
A:I am a salesperson in America, I sell courses.

B:What type of courses?卖啥课

A:Sales training education销售教程

B:How is that going for you ?销量如何

A:It's super cool, I make a lot of money. Maybe better than you.可能比你挣得多

B:Sell me this coffe卖给我这杯咖啡

A:I don't  even know if you can afford it你可能买不起

B:What? this is the second time.If a guy was really handsome, but he has no house and no car, would you marry him?


B:If a guy  has a house and a car, but he was so ugly. would you marry him?


B:So you have to have both.

A:Yea, it's not my standards这不是我一个人的标准,it's all Chines girls, they just don't say. You won't have this issues. 你没有这方面的问题.

B:I am so poor, you told me that many times

A:You have so many fans, you shouldn't be poor.


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