安装交叉编译器gdbserver 按readme来编译报错找不到

linux-arm-low.c: In function ‘CORE_ADDR arm_sigreturn_next_pc(regcache*, int, int*)’:
linux-arm-low.c:769:29: error: ‘__NR_sigreturn’ was not declared in this scopegdb_assert (svc_number == __NR_sigreturn || svc_number == __NR_rt_sigreturn);^
./../common/gdb_assert.h:34:13: note: in definition of macro ‘gdb_assert’((void) ((expr) ? 0 :                                                       \^
linux-arm-low.c: In function ‘CORE_ADDR get_next_pcs_syscall_next_pc(arm_get_next_pcs*)’:
linux-arm-low.c:823:21: error: ‘__NR_sigreturn’ was not declared in this scopeif (svc_number == __NR_sigreturn || svc_number == __NR_rt_sigreturn)^
make: *** [linux-arm-low.o] 错误 1


#ifndef  __NR_sigreturn
#include <asm/unistd.h>


/usr/bin/ld: build-gnulib-gdbserver/import/libgnu.a(fcntl.o): Normal ELF relocation (M: 40)
/usr/bin/ld: build-gnulib-gdbserver/import/libgnu.a(fcntl.o): Normal ELF relocation (M: 40)
/usr/bin/ld: build-gnulib-gdbserver/import/libgnu.a(fcntl.o): Normal ELF relocation (M: 40)
/usr/bin/ld: build-gnulib-gdbserver/import/libgnu.a(fcntl.o): Normal ELF relocation (M: 40)
/usr/bin/ld: build-gnulib-gdbserver/import/libgnu.a(fcntl.o): Normal ELF relocation (M: 40)
build-gnulib-gdbserver/import/libgnu.a: Unable to add symbol: File format error
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Makefile:399: recipe for target ‘gdbserver’ failed
make: *** [gdbserver] Error 1


make[4]: Entering directory '/home/lala0903/linux/tool/gdb-9.1/gdb/gdbserver/build-gnulib-gdbserver/import'GEN      alloca.hGEN      configmake.hGEN      warn-on-use.hmake  all-recursive
make[5]: Entering directory '/home/lala0903/linux/tool/gdb-9.1/gdb/gdbserver/build-gnulib-gdbserver/import'CC       cloexec.oCC       dirname-lgpl.oCC       stripslash.oGEN      ref-add.sedGEN      ref-del.sedAR       libgnu.aarm-linux-gnueabihf-ranlib ./libiberty.a; \cd ..; \
else true; fi
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/lala0903/linux/tool/gdb-9.1/gdb/gdbserver/build-libiberty-gdbserver'
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/lala0903/linux/tool/gdb-9.1/gdb/gdbserver'CXX    alloc.oCXX    arch/arm-linux.oCXX    gdbsupport/agent.oCXX    gdbsupport/btrace-common.o

从上面看出有CC 和CXX,感觉奇怪应该是不止gcc还有g++,于是查看了下makefile

CC = arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc
CXX = g++
CXX_DIALECT = -std=gnu++11
AR = arm-linux-gnueabihf-ar

不知道为什么配置出来的make中g++ 竟然不是交叉编译工具,本地没装arm g++,装了一个修改makefile解决问题,不知道是否是不存在g++交叉编译工具导致的config配置问题,需要实验一下

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