python参考[python函数式编程:apply, map, lambda和偏函数 ]

Scala 中下划线的用法

1、存在性类型:Existential types
def foo(l: List[Option[_]]) = ...

2、高阶类型参数:Higher kinded type parameters
case class A[K[_],T](a: K[T])

3、临时变量:Ignored variables
val _ = 5

4、临时参数:Ignored parameters
List(1, 2, 3) foreach { _ => println("Hi") }

5、通配模式:Wildcard patterns
Some(5) match { case Some(_) => println("Yes") }
match {
     case List(1,_,_) => " a list with three element and the first element is 1"
     case List(_*)  => " a list with zero or more elements "
     case Map[_,_] => " matches a map with any key type and any value type "
     case _ =>
val (a, _) = (1, 2)
for (_ <- 1 to 10)

6、通配导入:Wildcard imports
import java.util._

7、隐藏导入:Hiding imports
// Imports all the members of the object Fun but renames Foo to Bar
import com.test.Fun.{ Foo => Bar , _ }

// Imports all the members except Foo. To exclude a member rename it to _
import com.test.Fun.{ Foo => _ , _ }

8、连接字母和标点符号:Joining letters to punctuation
def bang_!(x: Int) = 5

9、占位符语法:Placeholder syntax
List(1, 2, 3) map (_ + 2)
_ + _   
( (_: Int) + (_: Int) )(2,3)

val nums = List(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)

nums map (_ + 2)
nums sortWith(_>_)
nums filter (_ % 2 == 0)
nums reduceLeft(_+_)
nums reduce (_ + _)
nums reduceLeft(_ max _)
nums.exists(_ > 5)
nums.takeWhile(_ < 8)

10、偏应用函数:Partially applied functions
def fun = {
    // Some code
val funLike = fun _

List(1, 2, 3) foreach println _

1 to 5 map (10 * _)

//List("foo", "bar", "baz").map(_.toUpperCase())
List("foo", "bar", "baz").map(n => n.toUpperCase())

11、初始化默认值:default value
var i: Int = _


var m3 = Map((1,100), (2,200))
for(e<-m3) println(e._1 + ": " + e._2)
m3 filter (e=>e._1>1)
m3 filterKeys (_>1)>(e._1*10, e._2))
m3 map (e=>e._2)


例如我们要在一个Array a中筛出偶数,并乘以2:a.filter(_%2==0).map(2*_)。
又如要对缓冲数组ArrayBuffer b排序,可以这样:val bSorted = b.sorted(_)
在元组中,可以用方法_1, _2, _3访问组员。如(1,2)._2。其中句点可以用空格替代。

Note: 改成python语法的话就要使用lambda表达式了,或者直接使用列表解析。

13、参数序列:parameters Sequence
_*作为一个整体,告诉编译器你希望将某个参数当作参数序列处理。例如val s = sum(1 to 5:_*)就是将1 to 5当作参数序列处理。
List(1 to 5:_*)

Vector(1 to 5: _*)

def capitalizeAll(args: String*) = { { arg =>

val arr = Array("what's", "up", "doc?")
capitalizeAll(arr: _*)


foo _               // Eta expansion of method into method value

foo(_)              // Partial function application

Example showing why foo(_) and foo _ are different:

trait PlaceholderExample {
  def process[A](f: A => Unit)

val set: Set[_ => Unit]

set.foreach(process _) // Error
  set.foreach(process(_)) // No Error

In the first case, process _ represents a method; Scala takes the polymorphic method and attempts to make it monomorphic by filling in the type parameter, but realizes that there is no type that can be filled in for A that will give the type (_ => Unit) => ? (Existential _ is not a type).

In the second case, process(_) is a lambda; when writing a lambda with no explicit argument type, Scala infers the type from the argument that foreach expects, and _ => Unit is a type (whereas just plain _ isn't), so it can be substituted and inferred.

This may well be the trickiest gotcha in Scala I have ever encountered.

[浅谈 Scala 中下划线的用途]






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