under the edge of the farmer’s knife was no vivid life, only the flow of blood, contrasting, the pig’s white blood, contrasting with the pig’s white skin, reflecting the dead silence and the savageness of the cruel farmer.

In the burning candle was no shadow, merely light flowing onto the secred book, guiding souls lost in the dark room, brightening and warming the dilapidted temple.

In the burning candle was shadow, merely light flowing onto the sacred book in the temple, guiding people lost in the dark, brightening and warming their dilapidated souls.

In the Mama’s house was a magnificent and secure swing, built out of iron, wood, and rope, so that his granddaughter and grandson can swing happily after the after eating a meal or a serious learning task.

  1. Below the pulpit, placed the denotion the denotion box, dark with 3 shinning chinese characters, waited for people people to send money in.

  2. In the Mama’s house was a magnificent and secure swing, built out of solid iron, heavy wood, and two strong ropes, so that her granddaughter and grandson could swing happily after a eating a meal or a serious learning task.

  3. In the park at the end of the block is age-old church, fully climbed green vines with a conspicous pinnacle.

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