Windows 8.1, Win10之后,通过GetVersion and GetVersionEx 方法获取WIndows操作系统版本号的功能需要添加manifest文件后才能查找到,不然的话会查找错误,比如win10系统返给一个win8系统等。




/** Copyright (c) 2008, TopCoder, Inc. All rights reserved.*/using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.IO;namespace TopCoder.Installation.Util.Prerequisite.Impl
{/// <summary>/// <para>/// This utility is used by <see cref="PrerequisiteSoftwareValidation"/> to detect the Microsoft Windows/// version currently running on the machine./// </para>/// <para>/// This class uses Win API function GetVersionEx() from kernel32 library to retrieve additional parameters/// about the installed Windows version./// </para>/// </summary>////// <threadsafety>/// <para>/// This class is immutable and thread safe./// </para>/// </threadsafety>////// <author>saarixx</author>/// <author>TCSDEVELOPER</author>/// <version>1.0</version>/// <copyright>Copyright (c) 2008, TopCoder, Inc. All rights reserved.</copyright>public static class WindowsVersionDetector{/// <summary>/// <para>/// Represents Windows 95./// </para>/// </summary>private const string Windows95 = "Windows 95";/// <summary>/// <para>/// Represents Windows 98./// </para>/// </summary>private const string Windows98 = "Windows 98";/// <summary>/// <para>/// Represents Windows ME./// </para>/// </summary>private const string WindowsME = "Windows ME";/// <summary>/// <para>/// Represents Windows Vista./// </para>/// </summary>private const string WindowsVista = "Windows Vista";/// <summary>/// <para>/// Represents Windows Server 2008./// </para>/// </summary>private const string WindowsServer2008 = "Windows Server 2008";private const string WindowsServer2008R2 = "Windows Server 2008 R2";/// <summary>/// Represents windows 10, windows server 2016 technical preview/// </summary>private const string Windows10 = "Windows 10";private const string WindowsServer2016TP = "Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview";#region Represents Windows8,8.1,server 2012,server 2012 R2 #CJF 11/06/2013/// <summary>/// Represents windows 8,8.1/// </summary>private const string Windows8 = "Windows 8";private const string Windows8_1 = "Windows 8.1";/// <summary>/// Represents windows server 2012/// </summary>private const string WindowsServer2012 = "Windows Server 2012";private const string WindowsServer2012R2 = "Windows Server 2012 R2";#endregion/// <summary>/// <para>/// Represents Windows 7./// </para>/// </summary>private const string Windows7 = "Windows 7";/// <summary>/// <para>/// Represents Windows Server 2003, Storage./// </para>/// </summary>private const string WindowsServer2003Storage = "Windows Server 2003, Storage";/// <summary>/// <para>/// Represents Windows Server 2003, Compute Cluster Edition./// </para>/// </summary>private const string WindowsServer2003ComputeClusterEdition = "Windows Server 2003, Compute Cluster Edition";/// <summary>/// <para>/// Represents Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition./// </para>/// </summary>private const string WindowsServer2003DatacenterEdition = "Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition";/// <summary>/// <para>/// Represents Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition./// </para>/// </summary>private const string WindowsServer2003EnterpriseEdition = "Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition";/// <summary>/// <para>/// Represents Windows Server 2003, Web Edition./// </para>/// </summary>private const string WindowsServer2003WebEdition = "Windows Server 2003, Web Edition";/// <summary>/// <para>/// Represents Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition./// </para>/// </summary>private const string WindowsServer2003StandardEdition = "Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition";/// <summary>/// <para>/// Represents Windows XP Home Edition./// </para>/// </summary>private const string WindowsXPHomeEdition = "Windows XP Home Edition";/// <summary>/// <para>/// Represents Windows XP Professional./// </para>/// </summary>private const string WindowsXPProfessional = "Windows XP Professional";/// <summary>/// <para>/// Represents Windows 2000 Professional./// </para>/// </summary>private const string Windows2000Professional = "Windows 2000 Professional";/// <summary>/// <para>/// Represents Windows 2000 Datacenter Server./// </para>/// </summary>private const string Windows2000DatacenterServer = "Windows 2000 Datacenter Server";/// <summary>/// <para>/// Represents Windows 2000 Advanced Server./// </para>/// </summary>private const string Windows2000AdvancedServer = "Windows 2000 Advanced Server";/// <summary>/// <para>/// Represents Windows 2000 Server./// </para>/// </summary>private const string Windows2000Server = "Windows 2000 Server";/// <summary>/// <para>/// Represents Windows NT 4.0./// </para>/// </summary>private const string WindowsNT40 = "Windows NT 4.0";/// <summary>/// <para>/// Represents Windows CE./// </para>/// </summary>private const string WindowsCE = "Windows CE";/// <summary>/// <para>/// Represents Unknown./// </para>/// </summary>private const string Unknown = "Unknown";/// <summary>/// <para>/// Represents VER_NT_WORKSTATION from kernel32 library./// </para>/// </summary>private const byte VER_NT_WORKSTATION = 0x01;/// <summary>/// <para>/// Represents VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE from kernel32 library./// </para>/// </summary>private const short VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE = 0x0002;/// <summary>/// <para>/// Represents VER_SUITE_DATACENTER from kernel32 library./// </para>/// </summary>private const short VER_SUITE_DATACENTER = 0x0080;/// <summary>/// <para>/// Represents VER_SUITE_PERSONAL from kernel32 library./// </para>/// </summary>private const short VER_SUITE_PERSONAL = 0x0200;/// <summary>/// <para>/// Represents VER_SUITE_BLADE from kernel32 library./// </para>/// </summary>private const short VER_SUITE_BLADE = 0x0400;/// <summary>/// <para>/// Represents VER_SUITE_STORAGE_SERVER from kernel32 library./// </para>/// </summary>private const short VER_SUITE_STORAGE_SERVER = 0x2000;/// <summary>/// <para>/// Represents VER_SUITE_COMPUTE_SERVER from kernel32 library./// </para>/// </summary>private const short VER_SUITE_COMPUTE_SERVER = 0x4000;/// <summary>/// <para>/// Contains operating system version information. The information includes major and minor version/// numbers, a build number, a platform identifier, and information about product suites and the/// latest Service Pack installed on the system./// </para>/// </summary>////// <remarks>/// <para>/// Please refer to WIN API document for more detailed information./// </para>/// </remarks>////// <author>saarixx</author>/// <author>TCSDEVELOPER</author>/// <version>1.0</version>/// <copyright>Copyright (c) 2008, TopCoder, Inc. All rights reserved.</copyright>
        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]private struct OSVersionInfoEx{/// <summary>/// <para>/// The size of this data structure, in bytes./// </para>/// </summary>public int dwOSVersionInfoSize;/// <summary>/// <para>/// The major version number of the operating system./// </para>/// </summary>public int dwMajorVersion;/// <summary>/// <para>/// The minor version number of the operating system./// </para>/// </summary>public int dwMinorVersion;/// <summary>/// <para>/// The build number of the operating system./// </para>/// </summary>public int dwBuildNumber;/// <summary>/// <para>/// The operating system platform./// </para>/// </summary>public int dwPlatformId;/// <summary>/// <para>/// A null-terminated string, such as "Service Pack 3", that indicates the latest Service Pack/// installed on the system. If no Service Pack has been installed, the string is empty./// </para>/// </summary>[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 128)]public string szCSDVersion;/// <summary>/// <para>/// The major version number of the latest Service Pack installed on the system. For example,/// for Service Pack 3, the major version number is 3. If no Service Pack has been installed, the/// value is zero./// </para>/// </summary>public short wServicePackMajor;/// <summary>/// <para>/// The minor version number of the latest Service Pack installed on the system. For example,/// for Service Pack 3, the minor version number is 0./// </para>/// </summary>public short wServicePackMinor;/// <summary>/// <para>/// A bit mask that identifies the product suites available on the system./// </para>/// </summary>public short wSuiteMask;/// <summary>/// <para>/// Any additional information about the system./// </para>/// </summary>public byte wProductType;/// <summary>/// <para>/// Reserved for future use./// </para>/// </summary>public byte wReserved;}/// <summary>/// <para>/// Retrieves information about the current operating system./// </para>/// </summary>////// <remarks>/// <para>/// Please refer to WIN API document for more detailed information./// </para>/// </remarks>////// <param name="osVersionInfoEx">/// A structure that receives the operating system information./// </param>/// <returns>/// If the function succeeds, the return value is a nonzero value. If the function fails, the/// return value is zero./// </returns>[DllImport("kernel32.Dll")]private static extern short GetVersionEx(ref OSVersionInfoEx osVersionInfoEx);/// <summary>/// <para>/// Retrieves the Windows version name./// </para>/// <para>/// Currently the result can be one of:/// <list type="bullet">/// <item>Windows 95</item>/// <item>Windows 98</item>/// <item>Windows ME</item>/// <item>Windows Vista</item>/// <item>Windows Server 2008</item>/// <item>Windows 7</item>/// <item>Windows Server 2003, Storage</item>/// <item>Windows Server 2003, Compute Cluster Edition</item>/// <item>Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition</item>/// <item>Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition</item>/// <item>Windows Server 2003, Web Edition</item>/// <item>Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition</item>/// <item>Windows XP Home Edition</item>/// <item>Windows XP Professional</item>/// <item>Windows 2000 Professional</item>/// <item>Windows 2000 Datacenter Server</item>/// <item>Windows 2000 Advanced Server</item>/// <item>Windows 2000 Server</item>/// <item>Windows NT 4.0</item>/// <item>Windows CE</item>/// <item>Unknown</item>/// </list>/// </para>/// </summary>////// <returns>/// The Windows version name (e.g. "Windows Vista"), can not be null or empty./// </returns>////// <exception cref="PrerequisiteSoftwareValidationException">/// If an error occurred while getting the version./// </exception>public static string GetVersion(){try{// Get platformPlatformID platform = Environment.OSVersion.Platform;// Get Windows major versionint majorVersion = Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major;// Get Windows minor versionint minorVersion = Environment.OSVersion.Version.Minor;// Get OS Version InfoOSVersionInfoEx os = new OSVersionInfoEx();if (platform == PlatformID.Win32NT){os.dwOSVersionInfoSize = Marshal.SizeOf(os);// Call GetVersionExif (GetVersionEx(ref os) == 0){throw new PrerequisiteSoftwareValidationException("GetVersionEx API failed.");}}// Default is Unknownstring versionName = Unknown;// Handle Win95, 98, MEif ((platform == PlatformID.Win32Windows) && (majorVersion == 4)){switch (minorVersion){case 0:versionName = Windows95;break;case 10:versionName = Windows98;break;case 90:versionName = WindowsME;break;}}else if (platform == PlatformID.Win32NT){switch (majorVersion){//Handle Windows 10, //add below support Win10 info to IPSClient.exe->IPS.manifest//<supportedOS Id="{8e0f7a12-bfb3-4fe8-b9a5-48fd50a15a9a}"/>case 10:if (minorVersion == 0){if (os.wProductType == VER_NT_WORKSTATION){versionName = Windows10;}else{versionName = WindowsServer2016TP;}}break;// Handle Vista, Win2008,Windows 7,Windows 8/8.1, windows server 2012/2012R2// 6:#region Handle Windows8, 8.1, server 2012, server 2012 R2  #CJF 11/06/2013if (minorVersion == 2){if (os.wProductType == VER_NT_WORKSTATION){versionName = Windows8;}else{versionName = WindowsServer2012;}}if (minorVersion == 3){if (os.wProductType == VER_NT_WORKSTATION){versionName = Windows8_1;}else{versionName = WindowsServer2012R2;}}#endregionif (minorVersion == 1){  // Windows 7 or windows Server 2008 R2if (os.wProductType == VER_NT_WORKSTATION){versionName = Windows7;}else{versionName = WindowsServer2008R2;}}elseif (minorVersion == 0){   // Vista or windows server 2008 if (os.wProductType == VER_NT_WORKSTATION){versionName = WindowsVista;}else{versionName = WindowsServer2008;}}break;// Handle Win2003, XP, Win2000case 5:switch (minorVersion){case 2:if ((os.wSuiteMask & VER_SUITE_STORAGE_SERVER) == VER_SUITE_STORAGE_SERVER){versionName = WindowsServer2003Storage;}else if ((os.wSuiteMask & VER_SUITE_COMPUTE_SERVER) == VER_SUITE_COMPUTE_SERVER){versionName = WindowsServer2003ComputeClusterEdition;}else if ((os.wSuiteMask & VER_SUITE_DATACENTER) == VER_SUITE_DATACENTER){versionName = WindowsServer2003DatacenterEdition;}else if ((os.wSuiteMask & VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE) == VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE){versionName = WindowsServer2003EnterpriseEdition;}else if ((os.wSuiteMask & VER_SUITE_BLADE) == VER_SUITE_BLADE){versionName = WindowsServer2003WebEdition;}else{versionName = WindowsServer2003StandardEdition;}break;case 1:if ((os.wSuiteMask & VER_SUITE_PERSONAL) == VER_SUITE_PERSONAL){versionName = WindowsXPHomeEdition;}else{versionName = WindowsXPProfessional;}break;case 0:if ((os.wProductType & VER_NT_WORKSTATION) == VER_NT_WORKSTATION){versionName = Windows2000Professional;}else if ((os.wSuiteMask & VER_SUITE_DATACENTER) == VER_SUITE_DATACENTER){versionName = Windows2000DatacenterServer;}else if ((os.wSuiteMask & VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE) == VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE){versionName = Windows2000AdvancedServer;}else{versionName = Windows2000Server;}break;}break;// Handle WinNTcase 4:if (majorVersion == 0){versionName = WindowsNT40;}break;}}// Handle WinCEelse if (platform == PlatformID.WinCE){versionName = WindowsCE;}return versionName;}catch(PrerequisiteSoftwareValidationException){throw;}catch(Exception ex){// Wrap the exception into PrerequisiteSoftwareValidationExceptionthrow new PrerequisiteSoftwareValidationException("An error occurred while getting the version.", ex);}}/// <summary>/// <para>/// Retrieves the Windows service pack./// </para>/// </summary>////// <returns>/// The Windows service pack (can not be null, empty if no service packs are installed)/// </returns>////// <exception cref="PrerequisiteSoftwareValidationException">/// If an error occurred while getting the version of the service pack./// </exception>public static string GetServicePack(){try{return Environment.OSVersion.ServicePack;}catch(Exception ex){// Wrap the exception into PrerequisiteSoftwareValidationExceptionthrow new PrerequisiteSoftwareValidationException("An error occurred while getting the version of the service pack.", ex);}}}

Manifest 文件:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0"><trustInfo xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3"><security><requestedPrivileges><requestedExecutionLevel level="requireAdministrator"/></requestedPrivileges></security></trustInfo><compatibility xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:compatibility.v1"><application><!-- Windows 10><supportedOS Id="{8e0f7a12-bfb3-4fe8-b9a5-48fd50a15a9a}"/><!--This Id value indicates the application supports Windows 8.1 functionality--><supportedOS Id="{1f676c76-80e1-4239-95bb-83d0f6d0da78}"/><!-- Windows Vista --><supportedOS Id="{e2011457-1546-43c5-a5fe-008deee3d3f0}"/><!-- Windows 7 --><supportedOS Id="{35138b9a-5d96-4fbd-8e2d-a2440225f93a}"/><!-- Windows 8 --><supportedOS Id="{4a2f28e3-53b9-4441-ba9c-d69d4a4a6e38}"/></application></compatibility><assemblyIdentity type="win32"name="SampleCode.GetWindowsVersionInfo"version=""processorArchitecture="x86"publicKeyToken="0000000000000000"/>



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