swift 可选链

Swift Optional Chaining is a very useful feature. Optionals are a type in Swift that wrap primitive types and are typically used for preventing null values. For more details on Optionals refer this tutorial before proceeding ahead.

Swift Optional Chaining是一个非常有用的功能。 可选参数是Swift中包装原始类型的类型,通常用于防止空值。 有关Optional的更多详细信息,请在继续操作之前参考本教程。

Swift可选链 (Swift Optional Chaining)

Optional Chaining is the process of chaining calls on optional values such that it handles the unwrapping gracefully and concisely without giving runtime errors. As the name says, it chains multiple queries together.

可选链接是对可选值链接调用的过程,以便它可以优雅,简洁地处理展开操作,而不会产生运行时错误。 顾名思义,它将多个查询链接在一起。

But the same thing is achievable using if let,guard let and implicit unwrapping too.

但是使用if letguard let和隐式解包也是可以实现的。

那么,对“可选链接”有何需求? (What’s the need for Optional Chaining then?)

Let’s look at an example in Playground first without bringing Optional Chaining.


没有可选链接 (Without Optional Chaining)

Let’s assume we have the following classes:


class University {var city: City?var universityName: String = "Indian Institute of Technology"
}class City{var cityName: String?var college: College?}class College{var discplines = [Discpline?]()var numberOfStreams : Int{return discplines.count}}class Discpline{var discplineName: String?var student : Student?
}class Student{var name: String?var discpline : Discplineinit(currentDiscpline: Discpline) {self.discpline = currentDiscpline}func printDetails() ->String  {return "Student Details:\n Name:\(name ?? "Na") \n Discpline: \(discpline.discplineName ?? "NA")"}

Every class contains an instance of the below class. All instances are defined as optionals.
College class holds an array of Discpline class objects.

每个类都包含以下类的实例。 所有实例均定义为可选。

Let’s instantiate each of these classes.


var university = University()
var myCity = City()
myCity.cityName = "Bangalore"
var myCollege = College()
var csDiscpline = Discpline()
csDiscpline.discplineName = "Computer Science"
var meDiscpline = Discpline()
meDiscpline.discplineName = "Mechanical Engineering"
myCollege.discplines = [csDiscpline,meDiscpline]var myStudent = Student(currentDiscpline: csDiscpline)
myStudent.name = "Anupam"

Using Implicit Unwrapping
Let’s get and retrieve properties and functions from the classes using implicit unwrapping (!).


university.city = myCity
university.city!.college = myCollege
university.city!.college!.discplines = [csDiscpline,meDiscpline]
university.city!.college!.discplines[0]!.student = myStudent
var finalString = university.city!.college!.discplines[0]!.student!.printDetails()

This looks okay. But we know from the Optionals in Swift tutorial that implicit unwrapping can lead to runtime crashes since it unwraps the optional without checking if it’s nil or not.

看起来还好 但是我们从Swift的Optionals教程知道,隐式展开可能会导致运行时崩溃,因为它会在不检查nil是否为零的情况下将其展开。

In the above code, if we set myStudent as nil, it’ll lead to a CRASH.


university.city!.college!.discplines[0]!.student = nil
var finalString = university.city!.college!.discplines[0]!.student!.printDetails() //crash since student is nil

Let’s try using if let/if var.

让我们尝试使用if let / if var

if var uCity = university.city
{uCity = myCityif var uCollege = uCity.college{uCollege = myCollegeuCollege.discplines = [csDiscpline,meDiscpline]if var uDiscpline = uCollege.discplines[0]{if var uStudent = uDiscpline.student{   uStudent = myStudentprint(uStudent.printDetails())}}}

Too much of nesting! And that too just to set values and print the result in a very basic code with hardly a few properties in each class.

嵌套太多! 这也仅仅是为了设置值并以非常基本的代码打印结果,而每个类中几乎没有几个属性。

This is inefficient.


Using guard var
Let’s do the same using guard var.

使用guard var
让我们使用guard var做同样的事情。

func usingGuard(){
guard var uCity = university.city else{print("City is nil")return
uCity = myCityguard var uCollege = uCity.college else{print("College is nil")return
uCollege = myCollege
uCollege.discplines = [csDiscpline,meDiscpline]guard var uDiscpline = uCollege.discplines[0] else{print("Discpline is nil")return
}guard var uStudent = uDiscpline.student else{print("Student is nil")return
uStudent = myStudent
//Student Details:
// Name:Anupam
// Discpline: Computer Science

This is better than if var but still too many conditional checks. Implicit wrapping was concise and crisp but dangerous since it didn’t check the optional value before unwrapping.

这比var更好,但是仍然有太多条件检查。 隐式包装简洁明了,但很危险,因为它在展开之前并未检查可选值。

This is where Optional Chaining comes to our rescue.


It’s an alternative and better form of forced unwrapping.


In optional chaining, we just need to replace !. with ?..


可选链接如何工作 (How does Optional Chaining work)

Optional Chaining is done over optional values. It returns the desired value wrapped as an Optional. If the optional is nil, it returns an Optional(nil). Optional Chaining always gives you an optional thereby eliminating the chance of runtime crashes.

可选链接是在可选值上完成的。 它返回包装为Optional的所需值。 如果optional为nil,则返回Optional(nil) 。 可选链接始终为您提供可选选项,从而消除了运行时崩溃的机会。

Hence two things:


  • If the type that’s been retrieved through Optional Chaining is not optional, then after the optional chaining is done, it becomes optional.如果通过“可选链接”检索的类型不是可选的,则在完成可选链接后,它将变为可选。
  • If the type was already optional, it’ll stay optional only. It’ll not get nested like Optional(Optional(String)).如果类型已经是可选的,则它将仅保持可选。 它不会像Optional(Optional(String))那样嵌套。

使用可选链接实施 (Implementation With Optional Chaining)

The below code has optional chaining implemented.


university.city = myCity
university.city?.college = myCollege
university.city?.college?.discplines = [csDiscpline,meDiscpline]
university.city?.college?.discplines[0]!.student = myStudent
var finalString = university.city?.college?.discplines[0]?.student?.printDetails()

Now printDetails() was defined to return a String.


Does it?


It returns an Optional(String) since the Optional Chaining wraps the returned value with an optional.

它返回一个Optional(String),因为Optional Chaining用可选的包装了返回的值。

通过可选链接访问下标调用 (Accessing Subscript calls through optional chaining)

Change the Discpline class to:


class College{var discplines = [Discpline?]()var numberOfStreams : Int{return discplines.count}subscript(i: Int) -> Discpline? {get {return discplines[i]}set {discplines[i] = newValue}}}

Thanks to subscripts we can get rid of the discpline object invocation.


if let discpline0 = university.city?.college?[0]?.discplineName

Note: When accessing a subscript on an optional value through optional chaining, you place the question mark before the subscript’s brackets, not after. Hence we’d done college?[0]. It gets the first discipline.

注意:通过可选链访问可选值上的下标时,将问号放在下标的括号之前,而不是之后。 因此,我们上过大学吗?[0]。 它是第一门学科。

This brings an end to this tutorial. You can download the Swift Playground file from the below link.

本教程到此结束。 您可以从以下链接下载Swift Playground文件。


OptionalChaining.playground 。

Reference: Apple Docs

参考: Apple Docs

翻译自: https://www.journaldev.com/19587/swift-optional-chaining

swift 可选链

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