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CF=<SsCode>-<BasicServ>-<SsVector>-<Ftn>-<NCP>-<NFP>-<CfTimer>-<COU>-<OFA ID>-<FtnInHPLMNC>-<FtnInVPLMNC>-<FtnEnter>-<FtnInfo>-<Ftn_After_TIFCSI>-<V CFB>-<VCFNRY>-<VCFNRC>-<INTERCFD>-<FtnOrigin>-<FtnVMS> Description: multiple columns Column 1: code of supplementary services of the forwarding type, a string, with a single value. Value range:
CFU: call forwarding unconditional
CFB: call forwarding on busy
CFNRY: call forwarding on no reply
CFNRC: call forwarding on no reachable
CFD: default forwarding
CFDCFB: CFD replaces CFB
CFBFTN: CFD replaces CFB forwarded-to number
CFNRYFTN: CFD replaces CFNRy forwarded-to number
CFNRCFTN: CFD replaces CFNRc forwarded-to number Column 2: basic service code, a string, with a single value. Value range:
TS10: allSpeechTransmissionServices, TS11
TS20: allShortMessageServices, TS21, TS22
TS60: allFacsimileTransmissionServices, TS61, TS62, TS63
TS70: allDataTeleservices
TS80: allTeleservices_ExceptSMS
TSD0: allPLMN_SpecificTS, TSD1-TSDF
/*bearer service*/
BS20: allDataCDA_Services, BS21, BS22, BS23, BS24, BS25, BS26, BS2G, BS2F
BS30: allDataCDS_Services, BS31, BS32, BS33, BS34, BS3F, BS3G
BS40: allPadAccessCA_Services, BS41, BS42, BS43, BS44, BS45, BS46, BS4G
BS50: allDataPDS_Services, BS51, BS52, BS53, BS5G
BS60: allAsynchronousServices
BS68: allSynchronousServices
The value is (default) ALL only in the PROVIDE status. Column 3: supplementary service status, a string, with a single value. Value range: PROV, REG, ACT, QUC. Note: default value: PROV
Column 4: forwarding number, a numerical string, consisting of 18 digits, with a single value. The first two digits indicate the number attribute, where 0x81 means an unknown number and 0x91 means an international number.
Column 5: NOTIFICATION TO CALLING SUB a string, with a single value. Value: YES, (default) NONE.
Column 6: NOTIFICATION TO FORWARDING SUB, a string, with a single value. Value: YES, NO, (default) NONE.
Column 7: a numerical string, consisting of 1–2 digits, with a single value, (default) NONE.
Column 8: control of user, a string, with a single value. Value: YES, NO
Column 9: ofa id, a numerical string, with a single value. Value range:  0–65534
Column 10: with a single value, and indicating whether the forwarding number is in the country where the HPLMN is located. Value: YES, NO
Column 11: with a single value, and indicating whether the forwarding number is in the country where the VPLMN is located. Value: YES, NO
Column 12: with a single value, and indicating whether the forwarding number is an entertainment number. Value: YES, NO
Column 13: with a single value, and indicating whether the forwarding number is an information station number. Value: YES, NO
Column 14: with a single value, and indicating whether the forwarding number subscribes to the numbers after TIFCSI. Value: YES, NO
Column 15: with a single value, and indicating whether the CFD replaces the CFB service. Value: YES, NO
Column 16: with a single value, and indicating whether the CFD replaces the CFNRY service. Value: YES, NO
Column 17: with a single value, and indicating whether the CFD replaces the CFNRC service. Value: YES, NO .When values of column 15, column 16 and column 17 are all NO, the CFD can replace any CCF.
Column 18: with a single value, and indicating whether the CFD service is delivered when the user roams internationally. Value: YES, NO
Column 19: with a single value, and indicating whether the Ftn Number is a short Ftn Number. Value: YES, NO
Column 20: with a single value, and indicating whether the Ftn Number is a voice mail service number.


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