

abstract class 有InputStream、OutputStream、Reader、Writer




package;/*** This abstract class is the superclass of all classes representing* an input stream of bytes.** <p> Applications that need to define a subclass of <code>InputStream</code>* must always provide a method that returns the next byte of input.** @author  Arthur van Hoff* @see* @see* @see* @see* @see* @see* @see* @since   JDK1.0*/
public abstract class InputStream implements Closeable {


 /*** Reads the next byte of data from the input stream. The value byte is* returned as an <code>int</code> in the range <code>0</code> to* <code>255</code>. If no byte is available because the end of the stream* has been reached, the value <code>-1</code> is returned. This method* blocks until input data is available, the end of the stream is detected,* or an exception is thrown.** <p> A subclass must provide an implementation of this method.** @return     the next byte of data, or <code>-1</code> if the end of the*             stream is reached.* @exception  IOException  if an I/O error occurs.*/public abstract int read() throws IOException;


 /*** Writes the specified byte to this output stream. The general* contract for <code>write</code> is that one byte is written* to the output stream. The byte to be written is the eight* low-order bits of the argument <code>b</code>. The 24* high-order bits of <code>b</code> are ignored.* <p>* Subclasses of <code>OutputStream</code> must provide an* implementation for this method.** @param      b   the <code>byte</code>.* @exception  IOException  if an I/O error occurs. In particular,*             an <code>IOException</code> may be thrown if the*             output stream has been closed.*/public abstract void write(int b) throws IOException;


/*** A <code>FileInputStream</code> obtains input bytes* from a file in a file system. What files* are  available depends on the host environment.** <p><code>FileInputStream</code> is meant for reading streams of raw bytes* such as image data. For reading streams of characters, consider using* <code>FileReader</code>.** @author  Arthur van Hoff* @see* @see* @see* @see     java.nio.file.Files#newInputStream* @since   JDK1.0*/
class FileInputStream extends InputStream
/*** Reads a byte of data from this input stream. This method blocks* if no input is yet available.** @return     the next byte of data, or <code>-1</code> if the end of the*             file is reached.* @exception  IOException  if an I/O error occurs.*/public int read() throws IOException {return read0();}private native int read0() throws IOException;

它有三个构造函数public FileInputStream(String)间接调用了public FileInputStream(File)。

 public FileInputStream(String name) throws FileNotFoundException {this(name != null ? new File(name) : null);}public FileInputStream(File file) throws FileNotFoundException {String name = (file != null ? file.getPath() : null);SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager();if (security != null) {security.checkRead(name);}if (name == null) {throw new NullPointerException();}if (file.isInvalid()) {throw new FileNotFoundException("Invalid file path");}fd = new FileDescriptor();fd.attach(this);path = name;open(name);}public FileInputStream(FileDescriptor fdObj) {SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager();if (fdObj == null) {throw new NullPointerException();}if (security != null) {security.checkRead(fdObj);}fd = fdObj;path = null;/** FileDescriptor is being shared by streams.* Register this stream with FileDescriptor tracker.*/fd.attach(this);}



/*** An abstract representation of file and directory pathnames.*
public class Fileimplements Serializable, Comparable<File>




/*** Reads text from a character-input stream, buffering characters so as to* provide for the efficient reading of characters, arrays, and lines.** <p> The buffer size may be specified, or the default size may be used.  The* default is large enough for most purposes.**/public class BufferedReader extends Reader {




 /*** Creates a buffering character-input stream that uses an input buffer of* the specified size.** @param  in   A Reader* @param  sz   Input-buffer size** @exception  IllegalArgumentException  If {@code sz <= 0}*/public BufferedReader(Reader in, int sz) {super(in);if (sz <= 0)throw new IllegalArgumentException("Buffer size <= 0"); = in;cb = new char[sz];nextChar = nChars = 0;}/*** Creates a buffering character-input stream that uses a default-sized* input buffer.** @param  in   A Reader*/public BufferedReader(Reader in) {this(in, defaultCharBufferSize);}


/*** A <code>BufferedInputStream</code> adds* functionality to another input stream-namely,* the ability to buffer the input and to* support the <code>mark</code> and <code>reset</code>* methods. When  the <code>BufferedInputStream</code>* is created, an internal buffer array is* created. As bytes  from the stream are read* or skipped, the internal buffer is refilled* as necessary  from the contained input stream,* many bytes at a time. The <code>mark</code>* operation  remembers a point in the input* stream and the <code>reset</code> operation* causes all the  bytes read since the most* recent <code>mark</code> operation to be* reread before new bytes are  taken from* the contained input stream.** @author  Arthur van Hoff* @since   JDK1.0*/
class BufferedInputStream extends FilterInputStream {


/*** Creates a <code>BufferedInputStream</code>* and saves its  argument, the input stream* <code>in</code>, for later use. An internal* buffer array is created and  stored in <code>buf</code>.** @param   in   the underlying input stream.*/public BufferedInputStream(InputStream in) {this(in, DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE);}/*** Creates a <code>BufferedInputStream</code>* with the specified buffer size,* and saves its  argument, the input stream* <code>in</code>, for later use.  An internal* buffer array of length  <code>size</code>* is created and stored in <code>buf</code>.** @param   in     the underlying input stream.* @param   size   the buffer size.* @exception IllegalArgumentException if {@code size <= 0}.*/public BufferedInputStream(InputStream in, int size) {super(in);if (size <= 0) {throw new IllegalArgumentException("Buffer size <= 0");}buf = new byte[size];}




InputStreamReader里面有一个变量StreamDecoder sd,实际工作其实都是有这个sd来做的。说不出来这是什么模式,但不是代理模式。sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder的源码没有找到。

/*** An InputStreamReader is a bridge from byte streams to character streams: It* reads bytes and decodes them into characters using a specified {@link* java.nio.charset.Charset charset}.  The charset that it uses* may be specified by name or may be given explicitly, or the platform's* default charset may be accepted.** <p> Each invocation of one of an InputStreamReader's read() methods may* cause one or more bytes to be read from the underlying byte-input stream.* To enable the efficient conversion of bytes to characters, more bytes may* be read ahead from the underlying stream than are necessary to satisfy the* current read operation.** <p> For top efficiency, consider wrapping an InputStreamReader within a* BufferedReader.  For example:** <pre>* BufferedReader in*   = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;* </pre>** @see BufferedReader* @see InputStream* @see java.nio.charset.Charset** @author      Mark Reinhold* @since       JDK1.1*/public class InputStreamReader extends Reader {private final StreamDecoder sd;


 /*** Creates an InputStreamReader that uses the default charset.** @param  in   An InputStream*/public InputStreamReader(InputStream in) {super(in);try {sd = StreamDecoder.forInputStreamReader(in, this, (String)null); // ## check lock object} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {// The default encoding should always be availablethrow new Error(e);}}/*** Creates an InputStreamReader that uses the named charset.** @param  in*         An InputStream** @param  charsetName*         The name of a supported*         {@link java.nio.charset.Charset charset}** @exception  UnsupportedEncodingException*             If the named charset is not supported*/public InputStreamReader(InputStream in, String charsetName)throws UnsupportedEncodingException{super(in);if (charsetName == null)throw new NullPointerException("charsetName");sd = StreamDecoder.forInputStreamReader(in, this, charsetName);}/*** Creates an InputStreamReader that uses the given charset.** @param  in       An InputStream* @param  cs       A charset** @since 1.4* @spec JSR-51*/public InputStreamReader(InputStream in, Charset cs) {super(in);if (cs == null)throw new NullPointerException("charset");sd = StreamDecoder.forInputStreamReader(in, this, cs);}/*** Creates an InputStreamReader that uses the given charset decoder.** @param  in       An InputStream* @param  dec      A charset decoder** @since 1.4* @spec JSR-51*/public InputStreamReader(InputStream in, CharsetDecoder dec) {super(in);if (dec == null)throw new NullPointerException("charset decoder");sd = StreamDecoder.forInputStreamReader(in, this, dec);}







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