本文翻译自:Can Git hook scripts be managed along with the repository?

We'd like to make a few basic hook scripts that we can all share -- for things like pre-formatting commit messages. 我们想制作一些我们都可以共享的基本钩子脚本-用于诸如预格式化提交消息之类的事情。 Git has hook scripts for that that are normally stored under <project>/.git/hooks/ . Git的钩子脚本通常存储在<project>/.git/hooks/ However, those scripts are not propagated when people do a clone and they are not version controlled. 但是,当人们进行克隆时,这些脚本不会传播,并且不受版本控制。

Is there a good way to help everyone get the right hook scripts? 有没有一种好的方法可以帮助所有人获得正确的钩子脚本? Can I just make those hook scripts point to version controlled scripts in my repo? 我可以仅使这些挂钩脚本指向我的存储库中的版本控制脚本吗?




How about git-hooks , it route .git/hooks invoke into script under project directory githooks . git-hooks怎么样,它将.git/hooks调用路由到项目目录githooks下的脚本中。

There are also lot of features to enable you minimize copy and symlink hook all over the place. 还有很多功能可以使您在各处最小化复制和符号链接挂钩。


如果您的项目是JavaScript项目,并且您将npm用作软件包管理器,则可以使用shared-git-hooks在npm install上强制执行githooks。


In Git 2.9 , the configuration option core.hooksPath specifies a custom hooks directory. 在Git 2.9中 ,配置选项core.hooksPath指定一个自定义钩子目录。

Move your hooks to a hooks tracked directory in your repository. 将您的挂钩移动到存储库中hooks跟踪的目录中。 Then, configure each instance of the repository to use the tracked hooks instead of $GIT_DIR/hooks : 然后,将存储库的每个实例配置为使用跟踪的hooks而不是$GIT_DIR/hooks

git config core.hooksPath hooks

In general, the path may be absolute, or relative to the directory where the hooks are run (usually the working tree root; see DESCRIPTION section of man githooks ). 通常,路径可以是绝对路径,也可以是相对于运行钩子的目录的路径(通常是工作树的根目录;请参见man githooks部分)。


Theoretically, you could create a hooks directory (or whatever name you prefer) in your project directory with all the scripts, and then symlink them in .git/hooks . 从理论上讲,您可以使用所有脚本在项目目录中创建一个hooks目录(或任何您喜欢的名称),然后在.git/hooks中将它们符号链接。 Of course, each person who cloned the repo would have to set up these symlinks (although you could get really fancy and have a deploy script that the cloner could run to set them up semi-automatically). 当然,每个克隆该存储库的人都必须设置这些符号链接(尽管您可能真的很喜欢,并且拥有一个部署脚本,克隆程序可以运行该脚本来半自动设置它们)。

To do the symlink on *nix, all you need to do is: 要在* nix上执行符号链接,您需要做的是:

ln -s "$root/hooks" "$root/.git/hooks"

use ln -sf if you're ready to overwrite what's in .git/hooks 如果您准备覆盖.git/hooks的内容,请使用ln -sf


pre-commit makes this easy for pre-commit hooks. pre-commit使预提交挂钩变得容易。 Doesn't answer the OP's question about managing any arbitrary git hook, but pre-commit hooks are probably the most frequently used for code quality purposes. 没有回答OP有关管理任意git钩子的问题,但是预提交钩子可能是最常用于代码质量目的的钩子。


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