


    public static void writeEvent(int code, Object... list) {getReporter().report(code, list);}


Aosp android-11

添加 libcore/luni/src/main/java/libcore/util/EventCallback.java
添加 libcore/luni/src/main/java/libcore/util/EventTag.java


metalava detected access to files that are not explicitly specified. See /data00/home/liuzhuangzhuang.das/work/aosp_sunfish/aosp/out/soong/.intermediates/frameworks/base/api-stubs-docs/android_common/api-stubs-docs-violations.txt for details.
$************************************************************\nYour API changes are triggering API Lint warnings or errors.\nTo make these errors go away, fix the code according to the\nerror and/or warning messages above.\n\nIf it is not possible to do so, there are workarounds:\n\n1. You can suppress the errors with @SuppressLint("<id>")\n2. You can update the baseline by executing the following\n   command:\n       cp \\\n       "/data00/home/liuzhuangzhuang.das/work/aosp_sunfish/aosp$/out/soong/.intermediates/frameworks/base/api-stubs-docs/android_common/api_lint_baseline.txt" \\\n       "/data00/home/liuzhuangzhuang.das/work/aosp_sunfish/aosp$/frameworks/base/api/lint-baseline.txt"\n   To submit the revised baseline.txt to the main Android\n   repository, you will need approval.\n************************************************************\n
18:05:51 ninja failed with: exit status 1


API Lint

Metalava can optionally run warn about various API problems based on the Android
API Council’s guidelines, described in go/android-api-guidelines.

These rules are not always exact. For example, you should avoid using acronyms
in names; e.g. a method should be named handleUri, not handleURI. But what about
getZOrder? This is probably better than getZorder, but metalava can’t tell
without consulting a dictionary.

Therefore, there are cases where you want to say “ok, that’s good advice in
general, but wrong here”. In order to avoid having this warningshow up again
and again, there are two ways to mark an issue such that it is no longer

(Note that metalava will not report issues on classes, methods and fields that
are deprecated since these are presumably already known to be bad and are already

Suppressing with @Suppress

Next to an error message, metalava will include the issue id. For example,
here’s a sample error message:

src/android/pkg/MyStringImpl.java:3: error: Don't expose your implementation details: MyStringImpl ends with Impl [EndsWithImpl]

Here the id is “EndsWithImpl”. You can suppress this with the @SuppressLint

import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
public class MyStringImpl {...

Suppressing with baselines

Metalava also has support for “baselines”, which are files which record all the
current warnings and errors in the codebase. When metalava runs, it looks up the
baseline to see if a given issue is already listed in the baseline, and if so,
it is silently ignored.

You can pass a flag to metalava ("–update-baseline") to tell it to update the
baseline files with any new errors it comes across instead of reporting
them. With soong, if you specify the baseline explicitly, like this:

--- a/Android.bp
+++ b/Android.bp
@@ -1678,6 +1678,7 @@ droidstubs {},api_lint: {enabled: true,==>  baseline_filename: "api/baseline.txt", <==}jdiff_enabled: true,}

then the build system will automatically supply --update-baseline on your
behalf to a generated file in the out/ folder, and if there’s a failure metalava
will tell you where to find the updated baseline which you can then copy into

93 new API lint issues were found. See tools/metalava/API-LINT.md for how to handle these.
Your API changes are triggering API Lint warnings or errors.
To make these errors go away, you have two choices:1. You can suppress the errors with @SuppressLint("<id>")
2. You can update the baseline by executing the followingcommand:cp \out/soong/.intermediates/frameworks/base/system-api-stubs-docs/android_common/api/system-baseline.txt \frameworks/base/api/system-baseline.txtTo submit the revised baseline.txt to the main Androidrepository, you will need approval.

Then re-run the build and you should now see diffs to the baseline file; git
diff to make sure you’re really only marking the issues you intended to include.

$ git status
Untracked files:(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)baseline.txt

Copying File Manually

In the near future the build system will not allow source files to be modified
by the build. At that point you’ll need to manually copy in the file instead.
During the build, before failing, metalava will emit a message like this:

metalava wrote updated baseline to out/something/baseline.txt

At that point you can copy the file to where you need:

$ cp out/something/baseline.txt frameworks/base/api/baseline.txt

Existing Issues

You can view the exact set of existing issues (current APIs that get flagged by
API lint) by inspecting the baseline files in the source tree, but to get a
sense of the types of issues that are more likely to have a false positive,
here’s the existing distribution as of early 2019:

Count Issue Id                       Rule Severity
--------------------------------------------------932 ProtectedMember                M7   error321 OnNameExpected                      warning288 ArrayReturn                         warning269 ActionValue                    C4   error266 NoByteOrShort                  FW12 warning221 ExecutorRegistration           L1   warning211 AllUpper                       C2   error206 GetterSetterNames              M6   error185 BannedThrow                         error172 SamShouldBeLast                     warning159 NoClone                             error159 ParcelNotFinal                 FW8  error119 NotCloseable                        warning105 ListenerLast                   M3   warning81 ConcreteCollection             CL2  error78 StaticUtils                         error76 IntentName                     C3   error74 VisiblySynchronized            M5   error72 GenericException               S1   error65 KotlinOperator                      warning57 AcronymName                    S1   warning55 ParcelCreator                  FW3  error54 ParcelConstructor              FW3  error53 UseIcu                              warning48 Enum                           F5   error41 RethrowRemoteException         FW9  error37 AutoBoxing                     M11  error35 StreamFiles                    M10  warning28 IntentBuilderName              FW1  warning27 ServiceName                    C4   error26 ListenerInterface              L1   error25 ContextFirst                   M3   error25 InterfaceConstant              C4   error24 CallbackInterface              CL3  error24 RegistrationName               L3   error23 IllegalStateException          S1   warning22 EqualsAndHashCode              M8   error22 PackageLayering                FW6  warning18 MinMaxConstant                 C8   warning18 SingletonConstructor                error17 MethodNameUnits                     error15 MissingBuildMethod                  warning15 UserHandleName                      warning14 UserHandle                          warning13 ResourceFieldName                   error12 ManagerLookup                       error11 ManagerConstructor                  error9 CallbackMethodName             L1   error9 ParcelableList                      warning8 CallbackName                   L1   warning7 HeavyBitSet                         error7 ResourceValueFieldName         C7   error6 CompileTimeConstant                 error6 SetterReturnsThis              M4   warning4 EndsWithImpl                        error4 TopLevelBuilder                     warning4 UseParcelFileDescriptor        FW11 error3 MentionsGoogle                      error3 StartWithLower                 S1   error2 AbstractInner                       warning2 BuilderSetStyle                     warning2 OverlappingConstants           C1   warning2 PairedRegistration             L2   error2 SingularCallback               L1   error2 StartWithUpper                 S1   error1 ContextNameSuffix              C4   error1 KotlinKeyword                       error

(This is generated when metalava is invoked with both --verbose and --update-baseline.)



尝试使用第二种方法(update the baseline),发现依然报错

cp "/data00/home/liuzhuangzhuang.das/work/aosp_sunfish/aosp$/out/soong/.intermediates/frameworks/base/api-stubs-docs/android_common/api_lint_baseline.txt" "/data00/home/liuzhuangzhuang.das/work/aosp_sunfish/aosp$/frameworks/base/api/lint-baseline.txt


--api-lint-ignore-prefix android.icu. --api-lint-ignore-prefix java. --api-lint-ignore-prefix junit. --api-lint-ignore-prefix org.  --api-lint prebuilts/sdk/30/public/api/android-non-updatable.txt



metalava_framework_docs_args = "--manifest $(location core/res/AndroidManifest.xml) " +"--ignore-classes-on-classpath " +"--hide-package com.android.server " +"--error UnhiddenSystemApi " +"--hide RequiresPermission " +"--hide CallbackInterface " +"--hide MissingPermission --hide BroadcastBehavior " +"--hide HiddenSuperclass --hide DeprecationMismatch --hide UnavailableSymbol " +"--hide SdkConstant --hide HiddenTypeParameter --hide Todo --hide Typo " +"--force-convert-to-warning-nullability-annotations +*:-android.*:+android.icu.*:-dalvik.* " +"--api-lint-ignore-prefix android.icu. " +"--api-lint-ignore-prefix java. " +"--api-lint-ignore-prefix junit. " +"--api-lint-ignore-prefix org. " +"--api-lint-ignore-prefix libcore.util. "

然后又报错了(apilist flag问题)

安卓P之后谷歌定义了api的级别,blacklist, greylist, whitelist等。


/*** @hide*/
public class EventCallback {.........









package libcore.util;import android.compat.annotation.UnsupportedAppUsage;/*** @hide*/
public class EventCallback {private static volatile Callback sImpl = null;private EventCallback() {}/*** Used to replace default Reporter for logging events. Must be non-null.*/@UnsupportedAppUsage@libcore.api.CorePlatformApipublic static void setCallback(@NonNull Callback callback) {if (callback == null) {throw new NullPointerException("callback == null");}EventCallback.sImpl = callback;}@libcore.api.CorePlatformApipublic static interface Callback {@UnsupportedAppUsage@libcore.api.CorePlatformApipublic void onEvent(int code, @NonNull String method, @Nullable Object...objs);}@UnsupportedAppUsage@libcore.api.CorePlatformApipublic static void onEvent(int code, @NonNull String method, @Nullable Object... objs) {if (sImpl != null) {sImpl.onEvent(code, method, objs);}}


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