


相关说明:PWT 是联合国的ICP(国际比较计划),委托宾州大学的一个研究所建立的数据库,是一个包含收入、产出、投入和生产力等基本经济变量信息的强大数据库


Variable name Variable definition
Identifier variables
countrycode 3-letter ISO country code
country Country name
currency_unit Currency unit
year Year
Real GDP, employment and population levels
rgdpe Expenditure-side real GDP at chained PPPs (in mil. 2017US$)
rgdpo Output-side real GDP at chained PPPs (in mil. 2017US$)
pop Population (in millions)
emp Number of persons engaged (in millions)
avh Average annual hours worked by persons engaged
hc Human capital index, based on years of schooling and returns to education; see Human capital in PWT9.
Current price GDP, capital and TFP
ccon Real consumption of households and government, at current PPPs (in mil. 2017US$)
cda Real domestic absorption, (real consumption plus investment), at current PPPs (in mil. 2017US$)
cgdpe Expenditure-side real GDP at current PPPs (in mil. 2017US$)
cgdpo Output-side real GDP at current PPPs (in mil. 2017US$)
cn Capital stock at current PPPs (in mil. 2017US$)
ck Capital services levels at current PPPs (USA=1)
ctfp TFP level at current PPPs (USA=1)
cwtfp Welfare-relevant TFP levels at current PPPs (USA=1)
National accounts-based variables
rgdpna Real GDP at constant 2017 national prices (in mil. 2017US$)
rconna Real consumption at constant 2017 national prices (in mil. 2017US$)
rdana Real domestic absorption at constant 2017 national prices (in mil. 2017US$)
rnna Capital stock at constant 2017 national prices (in mil. 2017US$)
rkna Capital services at constant 2017 national prices (2017=1)
rtfpna TFP at constant national prices (2017=1)
rwtfpna Welfare-relevant TFP at constant national prices (2017=1)
labsh Share of labour compensation in GDP at current national prices
irr Real internal rate of return
delta Average depreciation rate of the capital stock
Exchange rates and GDP price levels
xr Exchange rate, national currency/USD (market+estimated)
pl_con Price level of CCON (PPP/XR), price level of USA GDPo in 2017=1
pl_da Price level of CDA (PPP/XR), price level of USA GDPo in 2017=1
pl_gdpo Price level of CGDPo (PPP/XR), price level of USA GDPo in 2017=1
Data information variables
i_cig 0/1/2/3/4: relative price data for consumption, investment and government is extrapolated (0), benchmark (1), interpolated (2), ICP PPP timeseries: benchmark or interpolated (3) or  ICP PPP timeseries: extrapolated (4)
i_xm 0/1/2: relative price data for exports and imports is extrapolated (0), benchmark (1) or interpolated (2)
i_xr 0/1: the exchange rate is market-based (0) or estimated (1)
i_outlier 0/1: the observation on pl_gdpe or pl_gdpo is not an outlier (0) or an outlier (1)
i_irr 0/1/2/3: the observation for irr is not an outlier (0), may be biased due to a low capital share (1), hit the lower bound of 1 percent (2), or is an outlier (3)
cor_exp Correlation between expenditure shares of the country and the US (benchmark observations only)
statcap Statistical capacity indicator (source: World Bank, developing countries only)
Shares in CGDPo
csh_c Share of household consumption at current PPPs
csh_i Share of gross capital formation at current PPPs
csh_g Share of government consumption at current PPPs
csh_x Share of merchandise exports at current PPPs
csh_m Share of merchandise imports at current PPPs
csh_r Share of residual trade and GDP statistical discrepancy at current PPPs
Price levels, expenditure categories and capital
pl_c Price level of household consumption,  price level of USA GDPo in 2017=1
pl_i Price level of capital formation,  price level of USA GDPo in 2017=1
pl_g Price level of government consumption,  price level of USA GDPo in 2017=1
pl_x Price level of exports, price level of USA GDPo in 2017=1
pl_m Price level of imports, price level of USA GDPo in 2017=1
pl_n Price level of the capital stock, price level of USA in 2017=1
pl_k Price level of the capital services, price level of USA=1



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