

英语作文 篇1

What are the reasons for losing a variety of languages and culture?

Culture is the learned and shared behavior of a community of interacting human beings. And languages are the cornerstones of a culture, defining who we are as a people. Just as the world is becoming less biologically rich, it is also becoming less culturally and linguistically diverse. There are a variety of reasons for the loss of cultures and languages.

1.Loss of Culture


Technology has now created the possibility of a global culture. With the invention of telephone, fax machines and the internet, communications are no longer limited by time and space. Quick transportations such as airplanes have swept away the old national boundaries and shortened the physical distance among people.

b)Impact of global media and entertainment.

Global media and entertainment companies shape understandings, values and dreams of ordinary citizens wherever they live. Local cultures are falling victim to a global culture. Few students in China like or even understand Beijing Opera; instead, they prefer Hollywood films and international stars.

The United States dominates the traffic in information and ideas. American music, American movies, American television, and American software are so dominant, so sought after, and so visible that they are now available literally everywhere on the Earth. This American culture is influencing the tastes, lives, and aspirations - in other words, culture - of virtually every nation.

c)Globalization - Economic cooperation and foreign trade

Foreign investment and international trade are taking place around the globe. This economic globalization has lead to a global culture. For example, a global fast food and drink culture has been spread all over the world by companies like McDonalds and Coca-Cola. In the meantime, local food and drink cultures are becoming less distinct and some weak ones will be gradually lost.


Immigration has led to a more homogeneous society. Immigrants give up their own cultures in adaptation for the host countrys culture.

e)Physical damage done to communities either by natural disasters, disease or war.

War in Iraq destroyed not only its regime but also a culture that has developed for thousands of years. American ideology will be transplanted there.

2.Loss of Language

The world now loses a language every two weeks, a rate unprecedented in history.

The intricate combination of politics, genocide, geography and economics conspire in the demise of language. Linguists estimate that in 100 years fewer than half of the worlds 6000 languages will still be in use. Will this mean a more peaceful, communicative worlds or an aird linguistic desert, subject to the tyranny of the monoglot yoke?

a)English is eradicating weaker languages

English language is becoming a dominant language in the world. If someone speaks English, he or she will have no difficulty communicating with people in almost every corner of the world. As a result, few people choose other small languages to study as a second language.

b)Loss of small ethnic groups.

Some small ethnic groups live a closed life without communication with the outside world. When the number of people within these ethnic groups diminishes, so do the languages they speak.

c)Political opposition to minority languages.

Some governments do not give official recognition to minority languages or aboriginal languages and do not encourage people to speak these languages. So these languages get less spoken and will ultimately become extinct.

英语作文 篇2

写作题目:Should Women Return to the Kitchen?

Directions: For this part you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Should Women Return to the Kitchen? You should write no less than 150 words and base your composition on the outline below:





The traditional belief is that a woman s place is the home and that a woman ought not to go out to work after marriage. Now once again we hear such words.

People hold the view base their argument on the two assumptions. First, since jobs now are scarce and unemployment rates higher, if women returned to the kitchen, there would be more jobs available to men. Second, the majority of female workers earn a little, only one-fifth of their male counterparts, who may earn a little more if their wives stay at home devoted wholly to children and housework. But they fail to notice that deprived of work, most women will suffer unspeakable boredom and misery. For most women, work is not only a means of earning a living, but more important, the focus of their lives and the source of satisfaction, and the absence of work tends to exert a harmful effect on their psychological well-being. Furthermore, withdraw from employment to complete domesticity means the loss of certain social status that women have now enjoyed after many years of struggle. It should be recognized that the current frequent occurrences of brutality, desertion and divorce are to some extent attributed to the fact they have no say in the matter of finance.

No, women should not return to the kitchen, for we cannot afford to waste the wealth of their talent in their contribution to waste the wealth of their talent in their contribution to society and to risk losing the social status they should have.




英语作文 篇3

“oh, i don’t think i could guess that。” said big nutbrown hare。

“this much。” said little nutbrown hare, stretching out his arms as wide as they could go。

big nutbrown hare had even longer arms。 “but i love you this much。” he said。

hmm, that is a lot, thought little nutbrown hare。

“i love you as high as i can reach。” said little nutbrown hare。

“i love you as high as i can reach。” said big nutbrown hare。

that is quite high, thought little nutbrown hare; i wish i had arms like that。

then little nutbrown hare had a good idea。 he tumbled upside down and reached up the tree trunk with his feet。

“i love you all the way up to my toes!” he said。

“and i love you all the way up to your toes。” said big nutbrown hare, swinging him up over his head。

“i love you as high as i can hop!” laughed little nutbrown hare, bouncing up and down。

“but i love you as high as i can hop。” smiled big nutbrown hare – and he hopped so high that his ears touched the branches above。

that’s good hopping, thought little nutbrown hare。 i wish i could hop like that。

“i love you all the way down the lane as far as the river。” cried little nutbrown hare。

“i love you across the river and over the hills。” said big nutbrown hare。

that’s very far, thought little nutbrown hare。 he was almost too sleepy to think any more。

then he looked beyond the thorn bushed, out into the big dark night。 nothing could be further than the sky。

“i love you right up to the moon。” he said, and closed his eyes。

“oh, that’s far。” said big nutbrown hare。 “that is very, very far。”

big nutbrown hare settled little nutbrown hare into his bed of leaves。 he leaned over and kissed him good night。

then he lay down close by and whispered with a smile, "i love you right up to the moon。。。 and back。"

英语作文 篇4











2.生词:通讯:communicate (with sb.) vi. communication n.

互联网:the Internet n.


从材料的呈现方式(两幅图对比)及材料所提供的要求“描述变化及影响”可知,本文应该用说明文体来写作。时态的把握是本文的一大难点,一般情况下,说明文应用一般现在时,但本文描述的是今昔通讯方式的变化,所以在描写过去通讯方式的时候要用一般过去时,例如in the past, people kept in touch with each other mainly by writing letters or using the public telephone 及It used to take several days to hear from each other.在描写过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响时,谓语动词要用现在完成时,例如本文的起始句可用“Great changes have taken place in the way of communication in people’s life in recent years”及讲述影响的过渡句“with these changes, people’s pace of life has been quickened and people’s work has been made more dfficient”. 相对来说,本文用第三人称容易把握。


Great changes have taken place in the way of communication in people’s life in recent years.

In the past, people kept in touch with each other mainly by writing letters or using the public telephone. But now almost everyone has his own mobile phone.People can communicate with each other almost at any place and at any time. What’s more, people have easy access to the Internet, which enables them to send and receive e-mails whenever they like.With these changes, people’s pace of life has been quickened and people’s work has been made more efficient. It used to take several days to hear from each other, but now it takes only several minutes, even if they are in two different continents.



In a word, people have an easier life nowadays.


英语作文 篇5

It is recognized by everybody that the strength of a country depends upon its education. The higher the education standards, the stronger the country becomes. That is true indeed.

But my opinion is that, in order to make a country strong, education alone is not sufficient. It should go side by side with morality.

Morality and education are the foundation of a country. The absence of either makes success impossible. Education without morality is dangerous. Morality without education is also harmful. ( 85 words)





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