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如果是monit管理的进程,需要注意monit有可能会发送SIGUSR1 到进程。


#set poll interval of 5 seconds
set daemon 5 // 5秒走一个cycle。

#set logfile
set logfile /var/opt/log/monit/monit.log

#set the state file for the critical monit daemon
set statefile /var/opt/lib/monit/critical_daemons.state

#monitor the abc status file
检查文件 abc.status, 路径是 /var/opt/lib/monit/abc.status
check file abc.status with path /var/opt/lib/monit/abc.status
if size > 0 B then exec “/opt/share/monit/monit_alarm -d d” // 如果文件大小大于0B,就要执行命令
repeat every 1 cycles // 每一个cycle 都要做
if does not exist for 5 cycles then exec “/usr/bin/touch /var/opt/lib/monit/abc.status” // 如果5个cycle 没有检查到文件,就touch 一下。


#/bin/monit -h
Usage: monit [options]+ [command]
Options are as follows:
-c file Use this control file
-d n Run as a daemon once per n seconds
-g name Set group name for monit commands
-l logfile Print log information to this file
-p pidfile Use this lock file in daemon mode
-s statefile Set the file monit should write state information to
-I Do not run in background (needed when run from init)
–id Print Monit’s unique ID
–resetid Reset Monit’s unique ID. Use with caution
-B Batch command line mode (do not output tables or colors)
-t Run syntax check for the control file
-v Verbose mode, work noisy (diagnostic output)
-vv Very verbose mode, same as -v plus log stacktrace on error
-H [filename] Print SHA1 and MD5 hashes of the file or of stdin if the
filename is omited; monit will exit afterwards
-V Print version number and patchlevel
-h Print this text
Optional commands are as follows:
start all - Start all services
start - Only start the named service
stop all - Stop all services
stop - Stop the named service
restart all - Stop and start all services
restart - Only restart the named service
monitor all - Enable monitoring of all services
monitor - Only enable monitoring of the named service
unmonitor all - Disable monitoring of all services
unmonitor - Only disable monitoring of the named service
reload - Reinitialize monit
status [name] - Print full status information for service(s)
summary [name] - Print short status information for service(s)
report [up|down|…] - Report state of services. See manual for options
quit - Kill the monit daemon process
validate - Check all services and start if not running
procmatch - Test process matching pattern


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  3. 【Web】Monit监控程序使用

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  4. Linux下monit进程管理操作梳理--转载

    本文转自 (https://cloud.tencent.com/developer/article/1027097) Monit对运维人员来说可谓神器,它是一款功能非常丰富的进程.文件.目录和设备的监 ...

  5. linux monit安装配置

    Monit安装与配置 一.简介 Monit是一个在类unix平台下用于监视进程.文件.目录和设备的软件,可以修复停止运作或运作异常的程序,适合处理那些由于多种原因导致的软件错误. 二.安装 假定下面的 ...

  6. monit mysql_monit 配置详解(monitrc)

    monitrc是Monit的主配置文件(控制文件). monitrc的内容主要分为全局(golbal)和服务(services)两个部分. 默认情况下monitrc文件在/etc/monit目录下. ...

  7. monit mysql_monit安装配置

    环境centos5(32bit),monit-5.17.1,下载地址 https://bitbucket.org/tildeslash/monit/downloads/ 1.tar zxvf moni ...

  8. monit mysql_monit介绍和配置

    1.介绍 monit监控和管理进程.程序.文件.目录和Unix系统的文件的工具.可以进行自动维护和修理,在错误的情况下执行有意义的因果关系的行动.比如,某个进程没有运行启动它:没有响应重启它:占用太多 ...

  9. monit监控mysql_monit监控软件安装配置

    monit很不错的监控软件,下载安装如下: wget http://mmonit.com/monit/dist/monit-5.1.1.tar.gz #最新的版本可能不是这个 tar xzvf mon ...


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