In the Answer File pane you should now have the LocalAccounts component selected under the oobeSystem pass. <?xml:namespace prefix = o />
Now in the Properties pane, type the user’s name (logon and display names), Administrators for the user’s local group, and an optional de.ion (Figure 3):
Note that we’re .ly creating a local user account here . the computer. If the computer will belong to a domain, you would typically create the domain user account ahead of time in Active Directory. You still have to create a local computer account as a fallback however, and it should belong to the local Administrators group . the machine since the default Administrator account is disabled in Vista.
In the Answer File, select the Password component beneath LocalAccount. Then in the Properties pane type a password for the user account you’re creating . the computer (Figure 4):
Specifying a Computer Name and Default Theme
Back in the Windows Image pane, right-click . the Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup node and select Add Setting to pass 4 specialize as shown in Figure 5:
把Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup节点加入pass 4 specialize
In the Answer File pane you should now have the Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup component selected under the specialize pass.
Now in the Properties pane, type a name for the computer in the value box to the right of the ComputerName setting (Figure 6):
Now wait just a minute. Why do we have to add the Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup component to our answer file when we did this in the previous section above where we added a local user account for the computer? Because (a) you can add many answer file components to more than .e configuration pass and (b) the computer name can .ly be specified using an answer file in the specialize configuration pass and not during the oobeSystem configuration pass (see Figure 7):
Now let’s specify the default Aero theme. In the Answer File pane, select Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup\Themes. Then in the Properties pane type the path to the default Aero theme as shown in Figure 8:
Specifying the Protect Your PC and Network Location Settings
Now let’s configure the Protect Your PC setting, which determines whether Vista will automatically download and install updates or not. In the Windows Image pane, right-click . OOBE under Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup and select Add Setting to pass 7 oobeSystem (Figure 9)
把Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup下的OOBE添加到pass 7 oobeSystem

In the Answer File pane you should now have the Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup\OOBE component selected under the oobeSystem pass.
In the Properties pane, click in the value box to the right of the ProtectYourPC setting and type 1 to specify that Vista should automatically download and install updates when they become available.
Then in the Properties pane again, click the value box to the right of the NetworkLocation setting until a drop-down arrow appears. Click the arrow and select Work to indicate that the computer will be used at work (Figure 10):

<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->
Specifying the Time Zone
We’re almost done. In the Answer File pane, under oobeSystem, select the Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup component. Then in the Properties pane, I would type Canada Central Standard Time in the value box to the right of the TimeZone setting, but you would probably type something different—see this page . TechNet for what you can type here. The result is shown in Figure 11:
Validating and Testing the Answer File
Now from Windows SIM’s menu, select Tools, then Validate Answer File. You should .ly see a series of Information messages in the Messages pane, and these you can ignore. If you see any Error or Warning messages, double-click . them and correct any errors you find in your answer file until validation succeeds.
在菜单里选择Tools下的Validate Answer File,在Message面板里查看信息是否有问题。
Save your modified answer file using the same file name (autounattend.xml) as before. Then copy it to a USB flash drive and try using it together with your Vista SP1 Enterprise product DVD to perform an Unattended Install From DVD installation of Vista . a bare-metal system. Your installation should proceed in a completely unattended fashion, after which Vista will run is performance check (this can’t be prevented) and then you’ll be presented with a logon screen for Bob Smith. Bob can then type his password, log ., and start working . his computer.

The question we posed at the end of the last article was, is it possible to automate the Windows Welcome phase of Setup so that the user won’t have to perform these final steps? Yes it is, and you do this by configuring settings in your answer file to automate the machineOOBE configuration pass of Setup. Let’s do this now.

Opening your Minimal Answer File
On your technician computer, start Windows SIM, open your Vista SP1 Enterprise install image in the Image Pane, and then in the Answer File pane open the autounattend.xml file you created in article seven previously (see Figure 1):
打开Windows SIM,打开Vista SP1的镜像,打开之前创建的autounattend.xml文件
Specifying a User Name and Password
In the Windows Image pane, expand the Components node to display the Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup node beneath it. Then expand Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup node to display the UserAccounts, then LocalAccounts, then LocalAccount. Right-click . LocalAccount and select Add Setting to pass 7 oobeSystem as shown in Figure 2:
在Windows Image面板里,展开Components节点,找到Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup,把UserAccounts/LocalAccounts/LocalAccount添加到oobeSystem配置过程里
In the Answer File pane you should now have the LocalAccounts component selected under the oobeSystem pass.
Now in the Properties pane, type the user’s name (logon and display names), Administrators for the user’s local group, and an optional de.ion (Figure 3):
Note that we’re .ly creating a local user account here . the computer. If the computer will belong to a domain, you would typically create the domain user account ahead of time in Active Directory. You still have to create a local computer account as a fallback however, and it should belong to the local Administrators group . the machine since the default Administrator account is disabled in Vista.
In the Answer File, select the Password component beneath LocalAccount. Then in the Properties pane type a password for the user account you’re creating . the computer (Figure 4):
Specifying a Computer Name and Default Theme
Back in the Windows Image pane, right-click . the Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup node and select Add Setting to pass 4 specialize as shown in Figure 5:
把Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup节点加入pass 4 specialize
In the Answer File pane you should now have the Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup component selected under the specialize pass.
Now in the Properties pane, type a name for the computer in the value box to the right of the ComputerName setting (Figure 6):
Now wait just a minute. Why do we have to add the Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup component to our answer file when we did this in the previous section above where we added a local user account for the computer? Because (a) you can add many answer file components to more than .e configuration pass and (b) the computer name can .ly be specified using an answer file in the specialize configuration pass and not during the oobeSystem configuration pass (see Figure 7):
Now let’s specify the default Aero theme. In the Answer File pane, select Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup\Themes. Then in the Properties pane type the path to the default Aero theme as shown in Figure 8:
Specifying the Protect Your PC and Network Location Settings
Now let’s configure the Protect Your PC setting, which determines whether Vista will automatically download and install updates or not. In the Windows Image pane, right-click . OOBE under Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup and select Add Setting to pass 7 oobeSystem (Figure 9)
把Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup下的OOBE添加到pass 7 oobeSystem

In the Answer File pane you should now have the Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup\OOBE component selected under the oobeSystem pass.
In the Properties pane, click in the value box to the right of the ProtectYourPC setting and type 1 to specify that Vista should automatically download and install updates when they become available.
Then in the Properties pane again, click the value box to the right of the NetworkLocation setting until a drop-down arrow appears. Click the arrow and select Work to indicate that the computer will be used at work (Figure 10):
Specifying the Time Zone
We’re almost done. In the Answer File pane, under oobeSystem, select the Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup component. Then in the Properties pane, I would type Canada Central Standard Time in the value box to the right of the TimeZone setting, but you would probably type something different—see this page . TechNet for what you can type here. The result is shown in Figure 11:
Validating and Testing the Answer File
Now from Windows SIM’s menu, select Tools, then Validate Answer File. You should .ly see a series of Information messages in the Messages pane, and these you can ignore. If you see any Error or Warning messages, double-click . them and correct any errors you find in your answer file until validation succeeds.
在菜单里选择Tools下的Validate Answer File,在Message面板里查看信息是否有问题。
Save your modified answer file using the same file name (autounattend.xml) as before. Then copy it to a USB flash drive and try using it together with your Vista SP1 Enterprise product DVD to perform an Unattended Install From DVD installation of Vista . a bare-metal system. Your installation should proceed in a completely unattended fashion, after which Vista will run is performance check (this can’t be prevented) and then you’ll be presented with a logon screen for Bob Smith. Bob can then type his password, log ., and start working . his computer.



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