•   a = torch.ones((4,8)) * 6b = torch.ones(8) * 4b[2]=2a/b # / 必须维度要匹配,除非b是单一元素(会自动扩展)。除以b是会按照b的每个元素分别来除(按位除)
  •   a@b.T# 等价于a.matmul(b.T) # 不会改变 aa.mean(0)
  •   x = torch.tensor([2.], requires_grad=True)y = x * x * 4 # 3x^2y.backward()pp.pprint(x.grad) # d(y)/d(x) = d(3x^2)/d(x) = 6x = 12# (如果还有z = x*x 之类的。z.backward() 的话,x.grad 是二者的和)# This is also the reason why we need to run `zero_grad()` in every training iteration# (more on this later).# zero_grad() 是 optimizer进行的。
  • We can use nn.Linear(H_in, H_out) to create a a linear layer. This will take a matrix of (N, *, H_in) dimensions and output a matrix of (N, *, H_out). The * denotes that there could be arbitrary number of dimensions in between. The linear layer performs the operation Ax+b, where A and b are initialized randomly.
    CLOCK: [2022-04-17 Sun 13:09:12]–[2022-04-17 Sun 13:09:13] => 00:00:01

  • list(conv1.parameters()) wow or named_parameters()
    in channel 控制卷积核第一维的大小,kernel size 控制 2、3(宽高)

  • Embedding的数学本质,就是以one hot为输入的单层全连接。 也就是说,世界上本没什么Embedding,有的只是one hot。 #DL

  • Pytorch autograd,backward详解

  • tensor 默认 require_grad False

  • retain_graph: 通常在调用一次backward后,pytorch会自动把计算图销毁,所以要想对某个变量重复调用backward,则需要将该参数设置为True. 所以backward之后,非叶子节点的grad为None,仅保留叶子节点。可以:y.retain_grad()

  • RuntimeError: grad can be implicitly created only for scalar outputs。backwards的变量只能是一个标量。非也,可以传入grad_tensors:

    •   x = torch.ones(2,requires_grad=True)z = x + 2z.backward(torch.ones_like(z)) # grad_tensors需要与输入tensor大小一致print(x.grad)>>> tensor([1., 1.])
    • 作者你好,如果你知道向量的链式法则的话,应该很好理解的,假设是在z点backward,输入grad_tensors应该是目标函数(scalar)f对z的梯度,那么delta(f)/delta(x) = (delta(z)/delta(x))*delta(f)/delta(z),后边的第二项就是传入的grad_tensors。“The graph is differentiated using the chain rule. If any of tensors are non-scalar (i.e. their data has more than one element) and require gradient, then the Jacobian-vector product would be computed, in this case the function additionally requires specifying grad_tensors. It should be a sequence of matching length, that contains the “vector” in the Jacobian-vector product, usually the gradient of the differentiated function w.r.t. corresponding tensors (None is an acceptable value for all tensors that don’t need gradient tensors).

    • 计算图计算得到的是z,从z怎么得到f本来就是人为指定的。换句话说delta_f/delta_z 就是人为指定的,一般情况下就是所有元素直接相加,那它就是单位向量。

  • 1 in {1:2, 2:3} is True, no need to .keys()

  • 模型从embedding开始开始接触tensor,所以embedding是叶子节点,反向传播的时候会求导到这里。所以一路经历的参数都会改变。当然,模型的其他部分参数也是叶子节点,因此,都会求偏导到那里。

  • torch.nn.Conv1d 之类的,require_grad 默认是True

  •   >>> from functools import partial# 冻结参数>>> inttwo = partial(int,base=2)>>> inttwo("10101")21
  • We can create these windows by using for loops, but there is a faster PyTorch alternative, which is the unfold(dimension, size, step) method.

  •   if self.freeze_embeddings:self.embed_layer.weight.requires_grad = False
  •   # Function that will be called in every epochdef train_epoch(loss_function, optimizer, model, loader):# Keep track of the total loss for the batchtotal_loss = 0for batch_inputs, batch_labels, batch_lengths in loader:# Clear the gradientsoptimizer.zero_grad()# Run a forward passoutputs = model.forward(batch_inputs)# Compute the batch lossloss = loss_function(outputs, batch_labels, batch_lengths)# Calculate the gradientsloss.backward()# Update the parameteresoptimizer.step()total_loss += loss.item()return total_loss# Function containing our main training loopdef train(loss_function, optimizer, model, loader, num_epochs=10000):# Iterate through each epoch and call our train_epoch functionfor epoch in range(num_epochs):epoch_loss = train_epoch(loss_function, optimizer, model, loader)if epoch % 100 == 0: print(epoch_loss)
  •   # Create test sentencestest_corpus = ["She comes from Paris"]test_sentences = [s.lower().split() for s in test_corpus]test_labels = [[0, 0, 0, 1]]# Create a test loadertest_data = list(zip(test_sentences, test_labels))batch_size = 1shuffle = Falsewindow_size = 2collate_fn = partial(custom_collate_fn, window_size=2, word_to_ix=word_to_ix)test_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(test_data, batch_size=1, shuffle=False, collate_fn=collate_fn)


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