



struct termios{
tcflag_t   c_iflag;    输入标志
tcflag_t   c_oflag;     输出标志
tcflag_t   c_cflag;       控制标志
tcflag_t   c_lflag;       本地标志
cc_t     c_cc[NCCS];    控制字符


1 #include <stdio.h>2 #include <stdlib.h>3 #include <termios.h>4 #include <errno.h>5 #include <unistd.h>6 7 int main()8 {9     struct termios term;
10     long   vdisable;
11     //判断标准输入是否是终端设备
12     if(isatty(STDIN_FILENO) == 0)
13     {
14         printf("Standard input is not a terminal device.\n");
15         exit(-1);
16     }
17     if((vdisable = fpathconf(STDIN_FILENO,_PC_VDISABLE))<0)
18     {
19         perror("fpathconf eeror or _POSIX_VDISABLE not in effect");
20         exit(-1);
21     }
22     //获取termios结构
23     if(tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO,&term) < 0)
24     {
25         perror("tcgetattr error");
26         exit(-1);
27     }
29     term.c_cc[VINTR] = vdisable;
30     term.c_cc[VEOF] = 2;
31     //设置termios结构
32     if(tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO,TCSAFLUSH,&term) < 0)
33     {
34         perror("tcsetattr error");
35         exit(-1);
36     }
37     return 0;
38 }


int tcgetattr(int fd, struct termios *termios_p);
int tcsetattr(int fd, int optional_actions,const struct termios *termios_p);


 1 #include <stdio.h>2 #include <stdlib.h>3 #include <termios.h>4 #include <errno.h>5 #include <unistd.h>6 7 int main()8 {9     struct termios term;
10     //获取termios结构
11     if(tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO,&term) < 0)
12     {
13         perror("tcgetattr error");
14         exit(-1);
15     }
16     switch(term.c_cflag & CSIZE)
17     {
18     case CS5:
19         printf("5 bits/byte\n");
20         break;
21     case CS6:
22         printf("6 bits/byte\n");
23         break;
24     case CS7:
25         printf("7 bits/byte\n");
26         break;
27     case CS8:
28         printf("8 bits/byte\n");
29         break;
30     default:
31         printf("Unknown bityes/byte\n");
32     }
33     term.c_cflag &= ~CSIZE;   //字符长度清0
34     term.c_cflag |= CS5;          //设置为8 bites/byte
35     if(tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO,TCSANOW,&term) < 0)
36     {
37         perror("tcsetattr error");
38         exit(-1);
39     }
40     return 0;
41 }

stty命令:在终端中输入stty -a命令显示终端的所有选项,执行命令结果如下:


char *ctermid(char *s);  //获取终端控制名字

int isatty(int fd); //判断fd是否为终端设备

char *ttyname(int fd);  // 获取终端设备的路径名


1 #include <stdio.h>2 #include <stdlib.h>3 #include <termios.h>4 #include <unistd.h>5 #include <string.h>6 static char ctermid_name[L_ctermid];7 char* my_ctermid(char *str)8 {9     if(str == NULL)
10         str = ctermid_name;
11     return (strcpy(str,"/dev/tty"));
12 }
13 int main()
14 {
15     char tername[50];
16     char *name;
17     ctermid(tername);
18     printf("terminate name is: %s\n",tername);
19     my_ctermid(tername);
20     printf("my terminate name is: %s\n",tername);
21     printf("Test isatty() function.\n");
22     printf("fd 0 is: %s\n",isatty(0)? "tty" : "not a tty");
23     printf("fd 1 is: %s\n",isatty(1)? "tty" : "not a tty");
24     printf("fd 2 is: %s\n",isatty(2)? "tty" : "not a tty");
25     printf("Test ttyname() function.\n");
26     if(isatty(0))
27     {
28         name = ttyname(0);
29         if(name == NULL)
30             name ="undefined";
31     }
32     else
33         name = "not a tty";
34     printf("fd 0 :%s\n",name);
35     if(isatty(1))
36     {
37         name = ttyname(1);
38         if(name == NULL)
39             name ="undefined";
40     }
41     else
42         name = "not a tty";
43     printf("fd 1 :%s\n",name);
44     if(isatty(2))
45     {
46         name = ttyname(2);
47         if(name == NULL)
48             name ="undefined";
49     }
50     else
51         name = "not a tty";
52     printf("fd 2 :%s\n",name);
53     exit(0);
54 }



struct winsize {

  unsigned short ws_row;

  unsigned short ws_col;

  unsigned short ws_xpixel; /* unused */

  unsigned short ws_ypixel; /* unused */



 1 #include <stdio.h>2 #include <stdlib.h>3 #include <termios.h>4 #include <unistd.h>5 #include <string.h>6 #include <sys/ioctl.h>7 #include <signal.h>8 #include <errno.h>9
10 static void pr_winsize(int fd)
11 {
12     struct  winsize size;
13     if(ioctl(fd,TIOCGWINSZ,(char *)&size) < 0)
14     {
15         perror("ioctl() error");
16         exit(-1);
17     }
18     printf("%d rows,%d columns\n",size.ws_row,size.ws_col);
19 }
20 static void sig_winch(int signo)
21 {
22     printf("SIGWINCH received\n");
23     pr_winsize(STDIN_FILENO);
24 }
25 int main()
26 {
27     if(isatty(STDIN_FILENO) == 0)
28     {
29         printf("STDIN_FILENO is not terminate device.\n");
30         exit(1);
31     }
32     if(signal(SIGWINCH,sig_winch) == SIG_ERR)
33     {
34         perror("signal() error");
35         exit(-1);
36     }
37     pr_winsize(STDIN_FILENO);
38     for( ; ;)
39      pause();
40 }





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