







How to Tell If Anxiety Is Making You Feel Ill


Anxiety is a mental health disorder. When people think of anxiety, they think of worrying and stress. They think of fears and a feeling as though something is going to go wrong. Anxiety is seen in thoughts and actions.

But anxiety has a tremendous physical component, and one of the key contributors to those physical sensations is long term stress. Stress can have a tremendous impact on your health, and one of the most common conditions is feeling ill.

Feeling Ill from Anxiety?

You may be coming down with a cold. You may be coming down with a serious disease. Or you may just have anxiety. It's sometimes hard for people to believe that feeling ill can come from anxiety, but it's a very real experience that affects many people.

If you haven't yet, take my 7 minute anxiety test to find out if you're likely feeling ill from anxiety. Click here to start.

Anxiety Can Cause Feelings of Illness

The stress from anxiety can cause feelings of very genuine sickness. These feelings often mimic the way illnesses make you feel. Your stomach can feel like it's rumbling and you may even feel nauseated. Feeling sick may be a sign that you've fallen ill, but it can also be a clear sign of anxiety.

While feeling sick can be the only physical symptom of anxiety, there are often others. Take my 7 minute anxiety test to get an idea of what symptoms you have are the result of anxiety and what you can do to stop it.

Why Does Anxiety Cause a Sick Feeling?

In general, that sick feeling is caused by a number of different factors. Just a few of which include:

  • Standard Stress Response – Scientists believe that nausea, and some of the common feelings of illness, are the result of issues with serotonin and adrenaline, which go haywire when you're suffering from anxiety. It's likely that there is an evolutionary component, where during times of fear, your gut sends a message to your brain that you should be frightened using the feeling of nausea.
  • Gut and Abdominal Pressure – Anxiety also causes a great deal of pressure on the stomach and guts, including stomach acids, digestion, and more. All of these throw off the way your body processes food and waters, and can cause you to feel like someone is going wrong in your stomach.
  • Mild Illness – Your body fights off germs every day. Anxiety can weaken your immune system, increasing the risk of suffering from mild illness. This is much less common, but may contribute to a feeling of nausea and sickness.

Feeling ill is something that often causes concern. Some people feel so sick that they vomit or experience profound nausea that keeps them away from their activities.

Some people experience more than just nausea as well. They may experience other symptoms that are similar to catching a cold or flu. They may feel like their glands are swollen, or their tongue is dry. They may feel lightheaded. They may even cough or experience severe stomach discomfort, like indigestion.

Are You Sick?

When anxiety is causing these symptoms, they're not dangerous. Anxiety is simply your body's misfiring of the body's natural fight or flight response, and the way your body reacts is designed to make sure that you know you're supposed to be fearful.

The problem isn't the signals themselves, the problem is that you're experiencing them all the time, often when it is inconvenient. People feel these symptoms for different reasons:

  • Situational Illness Feelings – Some people experience anxiety as a result of various situations. For example, before a test, before a first date, before proposing, etc.
  • Chronic Illness Feelings – Long term, chronic anxiety can also cause you to feel sick. This is very often indicative of an anxiety disorder.

Situational anxiety is actually natural. It's inconvenient, but it's natural. Back in school, if you felt severe illness before a big test, it's because you genuinely feared that test. While tests shouldn't provide that fear, the reaction is not unexpected.

Feelings of chronic illness from anxiety can be even more problematic, because when your anxiety won't go away, the feeling of being ill won't go away either. It becomes something that makes you feel worse about your health, saps your energy, and can ruin each and every day.

Temporarily Relief for the Sick Feeling

Most over the counter medicines that calm the stomach are mildly effective at relieving most of the sick feeling. Even though it's caused by anxiety, some of the symptoms can be relieved with medicines that relieve some nausea.

For issue like swollen glands, treating them can be a bit more complicated. That's because your glands aren't actually swollen. Swollen glands (and a clogged throat, and other common anxiety complaints) are actually a symptom of over-sensitization. Your body is so attuned to the way you feel that it starts to believe that it feels problems, even though the problems aren't actually there.

The only way to cure that is to cure your anxiety, and to do that you need to start to understand your anxiety better.

I have helped thousands of people that feel sick day in and day out from anxiety by starting them out with my 7 minute anxiety test. It's a completely free test that will:

  • Compare your symptoms to other anxiety sufferers.
  • Discover what's causing your anxiety and how.
  • Provide recommendations for how to relieve your anxiety.

If you haven't taken the test yet, it's crucial you start there. Take the test here.

How to Deal With Pressure and Stress Problems

By eHow Contributor

Read more : http://www.ehow.com/how_5587289_deal-pressure-stress-problems.html

Dealing with pressure and stress can be complicated in our lives. Everyone has it, and at times it can get the best of us. Knowing how to handle pressure can help us eliminate stress in our lives. The stress symptoms can be forms of anxiety, along with depression as well. Stress at work, and feeling the pressure from your boss can be difficult examples. Sometimes we put too many expectations on ourselves and we make things more difficult than they need to be. Being able to recollect ourselves can help us manage problems around us better.

Being constantly under pressure to do well can be a burden. You have responsibilities in your life that must be taken can of. You need to change your approach and develop new routines in your life. Also provide different approach's to help solve different solutions. You need to provide less tension in your life, and bring more joy into it. You can do these things, you just have to learn to take charge in your life. When you take charge of things and situations change. You can never expect things to change by themselves.


    • 1

      Take a break to recollect your thoughts. Take a timeout and recollect yourself. Whatever it is, you need a vacation from it. Whether that vacation is five minutes, a day, or weeks. Take a vacation and find something peaceful. Keep your mind of things for awhile. Find something relaxing that you can enjoy. That can be a song, a cold beer, or a walk on the beach. Whatever you need, find something that can help you regain control of your mind. A peace of mind can change a lot of what you can do. You can't expect to solve problems when your mind is not at ease. So ease your mind first.

    • 2

      Try to simplify the problem. To simplify something and help eliminate the stress, evaluate the situation. Look at how you can benefit from the situation at hand by making things easier. Break things into steps and work through the problems slowly. Take a methodical approach and view things at all angles. Sometimes it might take time to let the answers to come to. Sometimes the answers can be staring you right in the face. If it's a person problem, then put yourself in their position and imagine how they'd want you to react.

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    • 3

      Develop a swagger. Establish your confidence to get things done. Give yourself props for the things you've accomplished. Allow personal accomplishment motivate you. Allow failure to do that as well. Consider the pros and let that influence you as well. Peace of find, financial gain, whatever that is there to help you establish the confidence needed. Use the benefits to help motivate you and give you the confidence needed to overcome adversity. Sometimes to establish your swagger you'll need to learn to have fun again. Don't take everything so seriously, you'll learn to relax and get things done more efficiently. Learn to laugh at problems and not let them consume you.

    • 4

      Take charge of a situation, don't let a situation take charge of you. Be aggressive and have that attack demeanor in you. Someone that stands up and takes charge of what is happening can control a lot. If you lets problem come to you, rather than stepping up, it can sometimes expand into bigger ones. Then this adds more stress and pressure into your life. Be a go getter and have that mentality. Don't avoid things, take charge before situations become stressful problems.

    • 5

      Focus on your strengths and forget your weaknesses. Sometimes when you're consumed in what you can't do, it takes away a lot of you. Everyone has weaknesses, so just forget them. Focus on your strengths and the things you do well. Use your strengths and apply them into your daily life. You'll discover it becomes a lot easier when you use this strategy. It helps deal with your problems easier and more effectively. Apply your people skills when dealing with people. Apple your talents into your strategies.

    • 6

      Manage your time better. Don't become so consumed into your problems, otherwise you're going to feel trapped. Sometimes you need to take a step back, and learn to let things play out as well. You don't have do everything constantly, it's not healthy actually. You need breaks along with time to just sit back enjoy the things in your life. You can't have a obsessive mindset of feeling like everything needs fixed. Your mind will be sharper if you're not handling too many problems at a time. It will help you deal with situations much better if you learn to take a slower approach, along with a patient one. More importantly your time shouldn't be consumed into just your problems.

      You should not make a habit of creating problems when there aren't any. A bad habit a lot of people have, when dealing with enough stress in their lives. You'll learn to overcome pressure effectively and when you apply more happiness in your life. Things that give you passion and love should be applied into your daily life. Sometimes you need to take a break from problems, to have a better attack when dealing with them. Don't be consumed in things, otherwise you'll provide yourself with more pressure and stress.

    • 7

      Ask for help. You don't have to deal with things all alone. Help is a good thing, a great thing to have. Two minds are better than one anyways. Lean on others when needed and it will help you out in variety of different situations. Whether that is a advice, favors, or just a helpful hand.

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Read more : http://www.ehow.com/how_5587289_deal-pressure-stress-problems.html

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