

// sbcenc.c
static void encode(char *filename, int subbands, int bitpool, int joint,int dualchannel, int snr, int blocks, bool msbc)
{struct au_header au_hdr;sbc_t sbc;int fd, size, srate, codesize, nframes;ssize_t encoded;ssize_t len;// 数据初始化···// codesize = subbands * blocks *channels * 2codesize = sbc_get_codesize(&sbc);// read(fd, input, BE_INT(au_hdr.hdr_size) - len)nframes = sizeof(input) / codesize;while (1) {unsigned char *inp, *outp;/* read data for up to 'nframes' frames of input data */size = read(fd, input, codesize * nframes);if (size < 0) {/* Something really bad happened */perror("Can't read audio data");break;}if (size < codesize) {/* Not enough data for encoding even a single frame */break;}/* encode all the data from the input buffer in a loop */inp = input;outp = output;while (size >= codesize) {len = sbc_encode(&sbc, inp, codesize,outp, sizeof(output) - (outp - output),&encoded);if (len != codesize || encoded <= 0) {fprintf(stderr,"sbc_encode fail, len=%zd, encoded=%lu\n",len, (unsigned long) encoded);break;}size -= len;inp += len;outp += encoded;}len = write(fileno(stdout), output, outp - output);if (len != outp - output) {perror("Can't write SBC output");break;}if (size != 0) {/** sbc_encode failure has been detected earlier or end* of file reached (have trailing partial data which is* insufficient to encode SBC frame)*/break;}}sbc_finish(&sbc);···


// sbc.c
SBC_EXPORT size_t sbc_get_codesize(sbc_t *sbc)
{uint16_t subbands, channels, blocks;struct sbc_priv *priv;priv = sbc->priv;if (!priv->init) {subbands = sbc->subbands ? 8 : 4;if (priv->msbc)blocks = MSBC_BLOCKS;elseblocks = 4 + (sbc->blocks * 4);channels = sbc->mode == SBC_MODE_MONO ? 1 : 2;} else {subbands = priv->frame.subbands;blocks = priv->frame.blocks;channels = priv->frame.channels;}return subbands * blocks * channels * 2;


nframes = sizeof(input) / codesize;// input
#define BUF_SIZE 32768
static unsigned char input[BUF_SIZE];
/* Skip extra bytes of the header if any */
// #define BE_INT(v)        bswap_32(v)
// hdr.size: size of header (min 24)
// len = read(fd, &au_hdr, sizeof(au_hdr));
read(fd, input, BE_INT(au_hdr.hdr_size) - len);


/* read data for up to 'nframes' frames of input data */
size = read(fd, input, codesize * nframes);


/* encode all the data from the input buffer in a loop */
inp = input;
outp = output;
while (size >= codesize) {len = sbc_encode(&sbc, inp, codesize,outp, sizeof(output) - (outp - output),&encoded);if (len != codesize || encoded <= 0) {fprintf(stderr,"sbc_encode fail, len=%zd, encoded=%lu\n",len, (unsigned long) encoded);break;}size -= len;inp += len;outp += encoded;
len = write(fileno(stdout), output, outp - output);
if (len != outp - output) {perror("Can't write SBC output");break;
if (size != 0) {/** sbc_encode failure has been detected earlier or end* of file reached (have trailing partial data which is* insufficient to encode SBC frame)*/break;


// sbc.c
SBC_EXPORT ssize_t sbc_encode(sbc_t *sbc, const void *input, size_t input_len, void *output, size_t output_len, ssize_t *written)


  • sbc_encode详解


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