (搜索)
# --------------------------------------  //主题内置的搜索功能有algolia外部搜索和local search本地搜索,我是打开了,这个配置需要下载依赖,具体查看//官方文档# Algolia search
algolia_search:enable: falsehits:per_page: 6labels:input_placeholder: Search for Postshits_empty: "We didn't find any results for the search: ${query}" # if there are no resulthits_stats: '${hits} results found in ${time} ms'# Local search
local_search:enable: falselabels:input_placeholder: Search for Postshits_empty: "We didn't find any results for the search: ${query}" # if there are no result# Math (數學)
# --------------------------------------
# About the per_page
# if you set it to true, it will load mathjax/katex script in each page (true 表示每一頁都加載js)
# if you set it to false, it will load mathjax/katex script according to your setting (add the 'mathjax: true' in page's front-matter)
# (false 需要時加載,須在使用的 Markdown Front-matter 加上 mathjax: true)# MathJax   //数学公式,我用的是katex
mathjax:enable: falseper_page: false# KaTeX
katex:enable: falseper_page: falsehide_scrollbar: true# Image (圖片設置)
# --------------------------------------# Favicon(網站圖標)
favicon: /img/favicon.png# Avatar (頭像)
avatar:img: /img/avatar.pngeffect: false# the banner image of home page
index_img:# if the banner of page not setting,it will show the top_img
default_top_img: https://i.loli.net/2020/05/01/IuWi8QbHvzjlOPw.jpg# the banner image of archive page
archive_img:# the banner image of tag page
# tag page, look like https://xxxxxxxxx.com/tags/butterfly
tag_img:# the banner image of category page
# category page, look like https://xxxxxxxxx.com/categories/butterfly
category_img:# If you are using hexo-douban, you can configure it (如果你有使用 hexo-douban,可配置這個)
# douban:
#   meta: false
#   movies_img:
#   books_img:
#   games_img:cover:# display the cover or not (是否顯示文章封面)index_enable: trueaside_enable: truearchives_enable: true# the position of cover in home page (封面顯示的位置)# left/right/bothposition: both# When cover is not set, the default cover is displayed (當沒有設置cover時,默認的封面顯示)default_cover: - https://i.loli.net/2020/05/01/gkihqEjXxJ5UZ1C.jpg# Replace Broken Images (替換無法顯示的圖片)
error_img:flink: /img/friend_404.gifpost_page: /img/404.jpg# A simple 404 page
error_404:enable: falsesubtitle: 'Page Not Found'background: https://i.loli.net/2020/05/19/aKOcLiyPl2JQdFD.pngpost_meta:page: # Home Pagedate_type: created # created or updated or both 主頁文章日期是創建日或者更新日或都顯示categories: true # true or false 主頁是否顯示分類tags: false # true or false 主頁是否顯示標籤post:date_type: both # created or updated or both 文章頁日期是創建日或者更新日或都顯示categories: true # true or false 文章頁是否顯示分類tags: true # true or false 文章頁是否顯示標籤# wordcount (字數統計)  //字数统计,打开前需要下载依赖,查看官方文档
wordcount:enable: falsepost_wordcount: truemin2read: truetotal_wordcount: true# Display the article introduction on homepage
# 1: description
# 2: both (if the description exists, it will show description. or show the auto_excerpt)
# 3: auto_excerpt (default)
index_post_content:method: 3length: 500 # if you set method to 2 or 3, the length need to config# Post
# --------------------------------------# toc (目錄)
toc:enable: truenumber: trueauto_open: true # auto open the sidebarpost_copyright:enable: truedecode: falselicense: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0license_url: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/# Sponsor/reward  //打赏功能, 图片自行设计
reward:enable: falseQR_code:- img: /img/wechat.jpglink:text: wechat- img: /img/alipay.jpglink:text: alipay# Related Articles
related_post:enable: truelimit: 6 # Number of posts displayeddate_type: created # or created or updated 文章日期顯示創建日或者更新日# figcaption (圖片描述文字)
photofigcaption: false# anchor
# when you scroll in post, the URL will update according to header id.
anchor: false# Share System (分享功能)  //推荐valine,需要配置appid和appkey才能使用
# --------------------------------------# AddThis
# https://www.addthis.com/
addThis:enable: falsepubid:# Share.js
# https://github.com/overtrue/share.js
sharejs:enable: truesites: facebook,twitter,wechat,weibo,qq# AddToAny
# https://www.addtoany.com/
addtoany:enable: falseitem:- facebook- twitter- wechat- sina_weibo- facebook_messenger- email- copy_link# Comments System
# --------------------------------------# disqus
# https://disqus.com/
disqus:enable: falseshortname:count: false # dispaly comment count in top_img# Alternative Disqus - Render comments with Disqus API
# DisqusJS評論系統,可以實現在網路審查地區載入 Disqus 評論列表,兼容原版
# https://github.com/SukkaW/DisqusJS
disqusjs:enable: falseshortname:siteName:apikey:api:nocomment: # display when a blog post or an article has no comment attachedadmin:adminLabel:count: false # dispaly comment count in top_img# livere(來必力)
# https://www.livere.com/
livere:enable: falseuid:# gitalk
# https://github.com/gitalk/gitalk
gitalk:enable: falseclient_id:client_secret:repo:owner:admin:language: en # en, zh-CN, zh-TW, es-ES, fr, ruperPage: 10 # Pagination size, with maximum 100.distractionFreeMode: false # Facebook-like distraction free mode.pagerDirection: last # Comment sorting direction, available values are last and first.createIssueManually: false # Gitalk will create a corresponding github issue for your every single page automaticallycount: false # dispaly comment count in top_img# valine
# https://valine.js.org
valine:enable: false # if you want use valine,please set this value is trueappId: # leancloud application app idappKey: # leancloud application app keypageSize: 10 # comment list page sizeavatar: monsterid # gravatar style https://valine.js.org/#/avatarlang: en # i18n: zh-CN/zh-TW/en/japlaceholder: Please leave your footprints # valine comment input placeholder(like: Please leave your footprints )guest_info: nick,mail,link #valine comment header info (nick/mail/link)recordIP: false # Record reviewer IPserverURLs: # This configuration is suitable for domestic custom domain name users, overseas version will be automatically detected (no need to manually fill in)bg: # valine background    //现版本已经把背景改成透明了,想要背景可自行更改,或者参考我的脚手架emojiCDN: # emoji CDN      //表情自定义,可查看主题官方文档配置enableQQ: false # enable the Nickname box to automatically get QQ Nickname and QQ AvatarrequiredFields: nick,mail # required fields (nick/mail)count: false # dispaly comment count in top_img# utterances
# https://utteranc.es/
utterances:enable: falserepo:# Issue Mapping: pathname/url/title/og:titleissue_term: pathname# Theme: github-light/github-dark/github-dark-orange/icy-dark/dark-blue/photon-darklight_theme: github-lightdark_theme: photon-dark# Facebook Comments Plugin
# https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/comments/
facebook_comments:enable: falseapp_id:user_id: # optionalpageSize: 10 # The number of comments to showorder_by: social # social/time/reverse_timelang: en_US # Language en_US/zh_CN/zh_TW and so oncount: false# Chat Services  //即时聊天服务,需要注册,再打开chat_btn和你选择的某一款聊天服务,我选择的是daovoice
# --------------------------------------# Chat Button [recommend]
# It will create a button in the bottom right corner of website, and hide the origin button
chat_btn: false# The origin chat button is displayed when scrolling up, and the button is hidden when scrolling down
chat_hide_show: false# chatra
# https://chatra.io/
chatra:enable: falseid:# tidio
# https://www.tidio.com/
tidio:enable: falsepublic_key:# daovoice
# http://daovoice.io/
daovoice:enable: falseapp_id:# gitter
# https://gitter.im/
gitter:enable: falseroom:# Footer Settings
# --------------------------------------   //页脚配置since: 2020footer_custom_text:footer_copyright: trueICP:enable: falseurl:text:icon: /img/icp.png# Analysis
# --------------------------------------   //网站分析模块,我没有配置,这个查看主题文档吧# Baidu Analytics
baidu_analytics:# Google Analytics
google_analytics:# Tencent Analytics ID
tencent_analytics:# Advertisement
# --------------------------------------# Google Adsense (谷歌廣告)
google_adsense:enable: falsejs: https://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.jsclient:enable_page_level_ads: true# Insert ads manually (手動插入廣告)
# ad:
#   index:
#   aside:
#   post:# Verification (站長驗證)
# --------------------------------------# Google Webmaster tools verification setting
# See: https://www.google.com/webmasters/
google_site_verification:# Bing Webmaster tools verification setting
# See: https://www.bing.com/webmaster/
bing_site_verification:# Baidu Webmaster tools verification setting
# See: https://ziyuan.baidu.com/site/
baidu_site_verification:# 360 Webmaster tools verification setting
# see http://zhanzhang.so.com/
qihu_site_verification:# Beautify/Effect (美化/效果) //自定义美化效果,没有css经验请绕行
# --------------------------------------# Theme color for customize
# Notice: color value must in double quotes like "#000" or may cause error!# theme_color:
#   enable: true
#   main: "#49B1F5"
#   paginator: "#00c4b6"
#   button_hover: "#FF7242"
#   text_selection: "#00c4b6"
#   link_color: "#99a9bf"
#   meta_color: "#858585"
#   hr_color: "#A4D8FA"
#   code_foreground: "#F47466"
#   code_background: "rgba(27, 31, 35, .05)"
#   toc_color: "#00c4b6"
#   blockquote_padding_color: "#49b1f5"
#   blockquote_background_color: "#49b1f5"# The top_img settings of home page
# default: top img - full screen, site info - middle (默認top_img全屏,site_info在中間)
# The positon of site info, eg: 300px/300em/300rem/10% (主頁標題距離頂部距離)
# The height of top_img, eg: 300px/300em/300rem (主頁top_img高度)
index_top_img_height:# The user interface setting of category and tag page (category和tag頁的UI設置)
# index - same as Homepage UI (index 值代表 UI將與首頁的UI一樣)
# default - same as archives UI 默認跟archives頁面UI一樣
category_ui: # 留空或 index
tag_ui: # 留空或 index# Website Background (設置網站背景)
# can set it to color or image (可設置圖片 或者 顔色)
# The formal of color: '#49B202'
# The formal of image: url(http://xxxxxx.com/xxx.jpg)
# White color will be shown as default
background:               //网站背景,因为魔改将banner设为透明,如果不添加背景就会一片白,背景格式: url(网络路径或者本地相对路径)# Show the footer background image (same as top_img)
footer_bg: false# the position of bottom right button/default unit: px (右下角按鈕距離底部的距離/默認單位為px)
rightside-bottom:# Background effects (背景特效)  //处于对性能考虑,最好不要都打开,背景,鼠标效果各选一个
# --------------------------------------# canvas_ribbon (靜止彩帶背景)
# See: https://github.com/hustcc/ribbon.js
canvas_ribbon:enable: falsesize: 150alpha: 0.6zIndex: -1click_to_change: falsemobile: false# Dynamic ribbon (動態彩帶)
canvas_ribbon_piao:enable: falsemobile: false# canvas_nest
# https://github.com/hustcc/canvas-nest.js
canvas_nest:enable: falsecolor: '0,0,255' #color of lines, default: '0,0,0'; RGB values: (R,G,B).(note: use ',' to separate.)opacity: 0.7 # the opacity of line (0~1), default: 0.5.zIndex: -1 # z-index property of the background, default: -1.count: 99 # the number of lines, default: 99.mobile: false# Typewriter Effect (打字效果)
# https://github.com/disjukr/activate-power-mode
activate_power_mode:enable: falsecolorful: true # open particle animation (冒光特效)shake: true #  open shake (抖動特效)# Mouse click effects: fireworks (鼠標點擊效果: 煙火特效)
fireworks:enable: falsezIndex: 9999 # -1 or 9999# Mouse click effects: Heart symbol (鼠標點擊效果: 愛心)
click_heart: false# Mouse click effects: words (鼠標點擊效果: 文字)
ClickShowText:enable: falsetext:- I- LOVE- YOUfontSize: 15px# Default display mode (網站默認的顯示模式)
# light (default) / dark
display_mode: light# Beautify (美化頁面顯示)
beautify:enable: falsefield: post # site/posttitle-prefix-icon: '\f0c1'title-prefix-icon-color: '#F47466'# Global font settings
# Don't modify the following settings unless you know how they work (非必要不要修改)
font:font-family:code-font:# Font settings for the site title and site subtitle
# 左上角網站名字 主頁居中網站名字
blog_title_font:font_link: https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Titillium+Web&display=swapfont-family: Titillium Web, 'PingFang SC', 'Hiragino Sans GB', Microsoft YaHei', sans-serif# The setting of divider icon (水平分隔線圖標設置)
hr_icon:enable: trueicon: # the unicode value of Font Awesome iconicon-top:# the subtitle on homepage (主頁subtitle)
subtitle:enable: true# Typewriter Effect (打字效果)effect: true# loop (循環打字)loop: true# source調用第三方服務# source: false 關閉調用# source: 1  調用搏天api的隨機語錄(簡體) https://api.btstu.cn/# source: 2  調用一言網的一句話(簡體) https://hitokoto.cn/# source: 3  調用一句網(簡體) http://yijuzhan.com/# source: 4  調用今日詩詞(簡體) https://www.jinrishici.com/# subtitle 會先顯示 source , 再顯示 sub 的內容source: false# 如果有英文逗號' , ',請使用轉義字元 ,# 如果有英文雙引號' " ',請使用轉義字元 "# 開頭不允許轉義字元,如需要,請把整個句子用雙引號包住# 如果關閉打字效果,subtitle只會顯示sub的第一行文字sub:- 今日事,今日畢- Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today# Loading Animation (加載動畫)
preloader: false# aside (側邊欄)
# --------------------------------------aside:enable: truemobile: true # display on mobileposition: right # left or rightcard_author:enable: truedescription:card_announcement:enable: truecontent: This is my Blogcard_recent_post:enable: truelimit: 5 # if set 0 will show allcard_categories:enable: truelimit: 8 # if set 0 will show allexpand: none # none/true/falsecard_tags:enable: truelimit: 40 # if set 0 will show allcolor: falsecard_archives:enable: truetype: monthly # yearly or monthlyformat: MMMM YYYY # eg: YYYY年MM月order: -1 # Sort of order. 1, asc for ascending; -1, desc for descendinglimit: 8 # if set 0 will show allcard_webinfo: true# busuanzi count for PV / UV in site
# 訪問人數
busuanzi:site_uv: truesite_pv: truepage_pv: true# Time difference between publish date and now (網頁運行時間)
# Formal: Month/Day/Year Time or Year/Month/Day Time
runtimeshow:enable: falsepublish_date:# Bottom right button (右下角按鈕)
# --------------------------------------# Conversion between Traditional and Simplified Chinese (簡繁轉換)
translate:enable: true# The text of a buttondefault: 繁# the language of website (1 - Traditional Chinese/ 2 - Simplified Chinese)defaultEncoding: 2# Time delaytranslateDelay: 0# The text of the button when the language is Simplified ChinesemsgToTraditionalChinese: '繁'# The text of the button when the language is Traditional ChinesemsgToSimplifiedChinese: '簡'# Read Mode (閲讀模式)
readmode: true# dark mode
darkmode:enable: true# Toggle Button to switch dark/light modebutton: true# Switch dark/light mode automatically (自動切換 dark mode和 light mode)# autoChangeMode: 1  Following System Settings, if the system doesn't support dark mode, it will switch dark mode between 6 pm to 6 am# autoChangeMode: 2  Switch dark mode between 6 pm to 6 am# autoChangeMode: falseautoChangeMode: false# Lightbox (圖片大圖查看模式)
# --------------------------------------
# You can only choose one, or neither (只能選擇一個 或者 兩個都不選)# medium-zoom
# https://github.com/francoischalifour/medium-zoom
medium_zoom: false# fancybox
# http://fancyapps.com/fancybox/3/
fancybox: true# Tag Plugins settings (標籤外掛)
# --------------------------------------# mermaid
# see https://github.com/knsv/mermaid
mermaid:enable: false# built-in themes: default/forest/dark/neutraltheme: default# Note (Bootstrap Callout)
note:# Note tag style values:#  - simple    bs-callout old alert style. Default.#  - modern    bs-callout new (v2-v3) alert style.#  - flat      flat callout style with background, like on Mozilla or StackOverflow.#  - disabled  disable all CSS styles import of note tag.style: flaticons: trueborder_radius: 3# Offset lighter of background in % for modern and flat styles (modern: -12 | 12; flat: -18 | 6).# Offset also applied to label tag variables. This option can work with disabled note tag.light_bg_offset: 0# other
# --------------------------------------# Snackbar (Toast Notification 彈窗)  //操作提示弹窗
# https://github.com/polonel/SnackBar
# position 彈窗位置
# 可選 top-left / top-center / top-right / bottom-left / bottom-center / bottom-right
snackbar:enable: falseposition: bottom-leftbg_light: '#49b1f5' # The background color of Toast Notification in light modebg_dark: '#121212' # The background color of Toast Notification in dark mode# Baidu Push (百度推送)
baidu_push: false# https://instant.page/
# prefetch (預加載)
instantpage: true# https://github.com/vinta/pangu.js
# Insert a space between Chinese character and English character (中英文之間添加空格)
pangu:enable: falsefield: site # site/post# Lazyload (圖片懶加載)
# https://github.com/verlok/lazyload
lazyload:enable: truepost: /img/loading.gif# PWA
# See https://github.com/JLHwung/hexo-offline
# ---------------
# pwa:
#   enable: false
#   manifest: /image/pwa/manifest.json
#   theme_color: "#fff"
#   apple_touch_icon: /image/pwa/apple-touch-icon.png
#   favicon_32_32: /image/pwa/32.png
#   favicon_16_16: /image/pwa/16.png
#   mask_icon: /image/pwa/safari-pinned-tab.svg# Disable Baidu transformation on mobile devices (禁止百度轉碼)
disable_baidu_transformation: true# Open graph meta tags
# https://developers.facebook.com/docs/sharing/webmasters/
Open_Graph_meta: true# Caches the contents in a fragment, speed up the generation (開啟hexo自帶的緩存,加快生成速度)
fragment_cache: true# Inject
# Insert the code to head (before '</head>' tag) and the bottom (before '</body>' tag)
# 插入代码到头部 </head> 之前 和 底部 </body> 之前            //外挂方式引入自定义css和js,推荐在这里引入自定义css和js
inject:head:# - <link rel="stylesheet" href="/xxx.css">bottom:# - <script src="xxxx"></script># CDN
# Don't modify the following settings unless you know how they work
# 非必要請不要修改
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