

/i/ /ɪ/ /ei/ /ɛ/ /æ/

/ɑ/ (/ʌ/ /ə/) /ɔ/ /ou/ /ʊ/

/u/  /ər/ /aɪ/ /aʊ/ /ɔɪ/


/i/ please see meat believe

/æ/  apple man stand angry


元音规则(一)Tense and Neutral Vowels

中性元音:/ɪ/ /ɛ/ (/ʌ/ /ə/) /ʊ/

元音规则(二) "sit" or "seat"?

/i/ ee ea ie ei

/ɪ/ i y

feet-fit leave-live sleep-slip these-this

元音规则(三)"cop" or "cup"

/ɑ/  o ɑ

(/ʌ/ /ə/) u o ou

shot-shut Don-done lock-luck cop-cup not-nut robber-rubber

元音规则(四) "pool" or "pull"

/u/ oo ue

/ʊ/ oo ould u

fool-full Luke-look pool-pull

元音规则(五)/æ/ - as in "apple"

apple angry man fat dance Los Angeles random answer

元音规则(六)/ɔ/ as in "ball"

al tall small always

au automobile August

aw saw law awful

元音规则(七) /ou/ as in "most"

o post moment go

ow flow slow show

oa road boat soap

元音规则(八)/ər/ as in "her"

er her teacher

ar grammar

ear learn heard

ir bird first girl

or work

ur nurse hurt

元音规则(九)Stressed Vowels

banAna CAnada biOlogy phoTOGraphy

I lOve it.

I have to cAll him.

You are really tAll

It's hOt.

I got a jOb at the hOspital.

元音规则(十)Reduced Vowels

symbol local record

Reduce unimportant words 弱化元音为 /ə/

例如介词:in, on, to, at, for, with, by

Let's meet at two o'clock.


[p]、[b] 、[t]、[d]、[k]、[g]、[f]、[v]、[s]、[z]、[θ]、[ð]、[ʃ]、[ʒ]、[tʃ]、[dʒ]


辅音规则(一)Fully Pronouncing Each word

辅音规则(二) Voiced and Voiceless Consonants

辅音规则(三)"TH" Sound


bath both math Thank you Thursday father mother

辅音规则(四)The American "L" Sound


feel school ill awful film

辅音规则(五)The American "R" Sound


Robert Parker first person

辅音规则(六) The "W" Sound


wait welcome always quiet quick question require quality liquid

辅音规则(七) The "V" and "W" Sound

very vote seven eleven involved vest-west vow-wow vet-wet

辅音规则(八) "S" and "Z" Sound


辅音规则(九) Stops and Continuants




pop music, job market, had this

I can't wait for that flight.

辅音规则(十) "T" bettween Two Vowels

T 变 fast D

water auto metal

That's a better city. What a nice day it is.

辅音规则(十一) "T" followed by "N"


written mountain

辅音规则(十二)The "ING" Sound


going thinking running

辅音规则(十三)"TR" and "DR" Sounds

trick drinks

辅音规则(十四)"TU" and "DU" Sounds

actually graduate

辅音规则(十五)"ED" Endings

waited stopped robbed


规则(一)Basic of Syllable Stress

‘locate   par'enthesis  'necessary   ne'cessity

规则(二)Syllables of Verbs and Nouns

Noun : 90% stress first syllable (when they are two syllables)

Verb : 60% stress second syllable(when they are two syllables)

规则(三) “ATE” Words

graduate estimate articulate  :Verb like 8, Noun like et


规则(四)Stress Rules for Suffixes

stress suffixes:

-ese   chinese japanese

-eer   pioneer engineer

-ique  antique critique

stress syllable before suffixes:

-ic     realistic electric terific

规则(五)How Unstressed Syllables Work

madam problem symptom

o'clock doctor photography

sound same:

atom-Adam lesson-lessen caller-collar profit-prophet seller-cellar

规则(六)Basics of Stressing the Right Words within Sentences

second content words get more stress:

I got a job.    Do me a favor.    Go for a walk.

规则(七)Focus Words and Thought Groups

I will be driving to market to buy something to eat.

规则(八)How to Stress Adjectives and Nouns

stress Nouns not Ajectives

That was FAST.      That  was a fast FILM.

BIG black DOG.     ANGRY old MAN.        LONG hot SHOWER.

规则(九)Compound Nouns

stress first word of a compound  noun

EYElid EYEbrow EARring HAIRcolor CELLphone

规则(十)Rules for Stressing phrasal Verbs

stress second word

pick UP, break DOWN, make UP, MAKE-up

规则(十一)Names of Places and People

stress the last word.

Central PARK, Barack OBAMA, Martin Luther KING

规则(十二)Abbreviations and Numbers

sress the last letter   stress the last number

CNN sounds like see-en-en

DVD HTML  eight hundred TWELVE

规则(十三)Stress for Special Emphasis

Do you speak French or German?  - I speak French AND German.

I will drive to the beach next week.

规则(十四)Rising and Falling Intonation

All right    .?

Yes/No question : Are you angry at me?   rising

Wh question : Why are you angry at me?   falling

规则(十五)Changing Intonation

Items in  a series

I bought chicken, fish, apple and sugar at the supermarket.    up up up up down

Not finished speaking.

I think it's gonna rain.   down

I think it's gonna rain(up), but I'm not sure.


规则(一)Linking Consonant to Vowel

In an instant.     John is a friend.     I'm an actor.    Can I think it over.(t bettwen two vowels)

1.Don't speak faster.

2.Stress the content word

3.Don't link betwee thought groups

规则(二)Linking Consonant to Consonant

1.She likes swimming. i love vegetables.

2.Link consonants that have the same point of articulation.

used to.    five friends.  big kitchen.

3.“puh” “buh” “tuh” "duh"

back door/help me

规则(三)Linking Vowel to Vowel

see(y) it/ very interesting/ carry on

who(w) is/ two hours/ blue ocean

规则(四)Reducing Words Part 1

as on at to for or our an    /ə/     and  /n/

规则(五)Reducing Words Part 2

Did (h)e?     call (h)er     Iove  (h)er       pick  (th)em


Don't do that/ I've been/ I'd/ I'll/ it'll

规则(七)Difficult Contractions

I could've told you.   /əv/

He could n(ot) have done it.

规则(八)Dropped Syllables

basic(a)lly/   actu(a)lly

veg(e)t(a)ble/  int(e)resting/ diff(e)rent

choc(o)late      comf(o)rtable->comftrable

examples:asp(i)rin    ev(e)ning     fam(i)ly   bev(e)rage   fav(o)rite    extra(o)rdinary

规则(九)Difficult Words

bom(b) clim(b)  de(b)t   su(b)tle   a(d)just

wa(l)k  ta(l)k    cou(l)d wou(l)d shou(l)d  ha(l)f

balle(t)  mon(th)s   clo(th)es  (p)sychology   cu(p)board

i(s)land  ans(w) er

规则(十)Relaxed Speech

have/ of/ to      /a/

let me   ->   lemme

give me  ->  gimme

ing -> in


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  6. 美语音标 [z]出现在字尾的变音

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  8. 李阳标准美语发音宝典(音标疯狂外号)

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  9. Lisa美语发音教程——学习笔记

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