


// 缓存原型上的push函数
const originPush = Router.prototype.push
const originReplace = Router.prototype.replace
// 给原型对象上的push指定新函数函数
Router.prototype.push = function (location, onComplete, onAbort) {// 判断如果没有指定回调函数, 通过call调用源函数并使用catch来处理错误if (onComplete===undefined && onAbort===undefined) {return, location, onComplete, onAbort).catch(() => {})} else { // 如果有指定任意回调函数, 通过call调用源push函数处理, location, onComplete, onAbort)}
}// replace函数
Router.prototype.replace = function (location, onComplete, onAbort) {if (onComplete===undefined && onAbort===undefined) {return, location, onComplete, onAbort).catch(() => {})} else {, location, onComplete, onAbort)}


vue重复点击路由报错,解决NavigationDuplicated: Avoided redundant navigation to current location: 问题相关推荐

  1. 四种解决Vue中重复点击相同路由控制台报错问题( Avoided redundant navigation to current location)

    vue-router 升级到3.1.x 后,重复点击导航时,控制台出现报错 ,虽然不影响功能使用,但是看的就不舒服. 报错信息 Uncaught (in promise) NavigationDupl ...

  2. 解决NavigationDuplicated: Avoided redundant navigation to current location: 问题

    vue项目中,点击左侧菜单栏中的项,重复点击时会报错,解决这个问题,首先找到项目中管理路由的文件,一般是router/index.js,有的直接就是router.js. 然后看vue-router的引 ...

  3. 如何解决NavigationDuplicated: Avoided redundant navigation to current location:问题

    问题描述 解决方案 废话不多说 打开router下边的index.js文件,然后复制粘贴以下代码段即可 let originPush = VueRouter.prototype.push let or ...

  4. 解决Vue报错:Uncaught (in promise) NavigationDuplicated: Avoided redundant navigation to current location

    问题描述:重复点击导航时,控制台出现报错 ,虽然不影响功能使用,但也不能坐视不管. 解决 Vue 重复点击相同路由,出现 Uncaught (in promise) NavigationDuplica ...

  5. 解决报错:Uncaught (in promise) NavigationDuplicated: Avoided redundant navigation to current location: “

    报错内容: vue-router.esm.js?68cf:2065 Uncaught (in promise) NavigationDuplicated: Avoided redundant navi ...

  6. vue 跳转报 NavigationDuplicated: Avoided redundant navigation to current location: “/to-do“.

    错误提示:NavigationDuplicated: Avoided redundant navigation to current location: "/to-do". 提示这 ...

  7. 解决Uncaught (in promise) NavigationDuplicated: Avoided redundant navigation to current location问题

    在Vue路由中遇到Error: Avoided redundant navigation to current location:xxxx:错误,意思是路由重复 在router文件夹下的index.j ...

  8. 解决vue重复点击路由报错问题:Uncaught (in promise) NavigationDuplicated

    直接在路由router文件夹下加上下面代码: import routes from './router'方法一: const originalPush = Router.prototype.push ...

  9. 解决vue-router报NavigationDuplicated: Avoided redundant navigation to current location: “/login“ 的问题

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