iphone 白苹果问题

Today Apple held one of its signature events in its home town of Cupertino, California, announcing a new range of iPhones, a long-awaited wearable device, and a new payment system.


There were more rumours than have ever been witnessed before from an Apple announcement and the amount of mainstream press coverage has been staggering.


So what really happened? Was it all everyone anticipated? Let’s take a look…

那么到底发生了什么? 所有人都预料到了吗? 让我们来看看…

手机 (Phones)

It was the World’s worst kept secret that there would be new phones and we got two. In a typical wave of Apple naming brilliance, we have the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus. Both are thinner, more powerful (with a new A8 chip), larger and higher resolution. They also come with Touch ID security features, NFC capabilities (finally), and upgraded motion chips which include a barometer, for more accurate fitness tracking.

将会有新手机,这是世界上最糟糕的秘密,而我们有两部。 在典型的苹果命名辉煌中,我们拥有iPhone 6和iPhone 6 Plus。 两者都更薄,更强大(使用新的A8芯片),更大和更高分辨率。 它们还具有Touch ID安全功能,NFC功能(最终)和升级的运动芯片,其中包括气压计 ,可以更精确地跟踪健身情况。

The designs are refreshed but still uniquely ‘iPhone-like’ and pricing (based on US prices) seems reasonable and somewhat more affordable than previous models. The phones will be available from September 12th. No new iPads as rumoured but there are several new software features available to aid the larger screen sizes that sound very intriguing for developers, such as ‘Split displays’ and ‘reachability’ gestures.

设计进行了更新,但仍具有独特的“ iPhone风格”,并且价格(基于美国价格)似乎是合理的,并且比以前的型号更实惠。 这些电话将从9月12日开始提供。 谣言没有新的iPad,但是有一些新的软件功能可用来帮助较大的屏幕尺寸,这对开发人员来说非常有趣,例如“拆分显示”和“可达性”手势。

软件 (Software)

We were all expecting iOS 8 and I hope you have been busy updating your apps for it. Whilst iOS 8 will be available for a plethora of Apple devices, it is of course optimised for the new iPhone’s resolution, size and sensors. iOS will be available to everyone with a 4S and up from September 17th and final Gold Masters are available to developers now.

我们都期待着iOS 8 ,希望您一直在忙着为它更新应用程序。 虽然iOS 8将可用于众多Apple设备,但它当然已针对新iPhone的分辨率,尺寸和传感器进行了优化。 从9月17日开始,所有4S及更高版本的人都可以使用iOS,并且最终金牌大师也对开发人员开放。

Apple was rumoured to be working on a new payment platform and it delivered. Apple Pay already has all the major credit card companies and an impressive 220,000 retailers on board, sadly all US based for now. The system works by taking a picture of your cards and then using the Touch ID and NFC capabilities to prove your are who you say you are and make the payment to a terminal. The platform will work with all devices announced today.

有传言称苹果正在开发一个新的支付平台,并已交付。 Apple Pay已经拥有所有主要的信用卡公司和令人印象深刻的220,000个零售商,可悲的是目前在美国。 该系统通过为您的卡拍照,然后使用Touch ID和NFC功能来证明您的身份并向终端付款,从而工作。 该平台将与今天宣布的所有设备一起使用。

苹果手表 (Apple Watch)

Apple also announced a watch, (or rather, a Watch) surprising a LOT of people, but it still wont ship until 2015. It takes several different approaches to existing wearable with some features that will have developers scrabbling to try. The OS interface is very different from any other existing iOS device, with a semi-3D ‘digital crown’ that can be scrolled back and forth to find the apps you are looking for, grouped into related categories. The watch will have a variety of different device and personal sensors. The SDK is called WatchKit, but it’s unclear when developers will get a chance to use it. Details are vague right now, but it will be available in different colours and configurations and will start at $350.

苹果还发布了一款令很多人惊讶的手表,但直到2015年仍不会上市。对现有可穿戴设备采取了几种不同的处理方法,其中一些功能将使开发人员难以尝试。 操作系统界面与任何其他现有的iOS设备都非常不同,具有半3D“数字王冠”,可以来回滚动找到您要查找的应用程序,并归为相关类别。 手表将具有各种不同的设备和个人传感器。 该SDK称为WatchKit ,但尚不清楚开发人员何时有机会使用它。 细节目前尚不清楚,但将提供不同的颜色和配置,起价为350美元。

其他公告 (Other announcements)

The classic iPod has finally been retired, iCloud has a new, cheaper pricing scheme, and U2’s new album has been given away to 500 million iTunes customers (presumably every single one is a U2 fan). There was no mention of when Yosemite, the new version of OS X, would be released, and no mention at all of last week’s iCloud security problems (although Tim Cook had previously addressed them).

经典的iPod终于退休了, iCloud推出了一种新的,更便宜的定价方案 , U2的新专辑已经赠送给5亿iTunes用户 (大概每个人都是U2粉丝)。 没有提及OS X的新版本优胜美地何时发布,也没有提及上周所有iCloud安全问题( 尽管Tim Cook先前已解决了这些问题 )。

There will be more to follow over the next few days and expect much more coverage on SitePoint, in the meantime, take a look at apple.com/live/ to catch up.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/apples-special-event-new-iphones/

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