while Juli’s acceptance of my apology was not all that I’d hoped for, at least the eggs thing was finally behind me, the first time in months I could truly enjiy Bonanza.

Where are you going and why you dressed like that?

Skylre’s and Matt are bringing over some recording stuff and they’re gonna make a demo.

Like they know how to make a demo?

I don’t have to,I know the type.

Don’t talk to me like that.

Everything was back to normal.

Is that girl working you so hard?

That girl’s name is Juli,and no she isn’t working me too hard.

You’ve developed a quite soft spot for her.

just want find out why your father has the energy to befriend a complete stranger when he won’t throw a basketball around with his own grandson.

It’s ok,daddy

Juli reminds him of Grandma.

That’s ridiculous.

You know why the Bakers haven’t fixed up their yard till now?

because he’s too busy with his paint-by-number kit.

if you had a brother with a severe handicap(严重缺陷), what would you do?

What does that have to do with anything?

Juli’s father has a retarded(智力发育迟缓的) brother.

He’s not the gardener,is he?

It was a joke, you know,people have family troubles and they manage to mow the lawns.I don’t know where their pride in ownership is?

They don’t own that house.The landlord’s supposed to maintain it, Mr.Baker puts every extra penny he has into caring for his brother.(把任何多余的钱都拿去照顾他弟弟)

Don’t they have government facilities fot that sort of thing?

Maybe they think that a private facility would be better for him.

It’s not our fault, that their has some chromosomal abnormality.(基因缺陷)

It has nothing to do with chromosomes.when Juli’s uncle was born,he had the umbilical cord(脐带) wrapped around his neck,if he’d enough oxygenmhe would’ve been a perfect little boy just like your son.

Leace me alone.

Why is mom so upset?

because but for the grace of God(上帝保佑) your mother could be standing in Mr.Baker’s shoes.(处在朱莉爸爸的立场)

the doctor who dilivered you was on the ball(有经验) and got it untangled but it easily could’ve gone the other way.

What would they have done with me?

The way my dad was talking,sounds like(听我爸爸的意思) he woule’ve throwed me in a nuthouse(精神病院) or something.

That’s not fair,you can’t condemn him for something he hasn’t done.(你不能为他没做过的事责备他) This is where that tree was,wasn’t it?

Must’ve been a spectacular view,she’s quite a girl, some of us get dipped in flat,some in stain,some in gloss,but every once in a while you find someone who;s iridescent, and when you do,nothing will ever compare.

Juli had always just seemde plain to me.until now.

And the way she talked about what it felt like to be up in that tree, to be held by the earth,brushed by the wind(清风拂面) ,who in junior high talks like that?

The weird feeling started taking over in the pit of my stomache and I didn’t like it, and it was time to get a grip.(振作起来)


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