使用硬件锁的用户经常会碰到License管理服务相关的问题,例如合上笔记本进入休眠状态再打开时,硬件锁重新插入,ArcGIS License服务重启才能继续使用ArcGIS Desktop,给使用带来不便,现在ESRI发布更新不仅修正了这个问题,还提供了在非Windows平台下支持ArcGIS License Manager的解决方法。

66;">NIM003128 – The ArcGIS License Manager for Windows is now supported without hardware keys.
NIM006141 – The ArcGIS License Manager is now supported on RedHat and SUSE LINUX.
NIM000652 – The license manager is losing its connection with the USB key when a laptop goes to sleep, resulting in the failure of the license manager when the laptop 'wakes up'.
NIM013222 – A remote user can gain access to files on the license server using the License Manager as a gateway.
NIM040406 - The AIX License Manager has been updated to support systems running AIX 5.3 ML04 and higher.


1.Uninstall the existing ArcGIS License Manager and existing Sentinel System Driver/Sentinel Protection Installer from Add/Remove programs.

2.Download the Windows License Manager Update.
3.Ensure you are logged in with administrative privileges.
4.Close all applications on your computer.
5.Double click LMSetup.exe executable and follow the instructions on your screen to install the License Manager using your .efl9 license file.
6.Before rebooting, plug the hardware key into the LPT1 or USB port, depending on the type of key received. If using a USB key wait for Windows to install the driver and then reboot the machine.


1.Uninstall the existing ArcGIS License Manager and existing Sentinel System Driver/Sentinel Protection Installer from Add/Remove programs.
2.Get the FLEXlm HostID of your machine first. Go to Start > Programs > Run > and type cmd; click OK to lauch a command prompt and enter the following:

C:\> ipconfig /all

The FLEXlm is the 12 character Physical Address value for the Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection without the hyphens.

Note: On Vista, if you do not see the Run command from the Start Menu, right click the Start menu > click Properties > select the Classic Start Menu radio button and hit OK. Open the Start menu again to get to the Run command.

3.Request a license file from ESRI Customer Service
4.Download the Windows License Manager Update
5.Ensure you are logged in with administrative privileges
6.Close all applications on your computer.
7.Double click LMSetupKeyless.exe executable and follow the instructions on your screen to install the License Manager using your .efl9 license file.




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