Git版本控制系统的图形化客户端程序SmartGit 18.1.5已经发布下载,该版本主要对BUG进行修复,支持Windows 7+、Linux及macOS 10.9-10.13操作系统,Linux平台提供tar.gz及支持Debian的deb安装包。

SmartGit 18.1.5更新如下:


Push to Gerrit: if topic is entered, add topic to master-option, like "refs/for/master%topic=topic"


Gitignore/Git-config editor: is bright even with dark theme

Find Objects: possible internal error when entering a long search string

Refresh/Log: rename detection limit should be 50% by default (as for Git)

internal error if no Git executable is configured

startup: possible internal error related to a bad settings.xml



unpack the downloaded file into a directory of your choice,ensure, that the correct Java Runtime Environment is installed on your system,start the application by using the launcher script from the bin directory.

If the application fails to start, e.g. because you have an incompatible Java Runtime Environment version in your path or SmartGit does not find it, please create ~/.smartgit/smartgit.vmoptions and add the line (and adding the correct path):


To create an icon in your menus, invoke in the bin directory. To remove the menu item, invoke in the bin directory.


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