php发送 日历邮件

Spammers have found a way to add unwanted phishing and scam events to people’s Google Calendars without their permission. Here’s how to stop spammers from adding things to your calendar without your permission.

垃圾邮件发送者已经找到了一种在未经其允许的情况下向用户的Google日历添加不需要的网络钓鱼和欺诈事件的方法。 这是阻止垃圾邮件发送者未经您的许可将其添加到您的日历中的方法。

As detailed on OneZero by How-To Geek’s former Editor-in-Chief, Whitson Gordon, Google Calendar (by default) shows event invites whether the user has accepted them or not. Spammers are using the loophole to flood people’s calendars with malicious links and other derogatory text.

正如How-To Geek的前总编辑惠特森·戈登(Whitson Gordon)在OneZero上详细介绍的那样,Google日历(默认情况下)显示事件邀请,即用户是否接受了邀请。 垃圾邮件发送者正在利用此漏洞向人们的日历中充斥恶意链接和其他贬义性文字。

停止日历自动添加邀请 (Stop Calendar From Adding Invites Automatically)

One of Google Calendar’s default settings is to add event invites automatically to the calendar. To turn this off, click on the gear icon found in the top-right of the display and then select “Settings”.

Google日历的默认设置之一是将活动邀请自动添加到日历中。 要关闭此功能,请单击显示屏右上方的齿轮图标,然后选择“设置”。

Next, choose “Event settings” found in the left sidebar.


Locate the drop-down that’s labeled “Automatically add invitations”. Click on the arrow.

找到标有“自动添加邀请”的下拉菜单。 单击箭头。

Lastly, select “No, only show invitations to which I have responded”.


阻止日历从Gmail添加事件 (Stop Calendar From Adding Events From Gmail)

Google Calendar also pulls events directly from Gmail. If someone emails you an invite—sometimes even when it goes to the spam folder—it ends up on your calendar. To turn off this feature, head back into the Settings menu by clicking on the gear icon and selecting “Settings”.

Google日历还直接从Gmail中提取事件。 如果有人通过电子邮件向您发送邀请(有时甚至转到垃圾邮件文件夹中),该邀请也会出现在您的日历上。 要关闭此功能,请点击齿轮图标并选择“设置”,返回“设置”菜单。

Next, choose “Events from Gmail” from the left sidebar.


Uncheck the box next to “Automatically add events from Gmail to my calendar”.


Google Calendar will ask you to confirm this action. Click “OK” to approve the change.

Google日历会要求您确认此操作。 单击“确定”以批准更改。

隐藏拒绝的日历邀请 (Hide Declined Calendar Invites)

If you’ve gone through and declined the spammy calendar events, they’ll still show up in Google Calendar but crossed out. The reason for this is that it continues to display declined events by default.

如果您已通过并拒绝了垃圾日历事件,则这些事件仍会显示在Google日历中,但会删除。 原因是默认情况下它将继续显示拒绝的事件。

To turn the feature off, head back to Google Calendar’s Settings menu. As mentioned before, you get there by clicking on the gear icon and then selecting “Settings”.

要关闭此功能,请返回Google日历的“设置”菜单。 如前所述,您可以通过单击齿轮图标,然后选择“设置”来到达那里。

Once there, choose “View options” located in the left sidebar.


Uncheck the box next to “Show declined events” to remove the diminished invites.


在手机上隐藏拒绝的活动 (Hide Declined Events on Mobile)

Oddly enough, when you decide to hide declined events from the desktop view, they still appear in the Android, iPhone, and iPad apps. If you want them not to be shown, launch the mobile app, open the overflow menu by tapping on the hamburger icon in the top-left corner, scroll down, and tap on “Settings”.

奇怪的是,当您决定从桌面视图中隐藏拒绝的事件时,它们仍会出现在Android,iPhone和iPad应用程序中。 如果不想显示它们,请启动移动应用程序,通过点击左上角的汉堡包图标打开溢出菜单,向下滚动,然后点击“设置”。

Next, select “General”.


Lastly, toggle off “Show declined events”.


A growing number of people online have been reporting this tactic being used to spam their Google Calendars. Google hasn’t released a response to the incidents at the time of this writing, but hopefully, some of these default settings get disabled in the future.

越来越多的在线人报告说这种策略被用来向Google日历发送垃圾邮件。 在撰写本文时,Google尚未发布有关事件的响应,但希望将来某些默认设置被禁用。


php发送 日历邮件

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