
We are so proud of Mecanim, Unity’s super flexible animation system. But we’re equally in awe of all the amazing work that the Asset Store publishers put in, so that you as a developer can just drag and drop to get your characters moving.

我们为Unity超灵活的动画系统Mecanim感到骄傲。 但是,我们同样对Asset Store发布者所做的所有出色工作都感到敬畏,因此您作为开发人员可以拖放以使角色移动。

They capture all imaginable movements, from breakdancing, throwing enchantments or swinging a katana to sitting and drinking coffee. We picked a few assets that are really well-rated and popular among their users, but could use a little extra attention. Browse these hidden treasures to find new ways to get your game moving faster and cheaper!

他们捕捉了所有可以想象到的动作,从霹雳舞,投掷结界或挥舞武士刀到坐下来喝咖啡。 我们选择了一些在用户中确实受到好评并很受欢迎的资产,但可以多加注意。 浏览这些隐藏的宝藏,以找到使游戏运行更快,更便宜的新方法!

Proportional Studios – Props Animations


This is a must have, if your game has any moving characters, which, let’s face it, it probably has. It has over 470 animations to date and if what you need isn’t in there, the publisher will add it to the asset at no extra costs. Proportional Studios are really a bunch of proper pros – the reviews point out that the support goes out of its way to help you get the most of this package.

这是必须具备的,如果您的游戏中有任何动人的角色,那就让我们面对现实吧。 迄今为止,它已拥有470多种动画,如果您所需的动画不在其中,发布者将免费将其添加到资产中。 比例工作室确实是一群合适的专业人士-评论指出,这种支持将竭尽全力帮助您充分利用此配套。

Kubold – Movement Animset Pro

Kubold –运动动画集专业版

A set of high quality motion capture animations, optimized for seamless third person perspective character movement. You need to have a good idea about scripting and mecanim in general, but if you have the basics covered, this is the asset that will help you level up. Have fun with the demo below!

一组高质量的动作捕捉动画,针对无缝的第三人称视角角色移动进行了优化。 通常,您需要对脚本和mecanim有所了解,但是如果您具有基本知识,那么这是可以帮助您升级的资产。 享受下面的演示!

Mister Necturus – Soldier Animation Collection


Get a full model of a soldier with 54 animation clips to get him moving and shooting exactly the way you want. Includes Root motion data used by Mecanim.

使用54个动画剪辑获取士兵的完整模型,以使其完全按照自己的方式移动和射击。 包括Mecanim使用的根运动数据。

Gear Worx Productions – FPS Character Animation Pack

Gear Worx Productions – FPS角色动画包

This is a really comprehensive package of movements that covers all possible shooting/running/climbing combos. It has a sample character, which shows initial setup for weapon placement and joint hierarchy. Plus it’s super neatly organized. Altogether, it will save you a ridiculous amount of time that you can instead spend making your shooter into something special.

这是一个非常全面的动作包,涵盖了所有可能的射击/跑步/攀爬组合。 它有一个示例字符,显示了武器放置和关节层次的初始设置。 另外,它超级整洁。 总而言之,它将为您节省大量的时间,而您可以花一些时间使射手成为一件特别的事情。

McAnimation – Survival Shooter Animation Pack

McAnimation –生存射击动画包

Surviving is hard. Making a survival shooter game even harder. So why don’t you make your game dev work and your life in general easier by getting a great package of animations along with a handy “Getting Started” doc and an overview of frame-ranges?

生存很难。 使生存射击游戏变得更加困难。 那么,为什么不通过获取大量动画以及方便的“入门”文档和帧范围概述来使您的游戏开发人员工作和总体上更轻松呢?

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2014/04/10/assets-for-animation-awesomeness/



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