
  • Tensorflow 中padding 的“SAME” 和“VALID” 详解
    • “SAME”
    • “VALID”
    • 总结

Tensorflow 中padding 的“SAME” 和“VALID” 详解

最近在准备复习找工作,边实习边耍牛客网,然后刷到vivo校招的题目,里面有一个神经网络参数的计算,由于我之前一直迷迷糊糊,所以打算好好了解一下,所以就使用tensorflow 来详细了解convolution 里面的padding 。

import tensorflow as tf
import keras# 首先,模拟输入一个图像矩阵,大小为5*5
# 输入图像矩阵的shape为[批次大小,图像的高度,图像的宽度,图像的通道数]
inp=tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([1,11,11,1]))#filter: A Tensor. Must have the same type as input. A 4-D tensor of shape [filter_height,filter_width,in_channels, out_channels]
# 卷积核的shape为[卷积核的高度,卷积核的宽度,图像通道数,卷积核的个数]
fil=tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([3,3,1,1]))result=tf.nn.conv2d(inp,fil,strides=[1,1,1,1],padding='VALID')#VALID  FULL

根据不同的padding mode ,不同的input size ,不同的stride,得到下面的结果:






这里需要注意的是,输入图片的tensor shape和filter 的tensor shape是不一样的,输入图像矩阵的shape为:
而filter 的tensor shape 是:

最后,如果真的遇见什么问题,希望查找官网的api 或者是本地的相关python 源码,比起度娘或许更加能够解决你的问题!


def convolution(input,  # pylint: disable=redefined-builtinfilter,  # pylint: disable=redefined-builtinpadding,strides=None,dilation_rate=None,name=None,data_format=None):# pylint: disable=line-too-long"""Computes sums of N-D convolutions (actually cross-correlation).This also supports either output striding via the optional `strides` parameteror atrous convolution (also known as convolution with holes or dilatedconvolution, based on the French word "trous" meaning holes in English) viathe optional `dilation_rate` parameter.  Currently, however, output stridingis not supported for atrous convolutions.Specifically, in the case that `data_format` does not start with "NC", givena rank (N+2) `input` Tensor of shape[num_batches,input_spatial_shape[0],...,input_spatial_shape[N-1],num_input_channels],a rank (N+2) `filter` Tensor of shape[spatial_filter_shape[0],...,spatial_filter_shape[N-1],num_input_channels,num_output_channels],an optional `dilation_rate` tensor of shape [N] (defaulting to [1]*N)specifying the filter upsampling/input downsampling rate, and an optional listof N `strides` (defaulting [1]*N), this computes for each N-D spatial outputposition (x[0], ..., x[N-1]):output[b, x[0], ..., x[N-1], k] =sum_{z[0], ..., z[N-1], q}filter[z[0], ..., z[N-1], q, k] *padded_input[b,x[0]*strides[0] + dilation_rate[0]*z[0],...,x[N-1]*strides[N-1] + dilation_rate[N-1]*z[N-1],q]where b is the index into the batch, k is the output channel number, q is theinput channel number, and z is the N-D spatial offset within the filter. Here,`padded_input` is obtained by zero padding the input using an effectivespatial filter shape of `(spatial_filter_shape-1) * dilation_rate + 1` andoutput striding `strides` as described in the[comment here](https://tensorflow.org/api_guides/python/nn#Convolution).In the case that `data_format` does start with `"NC"`, the `input` and output(but not the `filter`) are simply transposed as follows:convolution(input, data_format, **kwargs) =tf.transpose(convolution(tf.transpose(input, [0] + range(2,N+2) + [1]),**kwargs),[0, N+1] + range(1, N+1))It is required that 1 <= N <= 3.Args:input: An (N+2)-D `Tensor` of type `T`, of shape`[batch_size] + input_spatial_shape + [in_channels]` if data_format doesnot start with "NC" (default), or`[batch_size, in_channels] + input_spatial_shape` if data_format startswith "NC".filter: An (N+2)-D `Tensor` with the same type as `input` and shape`spatial_filter_shape + [in_channels, out_channels]`.padding: A string, either `"VALID"` or `"SAME"`. The padding algorithm.strides: Optional.  Sequence of N ints >= 1.  Specifies the output stride.Defaults to [1]*N.  If any value of strides is > 1, then all values ofdilation_rate must be 1.dilation_rate: Optional.  Sequence of N ints >= 1.  Specifies the filterupsampling/input downsampling rate.  In the literature, the same parameteris sometimes called `input stride` or `dilation`.  The effective filtersize used for the convolution will be `spatial_filter_shape +(spatial_filter_shape - 1) * (rate - 1)`, obtained by inserting(dilation_rate[i]-1) zeros between consecutive elements of the originalfilter in each spatial dimension i.  If any value of dilation_rate is > 1,then all values of strides must be 1.name: Optional name for the returned tensor.data_format: A string or None.  Specifies whether the channel dimension ofthe `input` and output is the last dimension (default, or if `data_format`does not start with "NC"), or the second dimension (if `data_format`starts with "NC").  For N=1, the valid values are "NWC" (default) and"NCW".  For N=2, the valid values are "NHWC" (default) and "NCHW".For N=3, the valid values are "NDHWC" (default) and "NCDHW".Returns:A `Tensor` with the same type as `input` of shape`[batch_size] + output_spatial_shape + [out_channels]`if data_format is None or does not start with "NC", or`[batch_size, out_channels] + output_spatial_shape`if data_format starts with "NC",where `output_spatial_shape` depends on the value of `padding`.If padding == "SAME":output_spatial_shape[i] = ceil(input_spatial_shape[i] / strides[i])If padding == "VALID":output_spatial_shape[i] =ceil((input_spatial_shape[i] -(spatial_filter_shape[i]-1) * dilation_rate[i])/ strides[i]).Raises:ValueError: If input/output depth does not match `filter` shape, if paddingis other than `"VALID"` or `"SAME"`, or if data_format is invalid."""# pylint: enable=line-too-longwith ops.name_scope(name, "convolution", [input, filter]) as name:input = ops.convert_to_tensor(input, name="input")  # pylint: disable=redefined-builtininput_shape = input.get_shape()filter = ops.convert_to_tensor(filter, name="filter")  # pylint: disable=redefined-builtinfilter_shape = filter.get_shape()op = Convolution(input_shape,filter_shape,padding,strides=strides,dilation_rate=dilation_rate,name=name,data_format=data_format)return op(input, filter)




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