








  i = 1234;  //1234是右值,调用移动构造函数拷贝

  j = i;        //i是左值,调用拷贝构造函数拷贝




#include <string>
#include <cstddef>
#include "hasptr.h"
using namespace std;HasPtr::HasPtr(const std::string &s): ps(new std::string(s)), i(0), use(new std::size_t(1)) {}// copy constructor copies all three data members // and increments the counterHasPtr::HasPtr(const HasPtr &p): ps(p.ps), i(p.i), use(p.use) { ++*use; }HasPtr::HasPtr(HasPtr &&p): ps(p.ps), i(p.i), use(p.use) { p.ps = 0; p.use = 0; }HasPtr::~HasPtr()
{if (--*use == 0) {   // if the reference count goes to 0delete ps;       // delete the stringdelete use;      // and the counter}
}HasPtr &
HasPtr::operator=(HasPtr &&rhs)
{if (this != &rhs) {if (--*use == 0) {   // do the work of the destructordelete ps;delete use;}ps = rhs.ps;         // do the work of the move constructori = rhs.i;use = rhs.use;ps = 0; use = 0;}return *this;
}HasPtr& HasPtr::operator=(const HasPtr &rhs)
{++*rhs.use;  // increment the use count of the right-hand operandif (--*use == 0) {   // then decrement this object's counterdelete ps;       // if no other users delete use;      // free this object's allocated members}ps = rhs.ps;         // copy data from rhs into this objecti = rhs.i;use = rhs.use; return *this;        // return this object
}HasPtr f(HasPtr hp) // HasPtr passed by value, so it is copied
{HasPtr ret;ret = hp;        // assignment copies the given HasPtr// proces retreturn ret;      // ret and hp are destroyed
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <new>
using namespace std;
class HasPtr{public:HasPtr(const string &s  = string());HasPtr(const HasPtr &);HasPtr& operator=(const HasPtr &);HasPtr(HasPtr &&);HasPtr& operator=(HasPtr &&);~HasPtr();size_t use_count()const{cout <<"use_count:" << *use << endl;return *use;}private:size_t    * use;string * ps;int i;
#include <string>
#include <new>
#include <iostream>
#include "hasptr.h"
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
int main()
{HasPtr h1("hasptr1");
HasPtr h2;
h2 = (h1);return 0;


Segment fault(cole dumped)


析构函数里面首先判断下 !use是否有值,这样就安全了。

(网上源代码)最大的问题是代码运行过程中某些HasPtr对象(ps 和 use对象)可能被拷贝赋值运算符或者移动赋值运算符释放,如果一个对象运行过程中引用计数为1,那么会被这两个成员函数(被拷贝赋值运算符或者移动赋值运算符)释放,这些对下你给如果程序运行完毕后,执行析构函数时候,第一句执行--*use;就会执行错误(本身use指向内存已经被释放了),从而产生错误Segment fault,core dumped。


每次释放后都use = nullptr,ps = nullptr,并且析构函数内部首先执行

if (!use){return ;}





#ifndef HASPTR_H
#define HASPTR_H#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <new>
using namespace std;
class HasPtr{public:HasPtr(const string &s  = string());HasPtr(const HasPtr &);HasPtr& operator=(const HasPtr &);HasPtr(HasPtr &&)noexcept;HasPtr& operator=(HasPtr &&)noexcept;~HasPtr();size_t use_count()const{cout <<"use_count:" << *use << endl;return *use;}private:size_t * use;string * ps;int i;
HasPtr::HasPtr(const std::string &s): ps(new std::string(s)), i(0), use(new std::size_t(1)) {}// copy constructor copies all three data members
// and increments the counter
HasPtr::HasPtr(const HasPtr &p): ps(p.ps), i(p.i), use(p.use) { ++*use; }inline
HasPtr::HasPtr(HasPtr &&p)noexcept: ps(p.ps), i(p.i), use(p.use) { p.ps = 0; p.use = 0; }inline
//you must charge whether the object is released before
//f.g.it can operate delete use and delete ps,so it is released before,it can't released again at all
if(!use)   //important{return ;}if (--*use == 0) {   // if the reference count goes to 0delete ps;       delete use;      use = nullptr;  //it'll be a minute can determine that whether it is released ps = nullptr;  }
HasPtr &
HasPtr::operator=(HasPtr &&rhs)noexcept
{//这里先判断是不是自赋值情况,然后才能做赋值运算,如果先做赋值运算,那么释放的对象就不对了if (this != &rhs) {if (--*use == 0) {   // do the work of the destructordelete ps;ps = nullptr;delete use;use = nullptr;//无论什么时候,内置指针释放后,置为nullptr是个不错的主意}ps = rhs.ps;         // do the work of the move constructori = rhs.i;use = rhs.use;    }return *this;
HasPtr& HasPtr::operator=(const HasPtr &rhs)
{++*rhs.use;  // increment the use count of the right-hand operandif (--*use == 0) {   // then decrement this object's counterdelete ps;ps = nullptr; // if no other users delete use; use = nullptr;    // free this object's allocated members}ps = rhs.ps;         // copy data from rhs into this objecti = rhs.i;use = rhs.use; return *this;        // return this object



#ifndef HASPTR_H
#define HASPTR_H#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <new>
using namespace std;
/**  注意:当你释放了某个对象的空间后,余下的部分可以交给编译器去做。但是不能让编译器再使用*  这个对象的被释放的值,否则会引发未定义的行为。比如:Segment fault,core dumped.*  比如: 执行h1 = h2; 之后,h1的资源就被拷贝赋值运算符释放掉了,此时h1(占用内存空间的值)不能再使用  *  了,最后由编译器释放就可以了.*/
class HasPtr{public:HasPtr(const string &s  = string());HasPtr(const HasPtr &);HasPtr& operator=(const HasPtr &);HasPtr(HasPtr &&)noexcept;HasPtr& operator=(HasPtr &&)noexcept;~HasPtr();private:string * ps;int i;
HasPtr::HasPtr(const std::string &s): ps(new std::string(s)), i(0) {}// copy constructor copies all three data members
// and increments the counter
HasPtr::HasPtr(const HasPtr &p): ps(new string(*p.ps)), i(p.i) {}inline
HasPtr::HasPtr(HasPtr &&p)noexcept: ps(p.ps), i(p.i){ p.ps = 0;}
//you must charge whether the object is released before
//f.g.it can operate delete use and delete ps,so it is released before,it can't released again at allif(!ps)delete ps;
HasPtr &
HasPtr::operator=(HasPtr &&rhs)noexcept
{//这里先判断是不是自赋值情况,然后才能做赋值运算,如果先做赋值运算,那么释放的对象就不对了if(this != &rhs){delete ps;ps = rhs.ps;i = rhs.i;rhs.ps = nullptr;     }   return *this;
HasPtr& HasPtr::operator=(const HasPtr &rhs)
{string *new_ps = new string(*rhs.ps);delete ps;ps = nullptr;   //这个很重要,提现代码的严谨性,一会析构函数需要检测,检测到nullptr,不用再释放了,否则引发未定义行为ps = new_ps;i = rhs.i;return *this;        // return this object

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