Ever wanted to add color to your old, vintage, or historical photographs? Load up some old pictures and see how color can be added quickly to any black and white photograph in this simple Photoshop how to.

曾经想为您的旧照片,古董照片或历史照片增添色彩吗? 加载一些旧图片,并在此简单的Photoshop中了解如何将色彩快速添加到任何黑白照片中。

While many purists simply don’t like the look of colorized black and white photographs, the ability to add color to black and white images is as indispensible as it is simple. Read on to see just how easy it can be.

尽管许多纯粹主义者根本不喜欢彩色的黑白照片的外观,但是向黑白图像添加颜色的能力却是非常简单不可或缺的。 继续阅读,看它多么容易。

从灰度图像开始 (Starting with Grayscale Images)

Simply because an image is in black and white doesn’t mean that it is a Grayscale image. Once your photograph is open, our first task is checking our Color Mode.

仅仅因为图像是黑白图像并不意味着它是灰度图像。 打开您的照片后,我们的首要任务是检查我们的色彩模式。

Navigate to Image > Mode > RGB color to set your image to RGB. If it is in Grayscale or some other color mode, Photoshop will convert it for you. Once this is done, you’ll be ready to add color to your image.

导航到“图像”>“模式”>“ RGB颜色”以将图像设置为RGB。 如果它处于灰度或其他颜色模式,Photoshop会为您转换。 完成此操作后,您就可以为图像添加颜色了。

使用混合模式添加颜色 (Using Blending Modes to Add Color)

One of the simplest ways to add color to a black and white image is using Blending Modes. But rather than create a dozen layers with individual blending modes, we will create a single layer group with a group blending mode. Here’s how to do it:

向黑白图像添加颜色的最简单方法之一是使用混合模式。 但是,我们将使用组混合模式创建一个单层组,而不是使用单独的混合模式创建多个层。 方法如下:

  • Press to create a New Layer.


  • With that New Layer selected, press to group your new layer.


  • Select your new layer group as shown above, and set your Blending Mode to “Color.”如上所示,选择新的图层组,然后将“混合模式”设置为“颜色”。

You’ll find Blending Modes in the pulldown tab directly under the top of the “Layers” panel. Click to pull it down to set the blending mode of your Group to “Color” as shown above.

您可以在“图层”面板顶部下方的下拉选项卡中找到“混合模式”。 单击以将其下拉以将组的混合模式设置为“颜色”,如上所示。

Once your group is set to blending mode “Color” reselect your layer and let’s check out some ways to add color to our image.


无需绘画即可为图像添加颜色的一些方法 (Some Ways to Add Colors to Your Image without Painting)

You can now add color into any layer you make inside your new group. The question is, how? Any way you can add color to layers is a way that will work. Let’s start with a simple and quicker, but rougher method using the Lasso Tool or even the Pen Tool, if you feel like you’ve mastered it.

现在,您可以在新组中创建的任何层中添加颜色。 问题是,如何? 您可以为图层添加颜色的任何方法都是可行的。 让我们从使用套索工具甚至钢笔工具开始,用一种简单,快捷但粗略的方法开始, 如果您已经掌握了它 。

The Lasso and the Pen Tool both do roughly the same thing in this situation. You’ll be drawing and outlining shapes, and then filling them with the Bucket Fill or by going to Edit > Fill and using your foreground color. While this method does not give the most refined of results, it can be the fastest. If you wish to take a more hands-on, controlled approach, you’ll want to keep reading to see the “painting” method using the Photoshop Brush tool.

在这种情况下,套索和钢笔工具都会做大致相同的事情。 您将绘制和概述形状,然后使用“桶填充”或通过“编辑”>“填充”并使用前景色来填充形状。 尽管此方法无法提供最精确的结果,但它可能是最快的。 如果您希望采用更实际的,可控制的方法,则需要继续阅读以使用Photoshop笔刷工具查看“绘画”方法。

使用画笔工具将颜色绘制到照片中 (Using the Brush Tool to Paint Color into Photographs)

If you’re not there, return to the group you set to Blending Mode “Color.” Navigate to the blank layer you made there and select the Brush Tool in your toolbar.

如果您不在那里,请返回设置为“混合”模式“颜色”的组。 导航到在此处制作的空白层,然后在工具栏中选择“画笔工具”。

Press to select the Brush Tool, then right-click in your image to bring up the Brush Tool contextual menu. Select “Soft Round” as shown.

按下以选择“画笔工具”,然后右键单击图像以调出“画笔工具”上下文菜单。 如图所示,选择“ Soft Round”。

Click the Foreground Color area of your toolbar (as shown above left) to bring up the Color Picker. Stick with colors much duller than you want your image to look like, as they’ll brighten up considerably when they’re painted on.

单击工具栏的“前景颜色”区域(如左上方所示)以调出拾色器。 坚持使用比您想要的图像看起来暗淡得多的颜色,因为在绘制时它们会明显变亮。

Simply mouse over the areas of your image you want to be that color. Be as precise as possible, but feel free to use the eraser tool as needed.

只需将鼠标悬停在想要成为该颜色的图像区域上即可。 尽可能精确,但可以根据需要随意使用橡皮擦工具。

You may find that your color, even though it is dull, appear garish. You can adjust this many different ways.

您可能会发现,即使颜色变暗,它也会显得扎眼。 您可以调整许多不同的方式。

Reducing the opacity, as shown above, of your layers, can reduce the intensity of your colors and make them more naturalistic.


to add new layers whenever you want to add new colors. Keeping layers separate will give you greater control. And since they are contained within the same group, you’ll find they all conform to the same “Color” blending mode.

在需要添加新颜色时添加新图层。 将各层分开可以更好地控制您。 由于它们包含在同一组中,因此您会发现它们都遵循相同的“颜色”混合模式。

Zoom in to add details as needed. Minor details, such as the right color of blue in the eyes, can really bring a colorized image to life.

放大以根据需要添加详细信息。 较小的细节(例如,眼睛中正确的蓝色)可以真正使彩色图像栩栩如生。

使用色相/饱和度工具改善花色 (Improve Garish Colors with the Hue/Saturation Tool)

It can be all to easy to start working with a color that seems like it’ll be the right shade, only to turn out too bright, garrish or ugly. Here’s how to adjust it and continue painting.

开始使用看起来像是正确的阴影的颜色很容易,但结果却变得太亮,花哨或丑陋。 这是调整方法并继续绘画的方法。

Paint or find a sample of the color you want to change to better suit your image.


Press to bring up the  Hue/Saturation tool.


Adjust Hue, Saturation, and Lightness values until your color suits your image. As you can see above, the garish red has transformed to a more appropriate reddish brown.

调整色相,饱和度和亮度值,直到颜色适合您的图像为止。 如您在上面看到的,扎眼的红色已经变成了更合适的红褐色。

Alt + Click on the in your layers panel, beside your active layer inorder to hide all the other layers. Then press the to select the Eyedropper tool. Click your painted swatch once to select the changed color as your foreground color.

Alt +单击活动面板旁边的“图层”面板中的,以隐藏所有其他图层。 然后,按选择吸管工具。 单击一次绘制的色板,以选择更改的颜色作为前景色。

Alt + Click the same again to turn all the layers back on. Shortcut key will give you back the Brush Tool and allow you to return to painting like normal. Add as many or as few colors as you feel your image needs, in all the details you care to put in.

Alt +再次单击同一按钮可重新打开所有图层。 快捷键将使您返回“画笔工具”,并可以像平常一样返回到绘画。 在您想要放入的所有细节中,根据您的图像需要添加任意数量的颜色。

And with minimal work and time invested, a black and white image is now full of rich color. Practice with the brush tool, as it is likely the best method for achieving excellent results in colorizing black and white photographs.

只需花费最少的工作和时间,黑白图像现在就充满了丰富的色彩。 使用画笔工具进行练习,因为它可能是使黑白照片着色的最佳结果的最佳方法。

Have questions or comments concerning Graphics, Photos, Filetypes, or Photoshop? Send your questions to

对图形,照片,文件类型或Photoshop有疑问或意见吗? 将您的问题发送到ericgoodnight@howtogeek.com, and they may be featured in a future How-To Geek Graphics article. ericgoodnight@howtogeek.com ,它们可能会在以后的How-To Geek Graphics文章中介绍。

Image Credit: Portait of Thomas Edison, in public domain.

图片来源:公共领域的Thomas Edison肖像 。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/42066/how-to-colorize-black-and-white-vintage-photographs-in-photoshop/


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