
ARINC 653 Specification defines a standardized interface of real-time operating systems and an Application Executive (APEX) to develop the reliable applications for avionics based on Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA). The requirements of system platform based on ARINC 653 Standard are defined as configuration data and are integrated to the XML configuration file(s) in the real-time operating system. Unfortunately, existing configuration tools for integrating requirements do not provide checking the syntax errors of XML and verifying the integrity of input data for partitioning. This paper presents a configuration tool for ARINC 653 OS that consist of Wizard module which generates the basic configuration data for IMA based on XML Scheme of ARINC 653 Standard, XML and Partition Editor for the partitioning system of IMA, and Verification module which checks the integrity of input data and XML syntax with its visualization.


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