QPython - Python for Android 介绍

QPython - Python for Android

QPython is a script engine that runs Python on android devices. It lets your android device run Python scripts and projects. It contains the Python interpreter, console, editor, and the SL4A Library for Android. It’s Python on Android!It offers the development kit which lets you easily develop Python projects and scripts on your Android device.[[ Main Features ]]* Supports Python programming on Android including web apps, games, and SL4A programming etc* Run Python scripts / projects on Android devices* Can execute Python code & files from QRCode* QEdit lets you create/edit Python scripts / projects easily* Includes many useful python libraries * Support pip[[ Programming Features ]]* Supports Web App programming, which let you develop mobile apps with web development framework, this speeds up your mobile development greatly* Supports native UI programming, which let you develop games more easily by using scripts* Supports SL4A programming to access Android’s features: network, Bluetooth, GPS, and more[ IMPORTANT NOTE ] * QPython is in BETA. If you experience any problems, please contact us so we can address them.* To enable programming with some of Android’s features, QPython requires the following permissions: Bluetooth, GPS, and others. It doesn't require some permissions like access user account, access phone's status, so you could not use some related SL4A APIs.[ QPython community ]http://qpython.orghttp://wiki.qpython.org[ Feedback ]Please give us five stars if you like our app. Thank you! Contact us if you have any problems.http://m.facebook.com/QPythonhttp://twitter.com/QPython[email protected]/* */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* */https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/qpython[ OTHER ]This software uses code of Android Terminal Emulator licensed under the APACHE2 LICENSE, Kivy licensed under the LGPL 3 LICENSE.Part of source could be found on https://github.com/qpython-android , we will push on the whole qpython to be opensource gradually.

来自应用汇: QPython - Python for Android http://www.appchina.com/app/org.qpython.qpy?from=spi-desc

QPython - Python for Android 历史版本

QPython - Python for Android

版本: 2.4.5

大小: 21.85 M

Fixed: Force close bug after building using new AS.


QPython - Python for Android

版本: 2.4.2

大小: 21.77 M


- Add dropbear ssh tool in terminal

- Fix ctrl/fn key not work

- Add TAB in terminal

- Fix issue pip block after installing

- Add notebook mode in terminal


- Brand new Python 2 (2.7.15)

- Built-in Python 3 plug-in in QPython setting (Py3.6.6)

- Built-in Pygame support (For Py2 only now)

- New PIP tool (Supports more libraries)

## More

Check it out from: https://github.com/qpython-android/qpython/releases/tag/v2.4.x


QPython - Python for Android

版本: 2.4.1

大小: 21.43 M


- Fix issue pip block after installing

- Add notebook mode in terminal


- Brand new Python 2 (2.7.15)

- Built-in Python 3 plug-in in QPython setting (Py3.6.6)

- Built-in Pygame support (For Py2 only now)

- New PIP tool (Supports more libraries)

NOTICE: If you need to use old library like KIVY and so on, please DON'T upgrade this time, wait for next update.

## More

Check it out from: https://github.com/qpython-android/qpython/releases/tag/v2.4.0


QPython - Python for Android

版本: 2.2.4-8

大小: 16.78 M

What's NEW in v2.2.4-8

+ Auto indent in scrit editor

+ Add gist service

+ Fix SL4A->execQpy error

+ Fix cloud error

+ Fix other bugs

+ Move "Course" and "Community" into "More" from dashboard


QPython - Python for Android

版本: 2.2.3-1

大小: 16.65 M


Fix executing script 3 seconds exit automatically in the end. (If you want the script ends automatically still, please insert "#qpy:qpyapp" into your script's header

Fix the terminal without return key on some mobiles

Supports parameters when run script (Long click on the item in QPY, then input the parameter)

Fix bugs


QPython - Python for Android

版本: 2.2.2-3

大小: 17.07 M

v2.2.2-3 - v2.2.2-1

Bug fix

Enable opening other files from editor


Big update you should not miss.

- Add crowdfunding Courses, which may produce more excellent courses.

- Add QPyNotebook, [Please install QPyNotebook first and follow the steps](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.qpython.notebook)

- Add Japanese, Russian language, French

- Add contributors page in about page.

- Terminal supports history


QPython - Python for Android

版本: 2.1.1

大小: 16.35 M

Update: 2017/12/15


Cloud features

(Please backup your cloud files before updating)

Kivy App

Log shows when program ends.


Python 3.6 support

Please install QPy3.6 from google play (https://github.com/qpython-android/qpython3/releases/tag/v1.0)

Share to:

You can share some page to QPython's browser by using the share to.


QPython - Python for Android

版本: 2.0.11

大小: 16.31 M

+ Adds hot-keys in terminal

+ Fixes rotating screen or putting phone to sleep deletes all changes

+ Fixes other bugs


QPython - Python for Android

版本: 2.0.10

大小: 16.31 M

Fixes bugs. Fixes KivySample crash (Please reinstall kivy from QPYPI) Fixes some force-closes Fix error log path in webappImproves functions Improve editor + Add more quick short keys Improve QPYPI Improve courses (qpython quick start) + Add editor howto and terminal howto.


QPython - Python for Android

版本: 2.0.9

大小: 16.12 M

Fixs bugs

- Run script/project

- Kivy bugs

Improves functions

- Enable delete package from QPYPI


QPython - Python for Android 版本更新

What's NEW in v2.4.7

- Fixed: Force close bug for android 9

Terminal force close

QPYPI is blank

- Add android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO permission

Why we require android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO in this update?

Like other permissions, QPython support SL4A api which will let you to program with android's special feature like location, blueteeh, nfc, record audio ....

If you want to enable it, please enable from system's qpython setting, or you can keep it disabled by default.

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