
  • `class_loss` 分类交叉熵损失_论文公式(2)
  • `ring_loss` Ring-style Normalization_论文公式(8)
  • `mutual_information`_论文公式(5/6/7)
  • `confusion_loss` LentL_{ent}Lent​_论文公式(3)
  • `alignment_loss`
  • `Reconstruction`重构损失_论文公式(1)
  • 与论文对比

class_loss 分类交叉熵损失_论文公式(2)

ring_loss Ring-style Normalization_论文公式(8)


confusion_loss LentL_{ent}Lent​_论文公式(3)



Specifically, we leverage a domain identifier DIDIDI, which takes the disentangled feature (fdif_{di}fdi​ or fdsf_{ds}fds​ ) as input and outputs the domain label lfl_flf​(source or target).





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