ubuntu 桌面便利贴

Are you looking for a customizable sticky notes program for your desktop that can be fixed to blend with your theme? See how Stickies makes a nice addition to any Windows system.

您是否正在为桌面寻找可自定义的便笺程序,该程序可以固定以与您的主题融合? 了解Stickies如何对任何Windows系统进行出色的添加。



The install process for Stickies does not run quite like other programs. As you can see with the first install window you are immediately placed into the major part of the decisions. Make the selections and/or changes that best suit your preferences.

Stickies的安装过程与其他程序不同。 在第一个安装窗口中可以看到,您将立即进入决策的主要部分。 进行最适合您的选择和/或更改。

Just before the installation process begins you will be presented with the following message concerning backups. Click “Yes” to proceed with the installation.

在安装过程开始之前,您将看到以下有关备份的消息。 单击“是”继续安装。

Here is the final install window. You are shown the exact actions that were performed during the install and also have an example note with some helpful information.

这是最终安装窗口。 将显示安装过程中执行的确切操作,并提供示例说明和一些有用的信息。

Stickies in Action


To get started simply “Right Click” on the “System Tray Icon” and select the action that you would like to perform.


Here are some Stickies Notes posted on our Vista Desktop. You can easily add things such as text, bullets/numbering, pictures (drag and drop), and highlighting.

这是在Vista桌面上发布的一些便笺。 您可以轻松添加诸如文本,项目符号/编号,图片(拖放)和突出显示之类的内容。

You can go a step further and add titles to your notes, use an image as a background (drag and drop), and add text on top of the image.


These are the “Right Click Menus” for your Stickies. The first is for the text-based notes and the second is for the image background notes.

这些是您的便利贴的“右键菜单”。 第一个用于基于文本的注释,第二个用于图像背景注释。

Use the following window to manage your Stickies collection.




Stickies has a nice amount of options to help you customize the program just the way that you want it. Choose how you want your Stickies Notes to act and select specific layout/design details for new notes in the “General Tab Area”.

Stickies具有大量选项,可帮助您按照所需方式自定义程序。 选择“便笺”的操作方式,然后在““常规”选项卡区域”中为新便笺选择特定的布局/设计详细信息。

Set up how your Stickies Notes will look in the “Appearance Tab Area”. You can do a really nice job of matching how notes look to blend well with your desktop theme.

在“外观选项卡区域”中设置您的即时贴的外观。 您可以很好地匹配笔记的外观,使其与桌面主题完美融合。

Set up networking if desired in the “Network Tab Area”…


Enable the e-mail function for notes in the “Email Tab Area”.


Tie your PDA into Stickies in the “PDA Tab Area”.

将您的PDA绑定到“ PDA选项卡区域”中的Stickies中。

Set up the alerts (if desired) that best suit your preferences in the “Alerts Tab Area”.


Want to use hotkeys with Stickies? See what the defaults are for Stickies or set up your own personalized set in the “Hotkeys Tab Area’”.

想要与Stickies一起使用热键吗? 查看“粘滞便笺”的默认设置,或在“热键选项卡区域”中设置自己的个性化设置。

Choose the search engine lineup, level of logging, and other features that you want active in the “Advanced Tab Area”.




If you have been looking for a good sticky notes program for your desktop, then Stickies is definitely a recommended addition for your Windows system.




Download Stickies (version 8.0-c)


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/5845/add-sticky-note-goodness-to-your-desktop-with-stickies/

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