
#include<string>using namespace std;
class Person{public:int m_age;int m_money;Person(int a = 0,int b = 0):m_age(a),m_money(b){}Person operator+(Person p1){Person p;p.m_age = this->m_age + p1.m_age;p.m_money = this->m_money + p1.m_money;return p;}
int main(void){Person p1(10,200);Person p2(12,300);Person p3 = p1 + p2;cout << p3.m_age << " " << p3.m_money << endl;


#include<string>using namespace std;
class Person{public:int m_age;int m_money;Person(int a = 0,int b = 0):m_age(a),m_money(b){}// Person operator+(Person p1){//     Person p;//     p.m_age = this->m_age + p1.m_age;//     p.m_money = this->m_money + p1.m_money;//     return p;// }
Person operator+(Person p1,Person p2){Person p0;p0.m_age = p1.m_age + p2.m_age;p0.m_money = p1.m_money + p2.m_money;return p0;
int main(void){Person p1(10,200);Person p2(12,300);Person p3 = p1 + p2;cout << p3.m_age << " " << p3.m_money << endl;


class Person p{void operator<<(Person &p){}//这样展开以后会是p.operator<<//造成了本来要在右边的对象现在放在了左边,不符合输出的条件,而且ostream对象应该在右边,所以不能写成成员函数,


using namespace std;
class Person{public:int m_age;int m_money;Person(int a = 0,int b = 0):m_age(a),m_money(b){}
};ostream& operator<<(ostream &cout,Person &p){cout << "age : " << p.m_age << endl;cout << "money : " << p.m_money << endl;return cout;
int main(void){Person p0(10,100);cout << p0 ;return 0;



using namespace std;
class Person{public:int m_age;int m_money;Person(int a = 0,int b = 0):m_age(a),m_money(b){}Person& operator++(){m_age++;m_money++;return *this;}//前置递增运算符返回引用,因为改变的是传入参数的本身,//返回引用使得可以接着改变,//如果返回值,即使本身被改变了,但是最终返回的值是拷贝后的结果//操作符重载的成员函数默认传递的是值吗?
ostream& operator<<(ostream &cout,Person &p){cout << "age : " << p.m_age << endl;cout << "money : " << p.m_money << endl;return cout;
int main(void){Person p0(10,100);cout << ++(++p0) ;cout << p0 ;return 0;


using namespace std;
class Person{public:int m_age;int m_money;Person(int a = 0,int b = 0):m_age(a),m_money(b){}Person operator++(int){//int为占位参数,用来区分是后置运算符重载Person p = *this;this->m_age++;this->m_money++;return p;}
};ostream& operator<<(ostream &cout,Person p){//ostream& operator<<(ostream &cout,const Person& p){//或者是改成const reference
//之前出错的原因是在<<操作符重载的时候Person类传入的是引用,为什么这样对于后置递增运算符不行,但是对于前置运算符两者都可以。cout << "age : " << p.m_age << endl;cout << "money : " << p.m_money << endl;return cout;
int main(void){Person p1(10,100);cout << p1++ << endl;return 0;

关系运算符重载!= 、==

using namespace std;
class Person{public:int m_age;int m_money;Person(int a = 0,int b = 0):m_age(a),m_money(b){}bool operator!=(Person& p1){if(this->m_age != p1.m_age || this->m_money != p1.m_money){return true;}return false;}//关系运算符的返回值是布尔值
ostream& operator<<(ostream &cout,Person &p){cout << "age : " << p.m_age << endl;cout << "money : " << p.m_money << endl;return cout;
int main(void){Person p1(10,100);Person p2(10,100);if(p1 != p2){cout <<" p1 and p2 aren't equal." << endl;}else cout << "p1 and p2 are equal." << endl;return 0;


using namespace std;
class Person{public:int m_age;int m_money;Person(int a = 0,int b = 0):m_age(a),m_money(b){}bool operator==(Person& p2){//可以传递引用吗?if(this->m_age == p2.m_age && this->m_money == p2.m_money)return true;else return false;}
ostream& operator<<(ostream &cout,Person &p){cout << "age : " << p.m_age << endl;cout << "money : " << p.m_money << endl;return cout;
int main(void){Person p1(10,100);Person p2(10,100);if(p1 == p2){cout <<" p1 and p2 are equal." << endl;}else cout << "p1 and p2 aren't equal." << endl;return 0;


using namespace std;
class Person{public:int m_age;int m_money;Person(int a = 0,int b = 0):m_age(a),m_money(b){}void operator()(Person p1){cout << "age :" << p1.m_age << endl;cout << " money :" << p1.m_money << endl;}
ostream& operator<<(ostream &cout,Person &p){cout << "age : " << p.m_age << endl;cout << "money : " << p.m_money << endl;return cout;
int main(void){Person p1(13,100);Person p3;//不是写成Person(p3),不是类重载函数调用运算符进行隐式调用,而是类的实例进行函数调用p3(p1);//通过匿名函数对象进行操作符重载的调用Person()(p1);return 0;


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