? Welcome to Phone Cooler with Battery Cooler this cool tool optimize your system and cool down battery temperature. It not only helps to cool down the phone but also cleans and speed up the Android phone.

Ξ We provide the smart booster RAM clean and CPU usage application with CPU Cooler master , which cool down CPU cell phone. The cooling master phone cooler application will scan the CPU to find out the cause making phone for cooling overheating phone and win more energy conservation.

Ξ Cooling Master is a CPU temperature monitor , processor booster , processor cooler and battery percentage app. It controls the overheat operations of apps that overheating the CPU, to reduce CPU utilization and cool down your phone.

Ξ Phone Cool Down help cooling master phone cooler in real time, control and detection of heat application device and quickly shut the resources to help the phone back to the normal temperature cooling mode phone, cool master device cooler. Not only is the cooling device software but also support battery-saving coolers and fast battery charger that helps charger the battery faster than normal, let use it.

? Let's explore the features of this Cooling Master app ! ?

✔ One tap to cool down

Cool down phone overheat immediately, the phone will cool and you avoid the problem of battery overheat

✔ Battery Saver

Save battery power by enabling ultra-Fast and extreme power saver modes

✔ Junk cleaner

Clear junk data, residual, temporary files and release the cache memory

✔ Ram Usage & Running Processes

Achieve Optimum cleaning by freeing up ram, memory and killing unwanted background running processes.

❄ How Phone Cool Down & Cooling Master app works ❄

⚫ Cool down your phone and memory booster and cleaner

⚫ Clean junk files and boost phone speed

⚫ Stop the application running in background to booster RAM clean and CPU cool down the machine immediately

⚫ Optimize System by processor cooler and cpu enhancer

⚫ CPU temperature monitor and find applications heating phone

‼ Why should you use Cooler Master & Battery Cooler ‼

✪ Cool down phone overheat immediately by clean up phone memory

✪ Detect heating apps for a few seconds

✪ Show battery percentage and cpu control

✪ Fast battery charger and charger boost

✪ Real-time tracking temperature & cooling master phone cooler

✪ Warning when the phone is overheating temperature allows.

✪ Cooling phone with one touch, auto cpu cooler master, cpu cooler for android

? A hot phone is never a good thing to have. If your phone gets too hot it could cause some serious damage to your phone. That’s where that best cooling app for Android come in, so you can always keep your phone nice and cool with Phone Cool Down Cooling Master & Battery Cooler. How do you prevent your phone from overheating???

⬇ Don't wait download this app and share Phone Cool Down app with your friends so they can also cool the phone quickly.

????? Please rate 5 * CPU Booster and Battery Master app to support the developer ?????

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