##Vigilantly monitoring security
The system administrator must implement a security policy and periodically check to be sure that the security of the system has not been violated. On low-security systems, this chore might involve only a few basic checks for unauthorized access. On a high-security system , it can include an elaborate network of traps and auditing programs.
*:vigilantly ['vɪdʒɪləntlɪ] 警觉地
*: implement [ˈɪmplɪment] 实施
*:periodically [ˌpɪərɪ’ɒdɪklɪ] 定期的
*:violated 侵犯
*:involve [ɪnˈvɒlv] 围绕
*:unauthorized /,ʌn’ɔ:θəraizd/ 未被授权的
*:elaborate /ɪ’læb(ə)rət/ 详尽的
*:traps /træps/ 圈套
*:auditing /'ɔːdɪtɪŋ  / 审计


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